

The CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective (CWC) is a decentralized anarchist collective comprised of many cells that act independently in pursuit of a freer world.

Iscrizione a maggio 2008


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    3 ago 2017

    Our new books are finally available, both in print and as PDFs! No Wall They Can Build & From Democracy to Freedom

  2. 5 ore fa

    Countdown to STEAL SOMETHING FROM WORK DAY 2019! Announcing a brand-new website presenting first-person narratives, interviews, educational materials, and analysis about why people steal from their workplaces. April 15 is STEAL SOMETHING FROM WORK DAY!

  3. 7 ore fa

    IGD is an essential resource for anarchist organizing in North America. Please help them continue to play their role in the infrastructure of our movements.

  4. 8 apr

    Fixed: Those of you who feel drawn to the siren song of government, be careful what you wish for. Government is not the road to freedom. Government is the road to state control, duh. And it grows in the soil of censorship. But socialism minus government = anarchism. Much better!

  5. 8 apr

    148 years ago, armed participants in the Paris Commune burned the guillotine. Here's why we should too. "Fetishizing the guillotine is like fetishizing the state—it means celebrating an instrument of murder that will always be used chiefly against us."

  6. 7 apr
    Mostra questa discussione
  7. 7 apr

    Whoever it was that posted images of migrant children who have died in Border Patrol custody around a "museum" [propaganda facility] celebrating the oppressive violence of the US Border Patrol, we consider them courageous heroes. Solidarity!

    Mostra questa discussione
  8. 5 apr

    Juzgar las ideas—el laboratorio represivo del Estado Presentamos a continuación una entrevista realizada a Nikos Romanos, anarquista de Grecia secuestrado por el Estado desde principios de 2013 tras una expropiación y condenado a más de 15 años de cárcel.

  9. 3 apr

    We also endorse the call to organize benefit events this month for groups doing frontline work against the violence of border enforcement, and look to May Day as a day of action against borders and all the harm they cause.

  10. 3 apr

    As promised, today we released the first episode of our serialized audio version of our book, No Wall They Can Build, drawing on a decade of solidarity work in the desert between Mexico and Arizona to uncover the true goals & costs of US border policy.

  11. 1 apr

    At long last, we present a new episode of our podcast, the Ex-Worker—introducing a serialized audio version of our book, No Wall They Can Build, & featuring an interview with a volunteer from No More Deaths about the situation at the border.

  12. 1 apr

    Polícia: Foto-Ensaio Sobre a Obediência Armada Nos 55 anos do golpe militar de 1964 no Brasil, não temos nada a comemorar. Mas jamais esquecemos toda/os que morreram lutando contra o autoritarismo e as desigualdades do Capitalismo.

  13. 1 apr

    Concernant le vrai visage des forces de l'ordre, nous vous proposons la version française de « La Police : Une Ethnographie, Un Photoreportage sur l'Obéissance Armée. » #1312

  14. 31 mar

    On this , don't forget Chelsea Manning, who is back in jail for refusing to cooperate with grand jury harassment. About grand juries: On trans rights and the military: From inclusion to resistance!

  15. 31 mar

    Mussolini's granddaughter uses "antifa" as an insult to describe those who support the Italian partisans who defended themselves against her mass-murdering grandfather. Fascism is on the rise in Italy again. Background on the current struggle against it:

  16. 27 mar

    While you scramble to make enough money to pay your way in a privatized world, corporations are filling the air you breathe with pollutants—offloading the costs of their profiteering onto you. The problem isn't just regulation—it's capitalism itself.

  17. 25 mar

    The outcome of the is just a foretaste of what will happen if Trump's opponents stake everything on the 2020 elections. To make real change, we need grassroots networks & direct action. To change everything:

  18. 24 mar

    The confirms that no government agency will deal with Trump for us. We have to do it ourselves. Against the politics of waiting: Why "the rule of law" won't save us: A guide to direct action:

  19. 24 mar

    Happy 100th birthday to anarchist poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti—who became a pacifist when the Navy sent him to Nagasaki after it was destroyed by an atomic bomb, who published Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" & fought the court case to make it publishable, who signals us through the flames.

  20. 23 mar

    The first confrontations are taking place in Paris now after the authorized / march for .

  21. 23 mar

    Our thoughts are with the / demonstrators in France today, where the military has been given a green light to shoot if that's what it takes to crush protests against capitalism. The state will take every freedom we don't defend.


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