Autonomous Action


Against authority, capital and the poverty of everyday life!

Beigetreten August 2010


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  1. 14. Feb.

    “Expressive Eyebrows”: russian anarchist Azat Miftakhov jailed after secret witness testifies: Anarchist Azat Miftakhov, a mathematics and mechanics graduate student at Moscow State University,  has been remanded in custody until March 7, 2019.

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  2. 4. Feb.

    Call for solidarity: another wave of arrests and torture against Russian anarchists: On February 1, 2019, officers of the FSB, the Russian state security apparatus descended from the KGB, arrested a dozen people in the latest wave of their campaign of…

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  3. 6. Dez. 2018

    Network Case Suspects Go on Hunger Strike: Dmitry Pchelintsev and Andrei Chernov, residents of Penza and suspects in the so-called Network case, have gone on hunger strike, claiming remand prison officials and FSB officers have intimidated them during…

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  4. 11. Nov. 2018

    Festival Father Frost against Putin 2019 to take place in January: Next year, 2019, the Father Frost against Putin-festival will once again take place in Helsinki.  From the 5th to the 6th of January you can join discussions about the state of affairs in…

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  5. 29. Okt. 2018

    Helsinki: Action of solidarity with the actions of the parents of the arrested russian antifascists was held on: October 28, 2018 in Helsinki in front of the Russian Embassy. 10 people took part in the action, mostly anti-fascists and anarchists from…

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  6. 15. Okt. 2018

    campaign statement about the accused: In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian…

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  7. 9. Sep. 2018

    Arman Sagynbayev: I Was Tortured by the FSB: Antifascist and anarchist Arman Sagynbayev, who was arrested and remanded in custody as part of the Penza-Petersburg “terrorism” case, had until recently admitted his guilt. On September 4, he withdrew his…

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  8. 9. Sep. 2018

    Solidarity week for anarchist prisoners in Helsinki: On August 25, 2018, in the frame of the 6th international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners, anarchists held several support events in Helsinki. At the multicultural festival “Puhos loves…

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  9. 5. Sep. 2018

    Presentation of the book by Dmitry Buchenkov "Falsification of criminal cases in modern Russia (on the example of the "Bolotnoye" case)": 8 September at 19.00 by local time in Riga (Latvia) in the library "Bolderaya", which is now in the center of the…

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  10. 5. Aug. 2018

    International call for action against nazi march in Turku, Finland 18.08.2018: On 18th of August the nazis of Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) have called a demonstration for ”freedom of speech” in Turku, Finland. NRM is organised in Sweden, Norway,…

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  11. 28. Juni 2018

    Antiauthoritarian summer camp  1.-5. August 2018 at Pirkanmaa: Welcome to the antiauthoritarian summer camp at Pirkanmaa nature. This is an invitation for everyone who is fighting for more equal, horizontal and just society. Or anyone who wants to join…

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  12. 12. Apr. 2018

    A New Face in Hell: Yuli Boyarshinov: A new defendant has been added to the case of the so-called Network, Petersburger Yuli Boyarshinov. In the following article, OVD Info reports what it knows about how Mr. Boyarshinov was charged in the case, and…

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  13. 6. Apr. 2018

    Tattoo Circus arrives to Helsinki third time!: Come to the Tattoo Circus 13-15.4 to support prisoners and get inked! Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (building 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

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  14. 25. März 2018

    18th March: anarchists all over the world at the forefront: 18th March, 2018 (election day in Russia) anarchists all over the world have become the main force who expressed the protest against Putin's political machine. It was supporters of direct…

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  15. 20. März 2018

    Support political prisoner - anarchist Evgeny Karakashev: We call for solidarity and support of Crimean anarchist Evgeny Karakashev. The collection of funds for the work of a lawyer and the payment of parcels is started.

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  16. 18. März 2018

    Solidarity action with the arrested anti-fascists and anarchists in Russia took place in Helsinki: On March 18, 2018, as part of an international solidarity campaign with Russian antifascists and anarchists, there was a protest in Helsinki near the…

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  17. 14. März 2018

    Ilya Kapustin: “When the Stamp Thudded in My Passport, It Was Like a Huge Weight Had Been Lifted from My Shoulders”: Russian Activist Ilya Kapustin, Seeking Asylum in Finland: “When the Stamp Thudded in My Passport, It Was Like a Huge Weight Had Been…

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  18. 12. März 2018

    Demonstration against torture in Helsinki: During the last months, Russian secret services have arrested several anarchists and antifascists. They were accused of conspiring to organize a “terrorist organization”. The arrested were tortured with electric…

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  19. 12. März 2018

    A call for solidarity from anarchists of Chelyabinsk, Russia.: A call of comrades from Chelyabinsk

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  20. 7. März 2018

    Correct link for the call for solidarity actions with Russian anarchists (in English):

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