Solidarity with the Russian anarchists and antifascists from Sofia, Bulgaria

We are Antifa Bulgaria/Антифа България and we would like to show our  solidarity with our Russian comrades, who are facing these  unbelievable mass repressions. We did an action in front of the Russian embassy today, 15th of March  - the International Day against Police Brutality. We were immediately  approached by the Gendarmerie, who were guarding the embassy and  subjected to an identity check.

We chose our big banner to be "FSB - THE MAIN TERRORIST", since  comrades in Chelyabinsk were facing charges for the same text on their  banner.

The cries of torture are cries for freedom.

No comrade in the hands of the state!

No to torture and police repression!

Freedom for Russian anarchists and antifascists!

Our hearts go out to you!

From Sofia, Bulgaria -

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