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Articles that link to audio recordings

Outdoors In Miami

Florida University Department Labor Studies event 2008On the last day of March 2008 I crossed the border from Canada to the US on a freezing early spring day and boarded a plane at Buffalo.  A few hours late I emerged into the +30c temperatures of Miami.  This was the start of the final and longest phase of my speaking tour which was to take my through Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon and California. Two years and one day have passed since the Miami meeting and its time to update that blog with what I can recall.  I'm leaving the original blog untouched at the end of this update as it was one of the few written at the time with any substance.

The Other America - MP3 Tales from the NE Anarchist Movement

New Jersey I spent the last month Greyhounding around the USA speaking about anarchism in Ireland. Fourteen cities, 20+ meetings in thirty days in cities with populations from thirty thousand to over eight million. On my travels I used the opportunity to record interviews with many of the local anarchists who were organizing the meetings which I edited on the bus and posted to once I hit my next wi-fi signal. I've collated these interviews below, over two hours of audio in all.



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