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Anarchist FAQ author

Reply to errors and distortions in David McNally's pamphlet "Socialism from Below"

Reply to errors and distortions in David McNally's pamphlet "Socialism from Below"

Appendix : Anarchism and Marxism

Appendix : Anarchism and Marxism

J.7 What do anarchists mean by "social revolution"?

J.7 What do anarchists mean by social revolution?

J.6 What methods of child rearing do anarchists advocate?

J.6 What methods of child rearing do anarchists advocate?

J.5 What alternative social organisations do anarchists create?

J.5 What alternative social organisations do anarchists create?

Anarchism is all about "do it yourself": people helping each other out in order to secure a good society to live within and to protect, extend and enrich their personal freedom. As such anarchists are keenly aware of the importance of building alternatives to both capitalism and the state in the here and now. Only by creating practical alternatives can we show that anarchism is a viable possibility and train ourselves in the techniques and responsibilities of freedom:

J.4 What trends in society aid anarchist activity?

J.4 What trends in society aid anarchist activity?

In this section we will examine some modern trends which we regard as being potential openings for anarchists to organise and which point in an anarchist direction. These trends are of a general nature, partly as a product of social struggle, partly as a response to economic and social crisis, partly involving people's attitudes to big government and big business, partly in relation to the communications revolution we are currently living through, and so on.

J.3 What kinds of organisation do anarchists build?

J.3 What kinds of organisation do anarchists build?

J.2 What is direct action?

J.2 What is direct action?

Direct action, to use Rudolf Rocker's words, is "every method of immediate warfare by the workers [or other sections of society] against their economic and political oppressors. Among these the outstanding are: the strike, in all its graduations from the simple wage struggle to the general strike; the boycott; sabotage in all its countless forms; anti-militarist propaganda, and in particularly critical cases . . . armed resistance of the people for the protection of life and liberty." [Anarcho-Syndicalism, p. 78]

J.1 Are anarchists involved in social struggles?

J.1 Are anarchists involved in social struggles?

J.0 Section J Introduction

Section J - What do anarchists do?


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