
The Lost Fifth Volume of Conceived in Liberty

03/20/2019Mises Wire
Murray Rothbard was a genius. One aspect of this was his writing as an American historian. He was every bit as significant a scholar here as he was as an economist and philosopher.
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Liberty vs. War: A Brief History

Free MarketsWar and Foreign PolicyWorld HistoryInterventionism

5 hours agoMises Daily Articles
To restore liberty in our age, we must build genuinely private enterprises and independent institutions.
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The High Cost of Mandatory Paid Parental Leave

Bureaucracy and RegulationLabor and Wages

Blog8 hours ago

Mandatory parental leave imposes costs on employees who don't qualify for leave, and on the employers themselves — driving down demand for workers, and raising unemployment. 

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Will the Trade War End in a Rural Bloodbath?

Protectionism and Free TradeTaxes and Spending


Trump's high-tax trade policies have been a disaster for agriculture in the United States, marked by rising suicide among farmers, and declining incomes for farming households.

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The Data Don't Speak for Themselves


Problems with data are yet another reason why empirical science is never “settled.”

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The "State of Nature" Is a State of Poverty

World HistoryHistory of the Austrian School of EconomicsInterventionismOther Schools of Thought

03/23/2019Mises Daily Articles
There is a persistent myth that capitalism has destroyed what would have been a natural abundance and peace of mind. Yet nature does not generate abundance or peace. The characteristic mark of the "state of nature" is irreconcilable conflict.
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Decades of Transit Trouble on New York's Subways


Although the subway was never totally private, the history of government's expanded role in running the system has been a history of higher fares and worse service. 

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What Did the Founders Mean by "Invasion"?

U.S. History


The US Constitution doesn't mention immigration regulation as a federal power. So some have tried to redefine immigration as "invasion." It's an unconvincing claim.

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Climate Change Activist Admits: Being Green "Requires the End of Capitalism"


Anti-climate-change schemes will hit people in the developing world hardest. And when it comes to dealing with an uncertain future, poorer parts of the world are the places that will need fossil-fuel-powered technologies and capital most.

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