Sacramento Reportback!

Two boneheads decide to leave their rally a little early after being persuaded to do so either by Sacto antifa or by their own bleeding skulls.

Statement from Anti-Fascist Action Sacramento:

Today in Sacramento, Anti-Fascist Action in conjunction with hundreds of fellow Anti-Fascists from near and far successfully shut down the Traditionalist Worker’s Party (TWP) attempt to hold a white supremacist rally on the capitol. Protestors took and held the west steps, preventing the fascists from being able to reach their rally destination.

TWP chairman Matthew Heimbach skipped out on the rally despite making previous plans to attend, opting instead to send his footmen out to do his dirty-work. Two lone bigots briefly made their way to an adjacent side, where one of them sieg heiled on the Capitol steps. Despite the circumstances, the fascist thugs celebrate their poorly coordinated and executed “mobilization” of around 20 people as a victory, solely on the grounds that they injured more people than their opposition did.

Our victory did not come without consequence, and several have been hurt. So far we know of 6 comrades who have been injured to a degree that required hospitalization. Our next step is to provide support for those who sustained injuries during the shutdown, as well as legal support as needed. If you want to help the brave souls who put their well-being on the line today to keep neo-Nazis and white supremacists out of our streets, we ask that you make a donation to our support fund.

Statement from an antifa on the scene:

“So, at the rally, there were over 400 antifa and rumors of as little as 20 Nazis to as many as 150. But no one knew ‘cuz the police had them locked inside a secure room so we could t get to them. I only saw ten at the most.

7 people were stabbed. From what I heard all of them are going to be okay. One was a lady who didn’t even have a flag she was just shouting and they came up and stabbed her. And an old lady was hit in the head by a Nazi with a wooden flag. In an interview released shortly after, members of the Traditionalist National Party or something said they "will fight with honor so our kids don’t need to.” Where is the honor in stabbing people who aren’t attacking you?

Some of the people who attacked them were stabbed but the Nazis ran to their cars and got guns but didn’t use them. Me and about ten other guys ran after them and one begged us to leave them. LOL. Honor? And one guy socked me in the head and then ran, and man he hits like a little bitch. What cowards.

They are so honorable that they ran when they had knives and we had sticks. The Nazis never had their rally. We shut it down. We are not there to play “heroes” or pretend to be tough or edgy. We are there because we know these guys are dangerous and we don’t want them to recruit more people. We don’t want fence sitters to be drawn into ignorance, fear, and racism.

These neo Nazis stabbed 7 people. They came with knives and a backup plan to dispose of them as well as organize a get away. The police did not follow them. We did. I was there. The cops protected and escorted the Nazis and the Nazis stabbed 7 people. We showed up to prevent more people from being brainwashed and drawn into such hateful groups that stab lesbians and hit old ladies. The Traditionalist Workers Party are a bunch of cowards who commit acts of terror on civilians who oppose racism.”