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MUA fight for code of safety practice to workers

CPA Trade Union Forum on “Should workers struggle?”

“Should workers struggle?” was the theme of a meeting of trade union and Communist Party activists held in Sydney towards the end of 2011. The following are two of the speeches given.

Malcolm Tulloch (video)

Malcolm Tulloch (text)

“Struggle and working class history” by Malcolm Tulloch, NSW state secretary of the Construction and General Division of the CFMEU.

Elizabeth el Sayer (text)

“For unity in struggle” (abridged) by Elizabeth el Sayer, trade union activist.

An Industrial Relations System for Working People


Download the party’s industrial relations booklet here.

Abolish the ABCC

The Construction Division of the CFMEU and its members have been fined over $6 million in the courts in the past two years. Their crime? Taking action to defend workplace health safety and ensure workers receive their legal entitlements. Every day, innocent trade unionists and their officials are being hounded, spied on, and subjected to intimidation by the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and the employers it protects.

Take action!

Send a letter to Prime Minister Gillard demanding the abolition of the ABCC.

Download this sample letter.

Add your own details and cut and paste it into Gillard’s feed-back form.

Workers’ rights

Industrial Relations Campaign – a brief run down

Guardian articles:

09-06-2010: Trade union rights on trial – NO JAIL FOR ARK JOIN THE PROTESTS

24-03-2010: Right of entry – Rudd govt’s restrictive anti-union laws

05-08-2009: Labor recycles the ABCC – Building unions maintain the struggle

01-07-2009: Repeal the Act, dismantle the ABCC

24-06-2009: ABCC: Laying bare Labor’s pro-employer position

17-06-2009: Message on the ABCC is clear – Abolish the anti-union body NOW!

26-11-2008: Don’t let Noel go to jail! – in support of Noel Washington

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