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Cuban 5

Discover The Five

This is the story of the Cuban Five, five men in US prisons. The five who? Cuba? Let’s start at the beginning. You know Cuba is an island off the coast of Florida. The people there made a revolution in 1959 and the US government broke diplomatic relations.

16 years is too long – Free the Cuban Five

Published on Sep 16, 2014: Australia-Cuba Friendship Society members express solidarity with the campaign to free the Cuban Five on the 16th anniversary of their incarceration.

Radio Cuban 5 Online is Born!

Check out the first interview with Alicia Jrapko of the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5; She talks with me about the newest campaign to free the Cuban 5: Obama Give Me Five!


Due to the US government’s denial to approve visas, Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo and Rene Gonzalez Sehwerert have not seen their wives since their incarceration!! Others in the Cuban 5 have not seen their parents, wives and children with regularity. The US government has taken prolonged periods of time to issue them visas.

The US government’s denial of visitation rights is a cruel and horrible form of psychological torture. Their rationale for denial is ridiculous and baseless; none of these family members are a threat to national security.

We are asking people to fax or mail out this letter to Ms. Navanetham Pillay, The NEW High Commissioner of Human Rights of the Office for Human Rights-United Nations Office at Geneva. We are asking her to intercede on behalf of the Cuban 5’s mothers/wives to pressure the US government to grant them VISAs to visit their husbands/sons!!


Sign it and mail/fax to:
Ms. Navanetham Pillay,
High Commissioner of Human Rights Office
of the High Commissioner for Human Rights-
United Nations Office at Geneva
8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Fax: + 41 22 917 9011

Protest in Sydney against attack on Gaza

Carolus Wimmer speaks to the Australian Latin American community (in Spanish)

Carolus Wimmer is a Deputy in the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), the editor of a discussion journal called Debate Abierto (Open Debate), host of a weekly current affairs radio program, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Venezuela and the Party’s secretary for international relations.

Some thoughts from Carolus Wimmer at the end of his Australian tour (in English)

A book about Australia’s radical history

Free digital edition of Bertha Walker’s 1972 book Solidarity Forever!

The book provides detailed accounts of many of the radical and socialist struggles in Australia in the early 20th century.

Go to the web site or download PDF version (Approximately 10 MB so it may take awhile to download. Preface includes background material from website.)


Statement from INSPP re peace process in Colombia

Statement from International Network in Solidarity with Colombia's Political Prisoners (INSPP) re peace process in Colombia. (14-09-2012)

Do Colombia and the US want war in South America?

Uribe's Colombia Destabilising Latin America

Slandering Chavez and the FARC

Death of a Colombian Guerrilla Leader

Greeting from Liliany Obando to Australian trade union movement

Liliany Obando, political prisoner from Colombia recently released on bail, thanking the Australian trade union movement and the CFMEU WA in particular for their solidarity during her long imprisonement.

International Womens Day


Women marched throughout Perth CBD to celebrate 100 years of the first IWD march. Protesters called for justice and pay equality. Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (Perth) secretary, Elizabeth addressed the gathering. (08-03-2011)


Uprising in Egypt Rally


Warren Smith talks outside the Egyptian Consulate, Sydney CBD. (31-01-2011)


Global Economic Crisis

Guardian Articles

16-09-2009: Corporate recovery without people’s recovery?

29-07-2009: UN sets big agenda for economic crisis action

22-07-2009: Super funds used to bail out corporate crisis

10-06-2009: Never mind the economic spin – The recession is very real

03-06-2009: Alternative Budget: Recovery for the people

27-05-2009: The cyclical crisis of capitalism – Who is to pay for the “recovery”?

29-04-2009: Economic crisis – act now for a working class solution


CPA - Global Economic Crisis Leaflet






Zionists doing to Palestinians
what the Nazis did to the Jews

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