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Source: Book published by Victor Gollancz, London, 1933. Scanned and prepared for the Marxist Internet Archive by Paul Flewers.
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Document archive of Ernest Erber
David Walters shared a link.
23 July 2019: Added to the Burmese section, two works by V. I. Lenin:
📷 (1895)
[Thanks to Marxist.comand to The Spectre]
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Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz nasceu a 13 de agosto de 1926 em Birán, antiga província cubana de Oriente. Seu pai, Ángel Castro Argiz, filho de camponeses pobres da Galiza, era latifundiário e colono canavieiro. Sua mãe, Lina Ruz González, procedia de uma família camponesa da província de Pinar...
David Walters shared a link.
19 July 2019: Added to the Portuguese Eduardo Galeano Archive:
As Guerras Mentem, 2005
[Thanks to and Fernando Araújo]
"— Mas o motivo... –indagou o senhor Duval. — Um homem não mata por nada. — O motivo? –respondeu Ellery, encolhendo os ombros. — O senhor já conhece o motivo". Ellery Queen. Aventuras na Mansão das Trevas.
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18 July 2019: Added to the Irish Marxist Review Archive:
John Molyneux: Editorial (2012)
Sinéad Kennedy: Crisis in the Eurozone – Between Austerity and Default (2012)
Brian O'Boyle: Keynesianism and the Crisis (2012)
John Molyneux: In Defence of Leninism (2012)...
Madeleine Johansson: Sweden’s welfare state, myths and realities – a Marxist analysis of the ‘Nordic (2012)
Martin Empson: Fiddling while Rome burns, a report from Rio (2012)
David Brancaleone: Alain Badiou’s Theory of Revolutionary Change (2012)
Paul O’Brien: Sean O’Casey – A Politician who couldn’t help being a Writer, by (2012)
Brian Kelly: The Point is to Change It! (book review) (2012)
Peadar O'Grady: Political Corruption in Ireland (book review) (2012)
John Molyneux: Editorial (2012)
Kieran Allen: How The Rich Wage a Class War (2012)
Sinéad Kennedy: Prostitution – The New ‘Abolitionism’ (2012)
Tina MacVeigh: Can a Meritocratic Education System Deliver Equality? (2012)
Dave O'Farrell: The Politics of Evolution (2012)
Sara O'Rourke: Racism in Ireland – From Boom to Bust by (2012)
John Lyons: 100 Years of the Ulster Covenant (2012)
Pat O'Sullivan: William Thompson – The First Irish Socialist, by (2012)
Fiona Boyd: Personal Distress, Social Conditions and Mental Health Care (book review) (2012)
John Molyneux: A People’s History of the Second World War (book review) (2012)
[All articles are also available in PDF format. All articles copyright © Irish Marxist Review unless otherwise stated.]
[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan, John Molyneux, Memet Uludag & Irish Marxist Review]
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Irish Marxist Review (2012– )
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Pseudônimo de Aleksj Maximovic Peskov, escritor russo cuja obra tem um forte cunho social. Ingressou no Partido Bolchevique em 1905 e ajudou a organizar o primeiro jornal legal do partido. Preso por participar de motim popular após ser solto emigrou para a Itália aonde organizou uma escola de pro...
David Walters shared a link.
— A ausência de nacionalismo na China. — Diferença entre nacionalidade ou raça e o Estado. — Fatores no desenvolvimento de uma raça: sangue, língua comum, subsistência comum, religião comum, hábitos comuns. — A raça chinesa é homogênea, mas não unida. — Perigos para a raça chi...
David Walters shared a link.
David Walters shared a link.