How do charities receive money from donations made to PayPal Giving Fund?
PayPal Giving Fund is a registered charity that operates in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. PayPal Giving Fund raises funds for charity and distributes money to eligible charitable organizations in those countries.
Your donation is distributed according to the policies of PayPal Giving Fund Australia, PayPal Giving Fund Canada or PayPal Giving Fund United Kingdom, depending on where the organization you're supporting is located.
Charity eligibility
Any organizations with a verifiable charitable status in Australia, Canada or the United Kingdom can apply to enroll in PayPal Giving Fund. Charities can benefit from donations made on Facebook if their charitable status and eligibility can be confirmed from publicly available sources or the charity is enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund.
You can enroll your Australian, Canadian or UK charity with PayPal Giving Fund free of charge to receive money from donations more quickly.
Timeline for fund distribution
The schedule for distributing funds to charities depends on whether the charity is enrolled directly with PayPal Giving Fund.
  • Charities enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund will receive money raised within 45 days of the original donation on Facebook. Payouts are issued around the end of each month.
  • Charities that aren't enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund will have the money raised distributed to them by online payment or check within 90 days of receiving a donation.
  • This doesn't happen often, but if for some reason PayPal Giving Fund can't fund the charity you recommend, they will reach out to you before reassigning the funds to a similar cause. Learn more details about donations in the policies for Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Note: When you donate on Facebook in support of a charitable organization, Facebook covers all processing fees so that 100% of your donation goes to charity.
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