Monthly Review


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    7. 7. 2018

    Albert Einstein's classic essay, "Why Socialism?," originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949). It was subsequently published in May 1998 to commemorate the first issue of MR‘s fiftieth year.

  2. 10. 4.

    The 14th Newsletter from @the_tricontinental: "A week before Lula’s first anniversary in prison, Brazil had to go through the trauma of the 55th anniversary of the ‘day that lasted 21 years’. Bolsonaro" chose to celebrate the military coup.

  3. 9. 4.

    "The top 4 banks that invested most heavily in fossil fuel projects are all based in the US… JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, & Bank of America. Royal Bank of Canada, Barclays, MUFG-Japan, TD Bank, Scotiabank, & Mizuho" round out the top 10

  4. 9. 4.

    "As we contemplate the ongoing decline of British trade unions,… the Independent Workers of Great Britain () and United Voices of the World () point towards an alternative way of organising, fighting—and winning." By

  5. 8. 4.

    Ricardo Vaz: "At the time of writing, electricity has been restored to at least parts of most Venezuelan states, although the service remains very unstable" .

  6. 8. 4.
  7. 8. 4.

    New this week! Kyung-Pil Kim provides a history of Chaebols, along with a contemporary political economic critique of crisis tendencies inherent to recent Chaebol development.

  8. 8. 4.
  9. 8. 4.

    MR author Henry A. Giroux on fascism: "the case can be made that rather than harbor an element of truth, [the liberal narrative] further normalizes the very fascism it critiques, allowing the extraordinary and implausible to become ordinary" .

  10. 8. 4.
  11. 4. 4.

    "Capitalism, a fundamentally competitive economic system, is organised in competing national states." While the EU is seen as an exception "the wave of far-right extremism" sweeping across Europe "is one indication that this is an illusion"

  12. 4. 4.
  13. 4. 4.

    Tony Norfield shares his presentation slides from a March 30, 2019 talk at the Rethinking Economics conference in London (Greenwich University).

  14. 3. 4.

    While this piece by Alfred de Zayas () was written a year ago, it is most certainly still relevant today. —Eds

  15. 3. 4.

    Marco Teruggi: "After two months, the images are clear: Chavismo has maintained its capacity for mobilization, while the right wing is in the process of losing what it had managed to regain on January 23."

  16. 3. 4.

    Dossier 14 on the Amazon, "researched & written by the Brazilian office of the" @the_tricontinental. "The team in São Paulo benefited greatly from input by Professor Edna Castro, an expert in neo-extractivism, and by Luiz Zarref, MST National Coordination"

  17. 3. 4.

    Glen Ford: "With Mueller’s 'no collusion' verdict, Trump can claim to have been vindicated…, but there will be no respite for the real left—not to be confused with the phony 'resistance' that has run on Kremlin-hate for the past 2 years."

  18. 2. 4.
  19. 2. 4.
  20. 2. 4.
  21. 1. 4.

    New this week! This interview looks at the future of socialism from the Eastern European situation in the second half of the 20th century— from political lessons of 1968 & battles within the Hungarian Socialist Party to the relevance of Lenin’s Marxism.


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