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Opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who has declared himself president of Venezuela, greets a crowd. Christian Hernandez/EFE/Zuma Press
Latin America Latin America

U.S. Push to Oust Venezuela’s Maduro Marks First Shot in Plan to Reshape Latin America

The Trump administration’s broader aim is to gain leverage over Cuba and curb recent inroads in the region by Russia, Iran and China

Opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who has declared himself president of Venezuela, greets a crowd. Christian Hernandez/EFE/Zuma Press

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration’s attempt to force out the president of Venezuela marked the opening of a new strategy to exert greater U.S. influence over Latin America, according to administration officials.

In sight isn’t just Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro, but also Cuba, an antagonist that has dominated American attention in the region for more than 50 years, as well as recent inroads made by Russia, China and Iran.
