Witness Statement about G20 Death

Tagged as: death g20 statement tomlinson witnesses
Neighbourhoods: bank cornhill london
Published by group: GroupIndymedia London

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Interview with two eyewitnesses of the events preceding the death of Ian Tomlinson, the man who died during anti G20 protests in the City of London on the 1st of April.

They can be contacted through this press liasion email: g20witnesses@gmail.com

Read statement.

This video is also available on Current, Blip and YouTube


Anyone with information they believe may help clarify the circumstances surrounding the death during the demonstrations should, as soon as possible, write a full statement and contact the Climate Camp Legal Team: legal [at] climatecamp [dot] org [dot] uk



I've seen protesters helping injured cops on previous demos and good on them for it. We don't let people go without medical attention - it goes against everything we stand for.


I had a broken wrist, and was told by police there was no medical attention available for the protesters. I was allowed to leave for 2 hours, so you statement regarding the 1st of April Steve is incorrect.


There must be some video of that scene that would prove this one way or the other? Large numbers of people were filming.

Police have to release CCTV footage

There must be CCTV footage of the incident, or are we to believe that coincidently the relevant cameras weren't working, or tape lost or broken!

More eyewitness accounts

I have collected a number of eyewitness accounts of Ian Tomlinson's death here:

PS I get a Security Certificate warning on trying to get through to this site. I had to override it.

Unprovoked brutality of the police at anti-G20 protests

Here is another good eyewitness account of both the G20 Meltdown and the climate camp. Not particularly about the circumstances on how the man died, but about the method the police used (kettling, penning in, ...)

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Another version in better quality is on its way, so keep checking back.

Re: G20 death

I corroborate what has been said in this video. I witnessed (with friends) the police line move through the people chilling in the sunshine, totally unhindered by anyone in the crowd.When the police were bringing Mr Tomlinson out they did so without any remonstration from protesters! I think the mainstream media's account is both biased and controlled, and that this type of misinformation needs to be challenged.

Youtube video showing Ian Tomlinson.

From today's daily mail we have a picture of Ian Tomlinson: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1166819/Pictured-The-man-died-G20-violence-returned-home-work.html

You can see Ian in this Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm-oQPxdRLE

He can be identified at 0:05 by his distinctive grey t-shirt over blue top.

Note that the same line of dogs can be seen in the video as the photograph.

If you have any footage of this event or photographs, please search them for any shots of Ian.