The Australian Greens认证账号


Together, we’re building a future for all of us. 🌱🌏 Authorised by W. Hogarth and C. Garner, Australian Greens, Canberra 2600

加入于 2007年8月


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  1. says we have 12 years to avoid a climate catastrophe. This will impact all of our lives, significantly. The plan will take strong action on climate change, reduce pollution and create a jobs boom in renewable energy economy. 👉 

  2. 撤销
  3. Today we're announcing our plan to phase out coal exports and create a jobs boom in the renewable energy export industry. Here's to tell us more.

  4. Today we're announcing Renew Australia 2030 - our climate and energy plan to phase out coal and build a world-leading renewable energy export industry.

  5. 3月27日

    We can't be complacent about gun control in Australia. Pro-gun groups have donated $1.7m to Australian political parties over the past eight years. The will strengthen our gun laws by banning donations from the gun lobby and prohibiting the semi-automatic guns.

  6. 3月27日

    I’ve been in Darwin this week and it's clear that the NT Government blindsided stakeholders and the community when it rammed through retrospective changes to youth justice laws that go against recommendations of the Royal Commission

  7. 3月26日

    Great to be amongst colleagues and friends this morning to talk about the huge disparities between rural and regional areas and how the Greens will prioritise healthcare for everyone

  8. 3月26日

    Attempts to weaken our gun laws are happening right here, right now. Pro-gun groups donated $1.7 million to Australian political parties since 2011. We need to strengthen gun laws as a priority and ban all political donations from the gun industry.

  9. 3月26日

    The AHA is the major lobby for pubs, hospitality & gaming including Australia's biggest poker machine venue operator. Premier Andrews' office referred questions about donations to ALP headquarters. The ALP, the Coalition & the AHA refused to detail their election year donations.

  10. 3月26日

    If they're taking donations from the pokies industry, who do they represent?

  11. 3月26日

    We need a publicly owned retailer, a planned transition away from coal and heaps more renewables to stop the big three gaming the system.

  12. 3月25日

    It is unacceptable for the Government to purse this expensive, racist and punitive card when there is no credible evidence to prove that it works

  13. 3月25日

    If the Liberal Party has any regard for the safety of Australians they must commit to putting Pauline Hanson’s One Nation last

  14. Announcing this today >> Australia's big media companies would face breakup under Greens' 'blow torch' policy.

  15. 3月25日

    Reports of the One Nation / NRA Meeting is disturbing insight into the tactics and priorities of Pauline Hanson and her party leaders. Donations from the gun lobby would be banned under the Greens’ plans, with gun laws strengthened to keep our communities safe.

  16. 3月25日

    EVENT: Join Senator , Senator , former Greens MP & fellow Greens to launch our campaign to elect for Wills! It'll be a fun night full of delicious food, drinks & election chatter. Don't miss it! RSVP:

  17. 3月25日

    I'll be on in a couple of hours! Here's hoping the Libs do better than last time...

  18. 3月24日

    The Government has defied logic and displayed contempt for both experts and people on income support in committing millions of dollars of public money to extend the Cashless Debit Card, a program that simply doesn’t work

  19. 3月24日
  20. 3月24日


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