The Australian GreensCuenta verificada


Together, we’re building a future for all of us. 🌱🌏 Authorised by W. Hogarth and C. Garner, Australian Greens, Canberra 2600

Se unió en agosto de 2007


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  1. hace 2 horas

    A great outcome - well done to all those who campaigned hard on this issue.

  2. Today I wrote to Bill Shorten and Catherine King to call for Labor to work with us to fix the Medicinal Cannabis mess. By working together we could change the lives of countless Australians.

  3. hace 7 horas

    1.4m Australian's petitioned against hate. Together we can give the boot to politicians like Fraser Anning who trade in racism and hate speech.

  4. hace 6 horas

    CSG and unconventional gas: get the frack off our farm land, water and climate. Greens launch policy to ban fracking and protect water today:

  5. hace 20 horas

    Scott Morrison completely misrepresented my comments about Christchurch on the . This obstinate refusal to recognise the role of dog-whistling and race-baiting in creating an atmosphere of hate against Muslims is beyond belief

  6. And to - a big congrats for winning the McKinnon Emerging Political Leader of the Year Award. Thank you for being a loud & passionate voice in the Senate for the many people who haven't had one for a long time, and for your ongoing support for many of our campaigns.

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  7. This is Elliot! Today I had the absolute pleasure of having lunch with him & many other kids and their families to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day 😄💚

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  8. 21 mar.

    Time and again our governments have failed to listen to First Nations peoples when they call for justice. The Greens will work with First Nations peoples to introduce measures that support self-determination and recognise sovereignty. Read more:

  9. 21 mar.

    Anning has well and truly crossed the line. He does not deserve to be in parliament. The are exploring every option to suspend him from Parliament. I have no doubt the community will make sure he is not re-elected in May. Media release:

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  10. 21 mar.

    There is a reason why this petition is the biggest online petition in Australia. People are angry and frustrated that our political system has allowed a politician to spread such division and hate.

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  11. 21 mar.

    Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – a fitting day to receive a petition from 1.3 million people which clearly says we will not tolerate bigotry and racism. I will be tabling it in the senate as soon as parliament resumes in April

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  12. 21 mar.

    Congratulations to on being named the McKinnon Emerging Political Leader of the Year. A well deserved accolade.

  13. 21 mar.

    Hi , today is Day which is about addressing the gap in health outcomes for First Nations peoples & our unfinished business. Publishing a letter to the ed saying First Nations peoples make too many “selfish demands” is racist and divisive

  14. 20 mar.

    This petition for Fraser Anning to resign is the biggest online petition in Australia. Senator Anning has crossed the line - he doesn’t deserve to be in parliament. There’s no place for hate, division and Islamophobia anywhere.

  15. 20 mar.

    One private gun owner in Mosman has 297 guns, in Eastgardens 305 guns, Cremorne 234 guns and Terry Hills 211 guns. How many guns are in your suburb?

  16. 20 mar.
  17. 20 mar.

    Congratulations to Senator for being named the McKinnon Emerging Political Leader of the Year for his outstanding leadership on disability advocacy. Here's to explain why.

  18. 20 mar.

    The Gov's new "digital platform" announced today is not the saviour of the broken program.

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  19. 19 mar.

    Today launched our 6 point plan to deliver cheaper, cleaner electricity for small business. We’ll help them switch from gas to renewables, sell them electricity on a ‘not for profit’ basis & stand up to big corporations to level the playing field.

  20. 20 mar.

    Happy Holi festivities to our Hindu friends and everyone celebrating this week 💚💜💙💛🧡❤️


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