17 08, 2018

Summer Dreaming

By | 2018-08-17T21:55:24+00:00 August 17th, 2018|CERES Global, Community, Events|0 Comments

It wasn’t so long ago, those warmer Melbourne months; we had a great summer down at CERES and we’re looking forward to another. We are privileged to have this little green patch in East Brunswick where we can support our local community through events and sustainability initiatives.  CERES Global do this by organising fundraisers and [...]

15 08, 2018

Meditation Garden Working Bee #2

By | 2018-08-24T17:30:17+00:00 August 15th, 2018|Community Groups, Spiritual Ecology|0 Comments

It was a clear, crisp morning on Saturday the 4th of August, the silver wattles in full bloom and the resident magpies were building their nests in the trees above the worksite of the Meditation Garden. We milled about and whispered while the Melbourne Zen group practiced their weekly Saturday morning meditation inside the CERES learning [...]

15 08, 2018

CERES in August – Development threat

By | 2018-12-03T10:33:42+00:00 August 15th, 2018|Around Site, Monthly Member Update, Spiritual Ecology|0 Comments

This land at CERES has been rescued from all kinds of development since colonists arrived in the area in 1835. Once a place of beauty and bounty, fresh water and eels, the new arrivals quickly stripped the trees, brought in hard-hooved animals and used the creek to pour their waste into. Then they blasted [...]

10 08, 2018

A story of a toilet brush

By | 2018-08-13T15:27:05+00:00 August 10th, 2018|Plastic Free July|1 Comment

By Lauren Kaszubski It’s a week into August, post my Plastic Free July challenge, and I have begun to reflect on my experience. Overall, I really enjoyed my plastic-free month; although, it wasn't entirely plastic-free – there were some slip-ups, a ski holiday, and visiting guests that brought some plastic into the month of July. I tried not [...]

9 08, 2018

CERES’ new electric vehicle

By | 2018-08-13T15:26:48+00:00 August 9th, 2018|Community Groups, Energy|0 Comments

CERES had a very famous electric vehicle for its use up until recently. Our Citroen Belingo was the first electric car conversion road registered in Australia. In its day it was pioneering technology and enthusiastically built by talented volunteers from the community with backing from like minded organisations (Donkey Wheel, Swinburne University). It's CERES' [...]

7 08, 2018

Media release: CERES again faces challenge of huge development nextdoor

By | 2018-08-07T11:12:25+00:00 August 7th, 2018|Board Updates|7 Comments

07/08/18 Despite being rejected by Council and VCAT last year, an even taller development has been proposed immediately beside the CERES Park main entrance. While this proposal is slightly smaller than the 2017 application, it is still six storeys, more than double the height of any other building in the neighbourhood, either existing or [...]

6 08, 2018

Science Corner Edition 1 – Coal

By | 2018-09-07T13:22:37+00:00 August 6th, 2018|Energy, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ever had a burning science question that felt too silly to say out loud, or that lead you down a Wikipedia hole? CERES Energy Education Coordinator Tom Lang wants to answer it! Send your "how does that work?" question to sciencecorner@ceres.org.au and Tom will put his brains to work to find out. Here's Tom: [...]