22 03, 2016

Harvest Door Prize Winners

By | 2016-11-10T10:30:23+00:00 March 22nd, 2016|Events|0 Comments

Below is the list of Harvest Door Prize winning ticket numbers. Winning ticket holders need to contact us on ceres@ceres.org.au or 9389 0100 before 5pm on Tuesday 5th April 2016. If any prizes are not claimed by this date, we will re-draw for unclaimed prizes on Tuesday 12th April. Thanks to all who came along [...]

15 03, 2016

CERES Harvest Festival – peace, prosperity & and eBay goddess

By | 2016-11-10T10:30:23+00:00 March 15th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

Victorian state coat of arms A few weeks ago in a newsletter I was digressing about the joy of discovering the cornucopia that's depicted on our very own Victorian coat of arms. Seemingly mundane at first glance, on closer examination I was struck by its offbeat imagery; a  kangaroo levitating in a lavishly decorated medieval jousting helmet while two toga-clad [...]

9 03, 2016

Planting a bee friendly garden

By | 2016-03-09T04:12:30+00:00 March 9th, 2016|Nursery|2 Comments

Our resident bee expert, Benedict Hughes from The Practical Beekeeper has a lot of great tips for keeping backyard bees and also simple planting guidelines for attracting these wonderful striped pollinators to your garden. Even if you're not inclined at this stage to keep your own hives, there are a few things you might like to keep in [...]

7 03, 2016

CERES and the Sustainable Living Festival 2016

By | 2016-11-10T10:30:24+00:00 March 7th, 2016|CERES Education|0 Comments

  We were excited to contribute to the Sustainable Living Festival Big Weekend this year in February at Federation Square. We packed up our solar powered electric vehicle with educational energy gizmos, flyers, posters, banners, chook t-shirts, passion and a big crate of organic apples from CERES Fair Food. Without any bias I thought CERES was [...]

7 03, 2016

IT students click with schools in India

By | 2016-11-10T10:30:24+00:00 March 7th, 2016|CERES Global, India|1 Comment

This article is was originally published in Swinburne Media on 4th March 2016. Swinburne University of Technology students are moving beyond the classroom and applying their IT and business skills to help remote tribal communities in India connect with the rest of the world. The IT for Social Impact India Project links students with community [...]