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Articoli recenti su Brazil/Guyana/Suriname/FGuiana Repression / prisoners

La lutte de Marielle Franco continue! mar 29 18 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes

La lucha de Marielle Franco sigue ! mar 29 18 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes

Assassinio Politico, Terrorismo di Stato: Marielle Franco lotta con no... mar 19 18 by Coordinazione Anarchica Brasiliana

Hands off the anarchist movement ! Solidarity with the FAG and the anarchists in Brazil !

[Français] [Italiano]

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | repression / prisoners | feature author domenica novembre 05, 2017 21:41author by Anarkismo Organizations - Anarkismo Network Segnalare questo messaggio alla redazione

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Against normalization and repression: Struggle and organize !

We learnt that on October 25th, a large police operation called « Erebus » (Érebo in Portuguese, i.e. the name of the Greek god of darkness) was launched against the anti-authoritarian movement.

The civil police invaded at least 4 libertarian premises and claims to have warrants against a dozen of premises and about 30 people. They raided the occupation Pandorga and the Parrhesia premises as well as the political and cultural space Ateneu Libertário Batalha da Várzea that used to be FAG’s official premises. The Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) is specifically targeted by this operation as it is considered by the stupid-as-usual police to be the top organization of the anarchist movement in Porto Alegre. They are accused of forming a gang in order to commit crimes against public and private possessions.

[Français] [Italiano]

Read also (in Portuguese): - OPINIÃO DA CAB

It has to be known that such an operation isn’t the first one. Actually, it is the 4th time in less than 10 years that FAG is targeted by the police and the State in Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil). In October 2009, while FAG is campaining about the police crime of Elton Brum, several plain-clothes cops raided the building without warrant and declared they found… anarchist literature! In 2013, the police invaded twice, in June and in October, the Ateneu Libertário Batalha da Várzea to seize or break computers, furnitures and documents. At that period, other premises of the social and political left and individual houses were also raided as part of the Bloco de Luta.

Nowadays, this operation happens as the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the municipality of Porto Alegre are facing heavy and determined struggles from both education and municipality workers. In the meanwhile, Temer’s government is stuck deep into cases of corruption. The FAG takes part in the current struggles in Porto Alegre as a group of activists and as workers with their libertarian ideas and practices.
The police operation Érebo aims to criminalize social movements and in particular the FAG and the social anarchist ideology it defends. It aims to disable the struggles and the unions who use direct action to defend their living conditions against austerity measures and the capitalist system, against colonialism, racism and patriarchy.

But one can’t erase ideas that have been the living heart of the workers’ movement for decades, one can’t erase the revolt for freedom, class independance, direct democracy and popular power!

Hands off social fighters!
Solidarity with the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG), the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) and the anarchist movement in Porto Alegre and in Brazil!
Solidarity with the strikes of the education and municipality workers in Rio Grande do Sul!
For socialism and freedom!

The Anarkismo network and its following organizations :
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - Melbourne, Australia
Alternative Libertaire - France
Alternativa Libertaria - Italy
Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - France
Organisation Socialiste Libertaire - Switzerland
Workers Solidarity Movement - Ireland
Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - South Africa

author by Syndicalist - PerCap onlypublication date mar nov 07, 2017 11:22author address author phone Segnalare questo messaggio alla redazione


author by Syndicalist - Per Cappublication date mer dic 13, 2017 23:33author address author phone Segnalare questo messaggio alla redazione

Can someone pease update the info? Saw this, but it's a few days old:

author by Syndicalist - Per cappublication date dom dic 17, 2017 05:38author address author phone Segnalare questo messaggio alla redazione

Any updated info/news?

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