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Template Translation for Incubator[edit]

I am unable to translate this template: fr:Modèle:Infobox Graphème into english and khowar. Can anybody translate this from french language to english. This template is necessary for creating pages of six uniquely pronounced special characters of Khowar Language, Please translate this into english so that i'll translate this into Khowar language. This template is only available in French Wikipedia. Regards -- RAChitrali 01:41, 26 April 2017 (UTC)
I'll try to tackle in the next day or two. What I think I'd like to do is this:
  • You create a template page in the Khowar test where you would like this to go. (You can create it with simple text like "placeholder".)
  • I will import the template from French Wikipedia, then translate it in place into English.
  • Then you translate it in place to Khowar.
OK? StevenJ81 (talk) 14:02, 26 April 2017 (UTC)
@Rachitrali: Stock post message.svg Doing...  Didn't hear from you. Imported to User:StevenJ81/Modèle:Infobox Graphème along with a documentation subpage. This will take a while; please be patient. StevenJ81 (talk) 13:49, 28 April 2017 (UTC)
I want to create in khowar like this[1] Thanks --RAChitrali 15:56, 28 April 2017 (UTC)
@Rachitrali: Do you still want this? StevenJ81 (talk) 14:49, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
@StevenJ81:, yes sir--RAChitrali 08:58, 25 September 2017 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: your above module is not working.--RAChitrali 06:43, 31 October 2018 (UTC)
@Rachitrali: I forgot about this. Will try to get it done before end of December. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:41, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: thanks--RAChitrali 07:07, 1 December 2018 (UTC)

Rinconada Bikol[edit]

How to approved as a wiki, aprroved Rinconada Bikol as Wikipedia. thanks ShiminUfesoj (talk) 12:25, 9 July 2018 (UTC)

I will look over your test in the next few days. StevenJ81 (talk) 13:07, 9 July 2018 (UTC)
Thanks. Steven Well. There is a requirement to approve a wiki right? ShiminUfesoj (talk) 16:10, 10 August 2018 (UTC)
Well Steven Well. There is a requirement to approve a wiki right? What is it? -ShiminUfesoj (talk) 04:14, 30 August 2018 (UTC)
@ShiminUfesoj: For starters, you need a community of contributors, not just a single contributor. See this page. The way we define a community (for this purpose) is:
  • For a minimum of three consecutive months (and then continuing until project approval), there needs to be during each month ...
  • A minimum of three registered users, making
  • At least ten edits each during the month.
Your test met that requirement only for a brief period during 2014–5, and certainly not recently.
Additionally, there needs to be enough content in the test, and there is a minimum requirement of translation of the interface at But start with gathering a community around you. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:52, 30 November 2018 (UTC)

Hi Filipinayzd, Ringer, FroyAgta look for the requirements. --ShiminUfesoj (talk) 15:03, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
Will there be "additional" requirements once we achieve the current requirement? --Filipinayzd (talk) 05:08, 24 December 2018 (UTC)


Hello. I have a question about "wminc-infopage-title" in Template:Test wiki. As you can see in "MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-..." (e.g. MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p), it is ordered by language name and project name, such as "Assamese Wikibooks", if user language is English. And it is the same in Chinese (阿萨姆语维基教科书; "Assamese Wikibooks"). But in some cases, it is ordered by project name and language name, such as "위키책 아삼어" ("Wikibooks Assamese") in Korean and "ウィキブックスアッサム語" ("Wikibooks Assamese") in Japanese, and it is seems to be a little awkward. So, I want to change this like English, but I don't know where it is. Could somebody help me about this? Thanks. --Garam (talk) 14:51, 13 December 2018 (UTC)

@Garam: It may very well be that different languages have different conventions as to how to handle these things. And to be perfectly honest, we don't necessarily do it consistently in English, either. For example, compare "Assamese Wiktionary" here on Incubator to "Wiktionary Assamese" on Meta. As long as what we're talking about is clear and understandable—and in this case I think it is—I don't think it is productive to fuss with this. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:17, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: Sorry? My point is that "language name + project name" is better than "project name + language name" in Korean or Japanese language, like English just now. I didn't say that we will change english name order. Please change your language to Korean or Japanese on Special:Preferences, and visit Wt/as page and see subheading. Then, I think you will understand my point. Thanks. --Garam (talk) 15:53, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
@Garam: I fully understand your point. I'm saying it doesn't matter enough to do the work to fix it. We use both word orders from time to time in English, and it doesn't really matter; people fully understand what we're talking about. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:41, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: Of course, in English it doesn't matter. But in Korean or Japanese language it does matter. My second point is why that order between Chinese and Korean/Japanese version in article are different, and how I can make both the same order from "(project) (language)" of Korean/Japanese page to "(language) (project)" such as Chinese page. Thanks. --Garam (talk) 18:46, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
@Garam: OK. I'll look into it. StevenJ81 (talk) 19:48, 18 December 2018 (UTC)

@Garam: I think I have an answer for you. Look at the following files and tell me if they're in the right order or not: translatewiki:MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/ko and translatewiki:MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/ja. I have a feeling I will need to fix all of the related pages over there. But please tell me first what you would like fixed. StevenJ81 (talk) 20:00, 18 December 2018 (UTC)

@StevenJ81: Oh, yes. That is what I am looking forward to. Thanks a lot. I want to fix all, like MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/zh-hans type: MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/ko, MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-s/ko, MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-t/ko, MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-q/ko, MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-y/ko, MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-b/ko and MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-n/ko. And do you know where do you know where I can translate language name ($1 in MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/en)? Because some language names on Incubator are not translated on Korean/Japanese language, such as "Okinawan" of Wt/ryu. Thanks. --Garam (talk) 07:39, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

@Garam: OK. Here's the plan, then:

  1. The files you gave me are all local Incubator files, not translatewiki files. I am going to fix the first two, just reversing the two elements, then you'll tell me if things look right. If so, I'll do the rest of the local files.
  2. Once those are done, I'll address the first two files on translatewiki. Note that corrections there can take a few days to be downloaded from there to here, so be patient.
  3. If that works, then I'll suggest you create an account at translatewiki—it's not part of the WMF unified login group—request "translator" permission there, and start working on the rest yourself.

Language names are more complicated. Will address these in a bit. StevenJ81 (talk) 13:59, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

First two done. Please get back to me. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:01, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
@Garam, StevenJ81: Please see what we the actual Chinese user called them at zh:Template:Wikipedia_editions, following the actual Chinese grammars, we should always call them "XX语维基百科"/"XX語維基百科", currently it's wrongly shown 维基百科 XX语 which violates the Chinese grammar, please rollback the wrong "fix" of MediaWiki:Wminc-infopage-title-p/zh-hans. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 14:53, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
@Liuxinyu970226: There was no space between when I found it, and no space in your version. Is that correct? StevenJ81 (talk) 15:07, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
That MediaWiki page shows "维基百科 $1", please change it back to "$1维基百科", thx. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 15:13, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: And for reason that no space used, please see [2], there's no space existing between any Chinese scripts. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 15:24, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
Will do. @-revi: Are the Korean ones correct or incorrect? Thanks for your help. StevenJ81 (talk) 15:26, 19 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: User revi doesn't use ping tool now. So, I went ahead and called user revi. Thanks. --Garam (talk) 10:08, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Hi Steven, I'm busy IRL till end of year, care to provide TLDR? (I have ping enabled (as email only), but it's just that my inbox is more than full.) — regards, Revi 12:07, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Hi, Revi. TLDR: Garam thinks the info page titles are in the wrong order when in Korean (e.g., they say "Wikipedia Korean" but should say "Korean Wikipedia"). Do you think they're correct or backwards? Or does it even matter? StevenJ81 (talk) 14:45, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
He is correct. I just use English for all wikis so I actually don't give much attention to translations these days. — regards, Revi 15:20, 21 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81 --Garam (talk) 08:47, 25 December 2018 (UTC)

@Garam: I am going to try to get back to this. Sometime this week I will change the Korean titles. Consistent with the discussion above I am not changing the Chinese titles. Please provide some proof if you want me to change Japanese. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:06, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

@StevenJ81: Thank you for your answer. And for Japanese, please see article names on w:ja:Category:各言語のウィキペディア. Thanks. --Garam (talk) 02:45, 28 February 2019 (UTC)

Wikidata arbitrary access is now enabled[edit]

Hello all,

I'm happy to announce that you can now access data from Wikidata on Incubator :) You can use the different methods presented on Wikidata:How to use data on Wikimedia projects (parser function for basic usage, Lua for more advanced features) to include data from Wikidata in your pages.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the ticket or to ping me. Cheers, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 16:47, 13 December 2018 (UTC)

Hourra! Ebe123 (Talkabout it|contribs) 16:49, 13 December 2018 (UTC)
See phab:T209207. Thanks all who made this happen. —Justin (koavf)TCM 16:50, 13 December 2018 (UTC)

Материалы для написания статей на редких языках[edit]

Здравствуйте! Интересно, откуда участники берут информация по редким языкам для написания статей? Где изучают грамматику и лексику? Например, есть вот такая разрабатываемая Википедия на одном из редких языков Wp/wxa/Main Page — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (discussioncontribs) 22:51, 14 December 2018 (UTC).

@Comp1089: Can you determine what this editor is requesting? Thanks. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:11, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
Better to ping @星耀晨曦: for test wikis of languages of China. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 09:59, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
@Liuxinyu970226: What can I help? -- 星耀晨曦 (talk) 13:31, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
Can you please judge if the Waxiang dialect has to use Latin scripts rather than Han scripts or not? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 13:33, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
@StevenJ81:: This editor is interested, where the other editors get the information for writing articles in rare languages, and where they learn the relevant grammar and vocabulary. --Comp1089 (talk) 11:53, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
@Comp1089: I suspect it's one of two ways: either the editors are already familiar with these rare languages, or they are "language geeks" who just know how to find these things. I'm not sure I have a better answer than that. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:42, 20 December 2018 (UTC)
@Liuxinyu970226, 星耀晨曦: Question about Waxiang's script is off-topic here. If you have a serious concern, move to a new discussion section, or discuss at Talk:Wp/wxa/Main Page. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:42, 20 December 2018 (UTC)

Lua Memory Limits[edit]

Have the Lua memory limits or memory management changed in the past three or four months? I have a large page under construction (Wp/nod/User:RichardW57/sandbox) which had paused since 25 August as I investigated a transliteration issue, though I did make a minor change on 30 September. On resuming work, I found that rendering is now failing with "Lua error: not enough memory", which I had not noticed before. I had not changed the page since 30 September. I would have noticed the problem as soon as it started happening, as the problem is happening during transliteration (from Tai Tham to Thai) as my recent efforts have mostly been concentrated on getting the transliteration to work. It is easier to get the Thai transliteration proof-read.

A very minor change may have caused the problem, unless the garbage collector also compacts memory. I have some large strings (holding half the whole page as it should finally appear), and memory fragmentation could be causing me problems. Rule-based transliteration takes dozens of passes (see Module:Wp/nod/Translit2 if interested in the details). Is there any way to check if I am approaching limits? The English wiktionary reports Lua usage when editing - is there some preference I should be setting to see usage here? I may have to split the draft document for reasons of style. To progress work, I have temporarily split the document at section boundaries (into Wp/nod/User:RichardW57/sandbox/pt1 etc.); transliteration completes without reported error for each section separately, which may be a solution I need to implement. (That solution will fail if I then run up against time limits, as I suspect it will increase parsing and module loading time.) --RichardW57 (talk) 22:30, 15 December 2018 (UTC)

I've switched off the collection of debugging information that wasn't being output; that's approximately halved my memory usage with a working garbage collector, and seems to to have done the trick. However, it would still be useful to have some indication of how near the limit I come, though that may be tricky to produce if I am indeed relying on the garbage collector. --RichardW57 (talk) 22:30, 15 December 2018 (UTC)

@RichardW57: I have a feeling you ought to ask this question on Meta or MediaWiki wiki or phabricator. I'm not sure anyone here has this level of knowledge on such issues. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:07, 18 December 2018 (UTC)

New language section Adlam script for Fulfude language[edit]

hi i would like to create a new language section of the fulah fulfulde language but whith ADLaM scrit. the latin and the ajami has not gotten anywhere and the ADLaM scrit is doing way better with millions now writting and reading in it, it is clearly the future for the fulfulde pulaar community. you can find people that can read and write adlam and not the ajami or latin. therefore to give wikipedia to the most remote people in the world a knowledge we need a section of this script just look at the fulfulde section of wikipedia its barely edited because those with high knowledge and culturally rich history can not write the latin but today they can wirte the adlam scrit to them its a pride as ADLAM can reflect every sound of the fulfulde easily but can not be the same for the latin or ajami scritp, therefore i need help on how to submit this request with the highest chance of getting approved, if i was to be asked the fulfulde section of wikipedia in latin should be deleted. people behind adlam are working 24/7 for its improvement now you have the script in windows and android apps even in google input tools, with inscriptions in hardvard and added in UNESCO as the official scritp. we have many contributors and can have up to 10 admins for starts and articles daily trasnlated in wich in a year we can have a thousonds of articles writtens, THANKS — The preceding unsigned comment was added by GANDALPULO (discussioncontribs) 20:41, 19 December 2018 (UTC).

You need to discuss this on the Fulah Wikipedia directly. They should either allow a script converter there, or else parallel pages in both scripts. StevenJ81 (talk) 22:42, 19 December 2018 (UTC)

A small technical problem[edit]

In the page Template:Translations, I guess the code needs to be edited so that only the languages are shown. I am not having much knowledge in editing them.Adithyak1997 (talk) 17:52, 7 January 2019 (UTC)

@MF-Warburg, Hydriz, Ooswesthoesbes: Can anyone help untangle this? StevenJ81 (talk) 21:54, 7 January 2019 (UTC)
That code exceeds my wiki knowledge. --OWTB (talk) 12:46, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
Fixed. Why is this WP instance letting IPs with zero edits modify templates? – Jonesey95 (talk) 14:31, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
This isn't a "WP instance". But your point is well-taken, at least on templates like that. I will semiprotect. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:35, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
@Jonesey95: Thanks for solving the issue.Adithyak1997 (talk) 14:38, 8 January 2019 (UTC)

Complicated Modules[edit]

Can anybody fix this Module Module:Wp/khw/Clickable_button_2/doc thanks --RAChitrali 04:13, 22 January 2019 (UTC)

I have fixed it. Is this OK now? NinjaStrikers «» 06:52, 22 January 2019 (UTC)
@Ninjastrikers: thanks for fixing this--RAChitrali 07:56, 22 January 2019 (UTC)

Time Zone error[edit]

Can any gentleman fix this time zone error? in this article here [3] thanks --RAChitrali 04:36, 23 January 2019 (UTC)
I'm not sure what you think is an error. The article contains the template {{Wp/khw/Infobox settlement}}. It includes the parameter |UTC offset = +5. And the template's functionality says when there is a UTC offset, it is going to look for an article called Wp/khw/UTC+5 (or whatever the offset is). So it's doing what it's supposed to do. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:48, 23 January 2019 (UTC)

@StevenJ81: Thanks --RAChitrali 06:35, 25 January 2019 (UTC)

Project renaming request for Wp/ais[edit]

To all users that are more or less interested in contributing this Sakizaya test-Wikipedia:

As per the officially modified SIL change request 2018-015, and especially its official comment, the SIL International has in principle rejected the simple renaming of language name, but:

  1. Retired the ais for "Nataoran Amis". and
  2. Created the szy for "Sakizaya"

It's some what even confused by me and to me that, however, as this test project has a very large scale of contents, renaming ais -> szy works are really not easy, thus I need a lot of Incubator volunteers to help, that how many pages and/or source codes should we rename. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 16:04, 25 January 2019 (UTC)

Pinging m:Wikimedia Taiwan staffs: @Ffaarr, Koala0090, Shangkuanlc, GDHFang, 林立云:@Shoichi, Yannmaco, Imacat, JM99, Alexsh:@Supaplex, Jasonzhuocn, Htchien, Reke, Natsu621: and active contributors (1000+ edits only) @John120814, Corainn, Dogoyes, Tokoabibi, Malataw:@Kuli.fat, Hafay12, Simpi.adingu, Tiway.sayiun: as announcement. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 16:13, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
Already working on it. StevenJ81 (talk) 16:32, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
They'll probably go about 500 pages at a time, and then I will have to restore the info page. But that should work. StevenJ81 (talk) 16:36, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
Mainspace pages now moved. There's actually only one template (NUMBER OF PAGES), so it can go last. I'm starting to work on categories now. StevenJ81 (talk) 16:55, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
25 subcategories fixed. I'm not sure I'll be able to finish this now, but people can feel free to continue fixing, or to leave this for me next week. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:21, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
OK. I finished, and I think I got it right. Someone should please go back and check me. That now having been said:
  • I have marked the request on Meta as eligible.
  • As noted there, someone needs to go to and straighten things out over there.
  • In the process of fixing the categories, I got the strong sense that this test is overcategorized. Consider merging categories having fewer than three entries into either higher or sideways-related categories.
  • I'm going to let these changes settle down for a couple of weeks before looking into whether I should put this in front of LangCom for approval. StevenJ81 (talk) 18:55, 25 January 2019 (UTC)
Thank you so much for both of your on time effort! I have learned this from the Aboriginal Study Center, the partner of Wikimedia Taiwan, but I have no clue how to make this transition happen smoothly in incubator. You have efficiently done this within in one day! Our partner is amazed by the effort and dedication of the community volunteers. I cannot appreciate enough for your timely manner and notice. Apart from showing my gratitude, please let me know if anything if we can do regarding this matter, thanks! --Shangkuanlc (talk) 10:42, 30 January 2019 (UTC)

Lua Error[edit]

Can anybody fix the lua error in the Article namely Karachi Pakistan here [4] thanks--RAChitrali 04:49, 29 January 2019 (UTC)

@Rachitrali: I actually don't know that language. But I suggest you to check if the statements coordinates = {{wp/khw/coord|24|51|36|N|67|0|36|E|display=inline,title}} is correct. My main doubt is whether the values in left side needs to come in right or not. Because, after removing that statement, I was not getting any lua specific errors.Adithyak1997 (talk) 14:01, 29 January 2019 (UTC)
@Adithyak1997: thanks, but the error is still there, @StevenJ81: please see [5] thanks--RAChitrali 06:07, 23 February 2019 (UTC)
@Rachitrali: Just try creating the module Module:Location map. It is needed for the module Module:Wp/bcc/Location map data ازبکستان. Just try that. Sometimes creating that module might solve the problem.Adithyak1997 (talk) 15:35, 23 February 2019 (UTC)
@Adithyak1997: @StevenJ81: tried many times, but still unable to fix the lua error here [[6]]--RAChitrali 04:10, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
@Rachitrali: Just check now.Adithyak1997 (talk) 14:03, 26 February 2019 (UTC)


It came to my attention that activity at Wp/frs has started (project to create an East Frisian Low Saxon Wikipedia). East Frisian Low Saxon is a dialect of Low Saxon (nds) and contributions in East Frisian Low Saxon are welcome on nds: (and we have had active contributors from East Frisia for more than a decade).

The dialect has some distinct features but in written form is generally mutually intelligible with other Low Saxon dialects (by the way, the other dialects have their own distinct features differentiating each of them from all of the others, but we can cope with that on nds.wp).

The project was started by User:Neronno‎ whose first edit was deleting the notice about using nds.wp and unilaterally changing the status of the project to 'open'.

I would like to know what is the right path of action. I'd like to close the project and return to the previous status (referring to nds.wp). And I would also like to change Wp/wep to that same status.

Low Saxon is a small language and nds.wp is a small project despite 15 years of constant activity by a small but stable community. Opening a second Low Saxon project could potentially divide our limited forces.

I asked Neronno whether he wants to participate in nds.wp instead, but he declined and fervently argued that a separate project is necessary because of the distinct identity of the Frisians. To me it sounds like an attempt to create a tool to nation-build a Frisian nation ("We want our language to remain Frisian and be more Frisian in the future").

Thanks in advance for any help! --::Slomox:: >< 07:55, 5 February 2019 (UTC)

@Slomox:We dont want to build our own nation!

We just want to write our language like it is. There is a writing from Holger Weigelt that was rejected in the nds-Wikipedia. Also writings used in the Doornkaat-Koolmann arent compatible with the nds-Wikipedia. It features Āā Ēē Īī Ōō Ūū and Áá Éé Íí Óó Úú. I think these letters are not accepted either in the nds-Wikipedia. We want to use this writing in our Wikipedia, because it represents our speciality. Our language is Frisio-Saxon[1] as special form. Is that so hard to understand? @StevenJ81: said that it is legit to start a test. Since then, only 14 days passed. I think you are motivated politically or something like that. Why delete this test? It just started. Why prevent us from creating an East Frisian Wikipedia? — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Neronno (discussioncontribs) 09:34, 5 February 2019 (UTC)‎.

I was unaware of Incubator:Requests for starting a test#Eastern Frisian Wikipedia where Neronno was advised to take this path of action.
Nonetheless I think it is the wrong path of action.
Why prevent us from creating an east frisian Wikipedia? Because it already exists: at nds.wp!
Neronno is right that we have orthography requirements at nds.wp. These exclude Holger Weigelt and ten Doornkaat-Koolman (to emulate the reading experience of the Holger Weigelt orthography for English speakers, try to read the Norfuk Wikipedia; you recognize the words but it is really hard to parse). But when I talked to Neronno on his talk page he answered in East Frisian in an orthography that is perfectly legible on nds.wp. --::Slomox:: >< 09:13, 5 February 2019 (UTC)
No it doesn't exist there. Do you speak this language? The East Frisian (Frisio-Saxon) language? No? So you cannot decide that it exists in the nds-Wikipedia.

This orthography I used there doesn't represent the language. Let us do the test and let the language committee decide as @Slomox: said. What is this you are trying to do? If you delete our work we will start to build it up again. We are in contact with the representative for minorities in Germany. He supports us. Neronno (talk) 09:21, 5 February 2019 (UTC)

It is legitimate to start a test. That having been said: There is no guarantee that LangCom will decide that this test is eligible. In fact, I think it is very likely that LangCom will ultimately ask you to merge this test into nds.wp. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:09, 5 February 2019 (UTC)
So this project is suitable for Category:Incubator:Test wikis/open-but-rejected? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 15:37, 7 February 2019 (UTC)
@Slomox, Neronno, StevenJ81, Steinbach, Eitanish: Although I'm having not enough knowledge on German languages, I would ask: What's the actual status of the de facto Frisian languages? If people who speak East Frisian as their mother tongue think that parallel-contributing on Low German Wikipedia isn't fair indeed, then why is there still no reason for founding a separate project for East Frisian? Do we remember the Atikamekw Wikipedia? Their contents were available at Cree Wikipedia for nearly a decade, but what happened now? They split their contents from crwiki. I'd love to ask, are there any pages that state which cases splitting a group of foo language contents from bar project are suitable, and which are not? I don't see any yardsticks for this, and I even searched for it, the results are generally: 0 results. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 15:55, 7 February 2019 (UTC)
@Liuxinyu970226: I have nearly no knowledge about the situation of Algonquian languages, but the Wikipedia articles tell me that the situation is special. Not only orthographical differences but a whole different script for example.
So I assume that people with knowledge about Algonquian have made an intelligent decision.
You said: If people who speak East Frisian as their mother tongue think that parallel-contributing on Low German Wikipedia isn't fair indeed. That's too general. East Frisians have been contributing to nds.wp since the earliest days of that wiki (since 2003). They never complained. It's only now that Neronno sees a problem. He claims to have a whole group behind him, but neither Neronno nor any of those other people have ever spoken to us at nds.wp. --::Slomox:: >< 07:36, 8 February 2019 (UTC)
The Atikamekw project had a number of differences from this case, as Liuxinyu970226 has said above. (And Liuxinyu, thank you for dropping Wp/frs into that category.)
Look, any language with an ISO 639-3 code (excepting constructed languages and macrolanguages) starts off with a presumption of being allowed a project. Where a project like this gets hung up is on eligibility criterion #3, which basically asks: "Is it too close to something else to warrant a separate project?" And there are two distinct reasons for this rule:
  • There is a concern that a narrowly defined project will be more subject to political and cultural bias than a widely defined project. Consider if British English, US English, Australian English, etc., had ISO 639-3 codes: we'd have different encyclopedias with different points of view. Far better from an encyclopedia point of view to have one project required to cover all points of view, as long as everyone can understand the contents. This is a real problem with the languages of the former Yugoslavia, most of whose projects predate the current rule.
  • There is a concern that having multiple projects will dilute the pool of prospective contributors to each project, and then force that diluted pool to provide substantially identical content for an awful lot of subjects.
All that said, LangCom is far more familiar with European languages than with languages from most other places. So for indigenous languages of places outside Europe, there is somewhat of a bias not to apply criterion #3 strictly, while there is a bias to apply it strictly to European languages. (Criterion #3 has been applied to non-European requests, though, I'll note.) If and when @Neronno has built something up large enough to be considered for eligibility, I think s/he will have a very difficult time proving that this project can stand on its own linguistically, especially given that many of the arguments given so far have a strong cultural/​ethnic component to them. But s/he can try. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:22, 8 February 2019 (UTC)

@StevenJ81 Thanks. For now we will kind of pause the project for some time / have less activity. There is a separate orthography by Holger Weigelt, we want to use now. We do some rework on a dictonary, to use translatesoftware, helping us to translate Wikipedia articles. We know that there is a risk. Neronno (talk) 06:39, 13 February 2019 (UTC)



For laying out the references[edit]

Hello. I would lay on several columns the references of an article (more than 100 ref.), but I don't know which is the good function and its correct syntax to do it. I actually use {{#tag:references|}}, it works for ONE column, but no more. Can somebody would know how do, by a simple function and not creating a cascade of templates (like {{reflist}} in en:wp) ? Thanks. --Nevatovol (talk) 22:24, 8 February 2019 (UTC)

Finally, I have found by myself. Thanks. --Nevatovol (talk) 17:54, 11 February 2019 (UTC)

Segoe UI font switch for Devanagari on Windows 10 Firefox browser[edit]

For some reason, the Devanagari font on Firefox get switched on Firefox to Segoe UI. This only affects latest Firefox updates. Any questions on how to fix this so the font gets switched back to Arial. -- 21:04, 19 February 2019 (UTC)

I'll share some thoughts, but m:Tech is a better place to ask.
  • Part of the question here is whether you are allowing the site to choose fonts or whether you are relying on the browser to choose fonts.
    • If the setting is already that the site should choose fonts, but we don't actually offer a preference, then the fallback is your browser's fonts.
    • In this case, you could ask on phabricator—and probably better first to run an RfC on Meta—for WMF to serve Arial as default for Devanagari.
  • Otherwise:
    • Consider making "use site's fonts" as your default, and/or
    • Change the default setting for Devanagari in your own installation of Firefox to Arial. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:28, 21 February 2019 (UTC)

Reference error[edit]

Can anybody fix these reference errors? Category:Pages with reference errors-- RAChitrali 05:09, 21 February 2019 (UTC)

There are a lot of errors there. First see what you can do yourself using the instructions on each page. For example:
  • On Wp/bgn/هندوستان, the error message said that the reference tags were looking for either a missing reference group "lower-alpha" or a missing </ref> tag. So see if you can figure out which it is and fix it. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:33, 21 February 2019 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: Will the correction done by me creates any problem?Adithyak1997 (talk) 17:53, 24 February 2019 (UTC)
I don't know. Let's see if problems come up. StevenJ81 (talk) 21:14, 24 February 2019 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: @Adithyak1997: the error is here [7] please check and fix or guide us, regards --RAChitrali 06:36, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

Wiktionary Audio[edit]

I want to find out how i can include audio pronunciation in the igbo wiktionary edit a thon that i carried out. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Oby Ezeilo (discussioncontribs) 10:50, 22 February 2019 (UTC).

Are there any Wiktionary experts here who can help?
(If you don't get an answer soon, try going to one of the big, established Wiktionaries for advice. If there is infrastructure to import, I'll try to help with that.) StevenJ81 (talk) 18:07, 8 March 2019 (UTC)

Sakizaya Test Wikipedia[edit]

For information, pinging @Corainn, Sabak5388, 黃金文, Liuxinyu970226: Please share with anyone else you think may be interested.

Now that the ISO code issue has been resolved, this project effectively meets all the requirements for project approval. There are just a couple of things we have to overcome before going to LangCom, neither of which the community itself can do much about:

  1. Solving a phabricator task aimed at updating all the references in the infrastructure software to the right language code, and subsequently getting all the translations at moved to the correct code.
  2. Solving a broader issue that is preventing any wikis from being created for now. (The creation of two approved wiki projects is stalled over this.)

In the meantime, then, please continue to stay active here at Incubator. I would very greatly suggest that your focus should not be so much on creating new pages. Instead, focus on building out any pages that are currently stubs and turning them into more complete articles.

If you have any questions, please let me know. StevenJ81 (talk) 15:59, 22 February 2019 (UTC)

@StevenJ81: Thanks for the infos. Since we don't know much about Software, do you know who should we ask for help? @Reke: Do you or someone in the Wikimedia Taiwan know how to finish the Phabricator and move the translations that have been done at to the right place? Corainn (talk) 12:30, 23 February 2019 (UTC)

It's all being looked at already. But if someone at WM Taiwan can help out, that would be a good thing. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:21, 24 February 2019 (UTC)

Ok, I see. Thanks for the explanation! Corainn (talk) 12:34, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

Zazaca wikisözlük- Zazaca wikivoyage ve diğerleri[edit]

Merhaba, İngilizce bilmediğim için çok özür dilerim. Bir kaç ay önce Xorasan proje teklifi ile geldi. Wikipedia projelerine uzak birisi olarak, gösterildiği şekilde katkı sağlıyorum ama projeler için belirli bir standart prosedür yok. Örneğin ;

  1. En az 3 kullanıcı istiyorlar, kimisi az kimisi çok katkı yapıyor. Diğer dil projelerinde de iki-üç ay katkı yaptıktan sonra çoğu kullanıcı incubator'dan çekiliyor. İş veya sağlık dolayısıyla çekilenlerde var. (ben de 15 nisandan sonra bu projede aktif olamayacağım)
  2. En az 3 ay katkı istiyorlar ama belirli bir süre sınırı da yok. Yani proje 100 gün de sürebilir 1000 gün de sürse açılmayabilir. Avrupa dil projeleri olduğu zaman açılması daha kısa sürüyor ama iş Amerika, Afrika ve Asya kıtalarındaki dillere geldiği zaman bu süre çok uzuyor.
  3. çevirileri var. Ben orayı hiç bilmiyorum. Sanırım projelerin dil sürümleri ile alakalı olması lazım. Yeni açılacak wikilerde dil versiyonlarının hazır olunması isteniyor. Zazaca Wikipedia 10 yıldan fazla bir zamandır aktif ama çoğu MediaWiki mesajı hala İngilizce.
  4. Yukarıda belirtilen hususlar sadece zaza dilinde değil, diğer dil projelerinde de olan sorunlardır.

Sizlerden ricam belirli şartlar olsun ama çelişki de içermesin. Mesela;

  • proje için 5 ay isteyin. 5 ay dolunca proje açılsın.
  • proje için 5 kullanıcı gerekliyse 5 kullanıcıyı belirtin.
  • Bir yerde hata varsa söyleyin, kullanıcılar düzeltmeye çalışsınlar. Gözlemlediğim kadarıyla insanlar belirli bir süre katkı yaptıktan sonra projenin açılmasına dair umudunu kaybetip çekiliyorlar. Sizlerden ricam İnsanların umudunu söndürmeyin. Buderan (talk) 19:26, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
Google translation from Turkish:

Hi, I'm so sorry I didn't speak English. A few months ago Xorasan came up with a project proposal. As a distant person to Wikipedia projects, I contribute as shown, but there is no specific standard procedure for projects. For example ;

  1. They want at least 3 users, some people do little. After two to three months of contribution to other language projects, most users withdraw from the incubator. There are those who are withdrawn because of work or health. (I will not be active in this project after 15 April)
  2. They want a contribution for at least 3 months, but there is no time limit. So the project may last 100 days and may not open for 1000 days. When it comes to European language projects, it takes a shorter opening time, but when it comes to languages in the Americas, Africa and Asia, this is a long time.
  3. translations I don't know about this place. I think the projects should be relevant to the language versions. Wikis to be opened in new language versions are required to be prepared. Zazaki Wikipedia has been active for over 10 years but most MediaWiki messages are still in English.

The above-mentioned issues are not only in the zaza language, but also in other language projects. I ask you to have certain conditions, but do not include contradiction. E.g;

  • Ask the project for 5 months. Open the project after 5 months.
  • If 5 users are required for the project, specify 5 users.
  • If there is an error, tell them to try to fix them. As far as I observe, people lose their hope of opening the project after contributing for a certain period of time. I ask you do not extinguish people's hope. Buderan (talk) 19:26, 22 February 2019 (UTC)
Translation placed by StevenJ81 (talk) 13:50, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
@Buderan: I really understand your frustration. Some of the things you write about we are trying to change. Some are in place for a good reason. Let me try to explain some things.
  1. The first reason to need three regular users for at least three months is because we do not want to create a new project, and then have it sit there with no one working on it. Three users for at least three months is the best way we know (so far) of making sure the project stays active once it is opened.
    • We are now trying very hard to make sure that if a project is active for three months it gets approved, and that it doesn't sit for "1000 days" waiting to be approved.
  2. The other reason to need three regular users is so that no project gets approved that is the work of only one person.
  3. There is a project underway at Wikimedia to make Incubator projects easier. It's not so simple, but we're really trying.
  4. Zazaki (Dimli) Wikipedia is an old project that existed before the rules for existed. At this point, Zazaki (Dimli) has enough translated at that this will not get in the way of project approvals.
If you have any questions, please let me know. StevenJ81 (talk) (administrator) 14:00, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

Sizi anlıyorum. Sizler de bizi anlayın lütfen. Her internet sitesinin şartları vardır. Sizin bile yönetici seçilmeniz için şartlar oluşturuldu. Siz şartları sağladığınız için seçildiniz. incubator projesinde de bazı şartlar var.

  1. Minimum 10 değişiklik istiyorsunuz. Pekala benim yapacağım katkının 10 veya 100 olması sizin için bir şey ifade ediyor mu?
  2. için Türkiye'den erişim sağlanamıyor. Avrupa'da ikamet eden kullanıcılar için şu an açık. İstesek bile için katkı yapamıyoruz. Diğer zazaca projeler yıllardır adresinde bekliyor. Kukla kullanıcılar problemi var. Biz şimdilik 2 kişiyiz. @Azminwan denen kullanıcıyı tanımıyoruz. Giç bir kullanıcı için size garanti veremeyiz. Eğer siz, 3 kullanıcı proje için yeterli değil, minimum 5 kullanıcı istiyoruz diyorsanız. Kusura bakmayın, ben yaratıcı (God, Allah, Yahova, Buda veya başka bir ilah) değilim. Size fazladan 2-3 kullanıcı yaratamam. Belki yarın ben de ölürüm. Kendim için bile garanti veremem.
  3. Türkiye'de dil yasakları 2000'li yıllara kadar devam etti. Şu anda 2 üniversitede departman açılmıştır. Wiktionary projesini üniversitelerden mezun olacak öğretmenlerimiz için açmak istiyoruz. Yola çıktığımız zaman zazaca eser makale ve dergiler için bir depo ihtiyacımız var. depolama alanı olsun diye uğraşıyoruz. Ülkemizde Türkçe ve kürtçe için alan adı var. Bizim neden adresimiz olmasın diye, yola çıktık.
  4. Sizin için buradaki kodlar, diller, kullanıcılar, kelimeler sadece rakamlardanvya sadece istatistiklerden ibaret olabilir ama bizim için sayılardan, rakamlardan, istatistiklerden fazlası var. Buderan (talk) 17:55, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
Google translation from Turkish:

I understand you. You guys understand us too, please. Each website has its terms. The conditions were created for you to be an administrator. You have been selected for the conditions. There are some conditions in the incubator project.

  1. You want a minimum of 10 changes. So does it make any sense for you to have a 10 or 100 contribution?
  2. Unable to access from Turkey to It is currently open for users residing in Europe. We can't even contribute to if we want to. Other zazaki projects have been waiting for years at Puppet users have problems. We're 2 now. We do not recognize the user named @Aminmin. We cannot guarantee you for a user. If you are saying, 3 users are not enough for the project, we want a minimum of 5 users. I'm sorry, I'm not creative (God, God, God, Buddha or some other god). I can't create you extra 2-3 users. Maybe tomorrow I'il die too. I can't even guarantee for myself.
  3. the language was forbidden in Turkey continued until the 2000s. Currently 2 departments have been opened. We would like to open the Wiktionary project for our graduates who will graduate from universities. When we hit the road, we need a warehouse for work articles and magazines. storage area, we're dealing with. Our country has domain name for Turkish and Kurdish. We weren't our address, so we set off.
  4. For you, codes, languages, users, words can only be numbers and statistics, but there are more than numbers, numbers, statistics. Buderan (talk) 17:55, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
Translation placed by StevenJ81 (talk) 14:19, 1 March 2019 (UTC)
  1. Turkey blocks * domains; we can't directly change that. I don't think that applies to Incubator or other non-Wikipedia domain names.
  2. It does not matter so much if you know @Azminwan. What matters is whether that person's contributions are productive.
    • If they are, the Zazaki/Dimli Wiktionary and Wikivoyage projects would now be eligible for approval, and next week I can put them before LangCom for approval.
    • If that user's contributions are not productive—and I see that the user is indefinitely blocked on Zazaki/Dimli Wikipedia—then we need a third user. (That would probably also mean that you would have a lot to clean up in these two tests before we could consider approving.)
You tell me whether that user's contributions are productive in these projects. StevenJ81 (talk) 14:24, 1 March 2019 (UTC)

  • Öncelikle cevap verdiğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim.
  • Google translate %100 doğru çeviri yapmasa da söylemek istediğinizi az çok anladım.
  1. Wikipedia dışındaki sitelere erişebiliyoruz.
  2. @Azminwan kullanıcısını tanımıyoruz, dünyada 1 milyon zaza insanı yaşıyor, hepsini tanımamız mümkün değil :) wiktionary ve wikivoyage üzerinde yaptığı katkılar var. Kullandığı dialekti farklı olsa da anlaşılıyor. Eğer bir yerde hata yapsa da düzeltebiliriz.
  1. Langcom bildirilmesi için bir problem kalmadı. (siz başka dillerde olan projeleri bile aynı yere bildirebilirsiniz, çünkü pek çok dilde kullanıcılar katkı yapıyor)
  1. üçüncü bir kullanıcı şimdilik zor ama projeler açıldıktan sonra dil bilimcilerden destek almamız gerekecek. Çünkü wiktionary projesinde her sayfa için kaynak eklememiz gerekiyor. Bunu yapmamız için zazaca kitap ve sözlük yazarlarıyla irtibata geçiyoruz. Buderan (talk) 08:01, 2 March 2019 (UTC)
  • First of all, thank you so much for answering.
  • Although Google does not translate 100% accurate, I understand that you want to say more.
  1. We have access to sites other than Wikipedia.
  2. We do not know @Azminwan, we live 1 million zaza people in the world, we can not recognize them all :) wiktionary and wikivoyage have contributions on it. The dialect that he uses can be understood to be different. If we make a mistake, we can fix it.
  3. There is no problem for Langcom. (you can even report projects in other languages, because in many languages users are contributing)
  4. a third user is difficult at the moment, but after the projects are opened we will need to get support from linguists. Because we need to add resources for each page in the wiktionary project. In order to do this, we are contacting zazaki book and dictionary authors. Buderan (talk) 08:01, 2 March 2019 (UTC)
Translation placed by Ebe123 (Talkabout it|contribs) 23:40, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

Templates on page not showing[edit]

Please click the Edit source button followed by Templates Used button in Wp/khw/ڈرافٹ of Khowar Wikipedia. I am actually not able to see the various templates used in that page. How can this problem be resolved?Adithyak1997 (talk) 18:40, 13 March 2019 (UTC)

I'm not sure what you're asking me. StevenJ81 (talk) 21:54, 13 March 2019 (UTC)
I mean, the listing of templates is not present in Khowar Wikipedia.Adithyak1997 (talk) 17:14, 14 March 2019 (UTC)
@Adithyak1997: Oh, I think I just saw what you meant. Try going into edit mode, then clicking where it says <Templates used on this page:> (to close the "non-list") and then clicking it again (to reopen it). I'm not sure why it's not working right, but I think that will solve your problem. StevenJ81 (talk) 17:58, 14 March 2019 (UTC)
@StevenJ81: I don't know whether it's my fault. I am not able to see the templates yet. But I have found an alternative partial solution by going onto [this] page. In that, under the section Page Properties.Adithyak1997 (talk) 18:16, 14 March 2019 (UTC)