• Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Mexico: Indigenous Land Defender, Samir Flores Soberanes, Assassinated

    This communiqué comes from the People’s Front in Defense of Land and Water, Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala. It condemns the assassination of Indigenous land defender and community radio worker, Samir Flores Soberanes, amidst attempts to push through the megaproject, “Integral Project of Morelos.” The communique places blame on the Federal Government for ignoring the threats this project brings to the communities affected.


  • Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Bahia, Brazil: Cerrado Farmer Shot Amid Escalating Conflict with Agribusiness

    Jossone Lopes Leite after being treated for a gunshot wound to his ankle. Image courtesy of Jossone Lopes Leite

    by Flávia Milhorance / Mongabay

    Content warning: Article contains graphic video and descriptions of violence

  • Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    Gerhart Family to Challenge Mariner East Pipeline Permits in Court

    Press Release/ Earthworks

    Huntingdon County residents seek justice in their long battle to stop Energy Transfer’s Mariner East pipelines.

    [Harrisburg, PA]: On Tuesday morning, February 19, Huntingdon County residents Stephen and Ellen Sue Gerhart will formally challenge permits issued to Sunoco/Energy Transfer to build the controversial Mariner East pipelines across their property. The hearing, in front of the Environmental Hearing Board (EHB), is the latest chapter of the Gerharts’ four years of fierce opposition to the Mariner East pipeline projects. Ellen Sue Gerhart, 63, was jailed for two months from the end of July until the end of September of 2018 in retaliation for peacefully opposing pipeline construction on her property. The Gerharts neither signed an easement nor gave any form of permission for Energy Transfer to construct the pipeline. The family’s land was seized by eminent domain, despite the stated purpose of Mariner East to ultimately export Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) to plastic manufacturers in Europe. (more…)

  • Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

    India-Nepal agreement to boost transborder conservation of rhinos, tigers

    by Mayank Aggarwal/ Mongabay

    India and Nepal, which share a border running more than 1,850 kilometers (1,150 miles), are set to sign an agreement strengthening transboundary conservation of species like the Indian rhino, Bengal tiger and Asian elephant.

  • Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

    Oil firm aims to extend Dorset coast drilling despite marine life risk

    by Sandra Laville/ The Guardian

    The ENSCO-72 drilling rig in Poole Bay, Dorset. An application for a windfarm about three years ago off the Dorset coastline was refused on grounds of harming the view. Photograph: Steve Parsons/PA

    Environment groups oppose license for Corallian Energy extractions along protected coastline running to March.

    An oil company drilling off the Dorset coastline is attempting to extend its license into the spring, challenging the conditions imposed to protect the sea’s many sensitive wildlife species.

    Corallian Energy has set up a rig visible from the protected coastline and in close proximity to 58 marine and coastal protected areas. Sensitive and protected species offshore include bottlenose dolphins, seahorses, rays and breeding populations of seabirds including sandwich terns and little terns.


  • Saturday, February 16th, 2019

    Saturday, February 16th, 2019

    Atlantic Coast Pipeline Delayed Until 2021

    by Paoloa Rosa-Aquino / Grist

    AP Photo/Steve Helber

    Dominion Energy’s Atlantic Coast Pipeline boondoggle only grows worse.

    If all had gone according to the company’s original plan for the contentious Atlantic Coast Pipeline, it would already be well on its way to carrying fracked gas. But the completion of the 600-mile pipeline — planned to run from West Virginia into North Carolina — has been delayed until 2021.


  • Saturday, February 16th, 2019

    Saturday, February 16th, 2019

    ETP’s Case Against ‘Eco Terrorists’ Dismissed in Federal Court

    by C.S. Hagen / HPR

    Signs left by protesters demonstrating against the Energy Transfer Partners Dakota Access oil pipeline sit at the gate of a construction access road where construction has been stopped for several weeks due to the protests near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, U.S. September 6, 2016. REUTERS/Andrew Cullen


    BISMARCK – Legal battles between corporate oil and anti-pipeline interests made shocking claims when lawsuits were first filed, on both sides of the pipeline.

    North Dakota courts dismissed hundreds of criminal charges against the 836 NoDAPL activists arrested. While official documents show TigerSwan never received permission to operate within the state, many of the civil charges brought by the North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board against the private security firm have also been dismissed in court.


  • Saturday, February 9th, 2019

    Saturday, February 9th, 2019

    Four Catholic Workers Shut Off Valves at Enbridge Lines 3 and 4

    Condemning “the imminent and irreversible damage being done to the climate” by fossil fuel extraction, and calling for “unprecedented and urgent action to solve climate crisis,” four Catholic Workers took non-violent action to help stem the climate crisis on Monday in northern Minnesota, shutting off valves at Enbridge Energy Lines 3 and 4. Allyson Polman, Brenna Cussen Anglada, Michele Naar Obed, and Daniel Yildirim were identified as the Four Necessity Valve Turners who shut off the valves. They took the action to protest the pipelines which cut through Native American reservations and jeopardize fresh water resources in the region, as well as perpetuating an energy economy reliant on fossil fuels.


  • Thursday, February 7th, 2019

    Thursday, February 7th, 2019

    Documents Show Police Using Private Security Firms to Target Anti-Pipeline Organizers Fighting Line 3 Project

    Concerned about massive anti-protests like those seen in North Dakota in 2016, Minnesota law enforcement is keeping tabs on opponents of the Line 3 tar sands project. (Photo: Honor the Earth/Facebook)

    by Jessica Corbett / Common Dreams

    Minnesota police, according to records obtained by The Intercept, have spent more than a year gearing up for a militarized standoff with those opposed to Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline, even borrowing from the playbook of North Dakota law enforcement, which launched a brutal response to the Indigenous-led demonstrations against the Dakota Access pipeline in 2016.

    The documents detail preparations for what Minnesota police expect could compare to the massive anti-pipeline mobilization at Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, where law enforcement unleashed concussion grenades, rubber bullets, tear gas, and water cannons on protesters.


  • Thursday, February 7th, 2019

    Thursday, February 7th, 2019

    The White Earth Band of Ojibwe Enacts First-of-its-Kind Law Securing the Rights of a Plant Species

    photo from http://welrp.org/manoomin-jpg

    by Honor the Earth and The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) / Intercontinental Cry

    MERCERSBURG, PA:  The White Earth Band of Ojibwe – part of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe – adopted a Rights of Manoomin law.  The law protects legal rights of manoomin, or wild rice, securing on- and off-reservation protection of manoomin and the clean, fresh water resources and habitats on which it depends. The 1855 Treaty Authority adopted the Rights of Manoomin as well.


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