With more than 120,000 individual members in more than 91 countries, AAAS is one of the leading voices for science worldwide. We spearhead initiatives in policy, international cooperation and diplomacy, STEM education, public engagement, and more. We strive to promote and defend the integrity of science and its use, provide a voice for science on societal issues, and strengthen and diversify the science and technology workforce.

Your gift today will help AAAS:

  • Make science literacy possible for all students;
  • Increase the participation of people from under-represented groups in STEM fields;
  • Assess and communicate the potential impacts of legislation and Federal funding decisions;
  • Enhance international relations and security through collaboration and science diplomacy; and
  • Encourage dialogue between scientists and non-scientists on some of the most pressing issues of our day.

AAAS is a 501(c)3 organization. As no goods or services are provided in return for any charitable contributions, the entire amount is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

Thank you for your generosity.

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Contact the Office of Philanthropy and Strategic Partnerships at (202) 326-6636 or by email at philanthropy@aaas.org for more information.

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