  1. Not In Our Name

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    July 26, 2018 by IJV

    This week, the Jewish Chronicle, Jewish News and Jewish Telegraph are publishing the same front page, headed “United we stand” …
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  2. Global Jewish organizations condemn attempts to stifle criticism of Israel

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    July 20, 2018 by IJV

    Independent Jewish Voices is proud to join Jewish Voice for Peace and over 30 other Jewish organizations worldwide in signing …
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  3. IJV response to the Jewish Chronicle on Jeremy Corbyn

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    July 19, 2018 by IJV

    We note with dismay and outrage the front-page headline in today’s Jewish Chronicle, which uncritically quotes Labour MP Margaret Hodge’s description …
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  4. We must define antisemitism to fight it effectively

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    June 17, 2018 by IJV

    The following letter was published in the Guardian on 15 June 2018, supported by Independent Jewish Voices, Jewish Socialists’ Group, …
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  5. Jerusalem 2018: Reality, Fact and Fantasy*

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    May 31, 2018 by IJV

    By Brian Klug On 6 December 2017 Donald Trump announced from the White House that “it is time to officially …
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  6. The Seventy Year Nakba

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    May 18, 2018 by IJV

    By Barnaby Raine   Never again can anyone ask, “but where is the Palestinian Gandhi?” That, one might think, is …
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  7. Resistance as Survival: Recalling May 15th, 1948.

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    May 17, 2018 by IJV

    By Lynne Segal Write something on the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel and the Nakba I was asked. It …
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  8. IJV Statement: Stop the Gaza Killings

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    May 15, 2018 by IJV

    STOP THE GAZA KILLINGS LIFT THE SIEGE ON GAZA END THE OCCUPATION Since our last statement on 6 April, each …
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  9. Joint statement on Tory links to antisemitism in European politics

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    April 18, 2018 by IJV

    As the House of Commons holds a debate on antisemitism called by the Conservative Party, we are calling on the …
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  10. Stop the Murders in Gaza

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    April 6, 2018 by IJV

             Independent Jewish Voices is horrified by the killing today (Friday 6 April) by Israeli military forces of at least …
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