The Venture | Canberra Times

The Venture

CV fraud: How inflated is your resume?

CV fraud: How inflated is your resume?

How far have you stretched your credentials to get that job.

  • by Tony Featherstone


Why small business owners must invest in themselves

Why small business owners must invest in themselves

More work needed to help owners become innovators and entrepreneurs.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Should large companies co-provide university courses?

Should large companies co-provide university courses?

Different models are needed to drive teaching collaborations between industry and higher education.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Infrastructure debate must recognise boom in temporary population

Infrastructure debate must recognise boom in temporary population

Soaring growth in international tourists, students will add to living pressures in coming decade.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Do men suffer too much gender prejudice in part-time work?

Do men suffer too much gender prejudice in part-time work?

Blocking men from taking on less hours has implications for gender pay inequality and organisation agility.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Why fake office martyrs need to get a life

Why fake office martyrs need to get a life

Colleagues who go on about weekend work and other sacrifices are among the biggest office jerks.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Sweet and sour of food-delivery boom
The Venture

Sweet and sour of food-delivery boom

What happens if one or two giant couriers have too much power over restaurants and consumers?

  • by Tony Featherstone
Asleep on the job an eye-opener for business
The Venture

Asleep on the job an eye-opener for business

Expecting everyone, with different body clocks, to perform at their best in a set shift, is unrealistic.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Heat on companies to improve worker safety in high temperatures
The Venture

Heat on companies to improve worker safety in high temperatures

Sadly, it may take heat-related deaths and companies being sued to force the issue.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Are STEM skills overhyped?
The Venture

Are STEM skills overhyped?

Excessive focus on technical skills could hinder rather than help industry and young people.

  • by Tony Featherstone
Why do so many young people chase their uni dream then squander it?
The Venture

Why do so many young people chase their uni dream then squander it?

We must help committed Year 12 students to maintain the ethos and engage on campus.

  • by Tony Featherstone