Calling all nominations for the ACT volunteers of the year

Calling all nominations for the ACT volunteers of the year

Do you know a volunteer who deserves some recognition?

Take a moment to nominate your favourite volunteer for a special award.

Take a moment to nominate your favourite volunteer for a special award.

Nominations for the 2019 Volunteering Awards Canberra Region are now open.

And there are a lot of people to consider for special mention.


Volunteering and Contact ACT chief executive Vicky Darling said Canberra had the highest rate of
volunteering in the country, with more 130,000 volunteers in the national capital.

“These volunteers make up the social fabric of our community, and it’s impossible to imagine our world without their effort," she said.

Nominations for the 2019 awards are open until Thursday,  April 4. The awards celebration takes place at the National Arboretum on Tuesday, May 21.

The award categories are:
• Young Volunteer of the Year (aged 14 – 30)
• Senior Volunteer of the Year (aged 55+)
• Corporate Volunteer of the Year
• Volunteer Team of the Year
• Innovation Award
• Profound Influence Award
• Thought and Leadership Award
Nominations  can be lodged online at

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