Topic | Pollution | Canberra Times


Government investigates toxic firefighting foam used to feed compost

Government investigates toxic firefighting foam used to feed compost

The Queensland government is investigating why a Swanbank compost manufacturer used water contaminated with toxic firefighting foam to feed its compost products.

  • by Tony Moore


'It's just plastic, plastic, plastic': Fears for marine life as debris washes up on NSW beaches

'It's just plastic, plastic, plastic': Fears for marine life as debris washes up on NSW beaches

A mass clean-up effort is under way after 83 containers fell off a cargo ship late last week.

Cargo ship drops containers off Australia, nappies wash up on beaches

Cargo ship drops containers off Australia, nappies wash up on beaches

A cargo ship lost 83 containers overboard during heavy seas off Australia, and items including nappies and sanitary pads are washing up on beaches.

  • by Alison Bevege
'Repeat offender' must be named and shamed for Dandenong Creek dump

'Repeat offender' must be named and shamed for Dandenong Creek dump

Environmental experts debate whether thick white foam was caused by a deliberate dump or accidental spill – but unite in efforts to catch the culprit.  

  • by Joe Hinchliffe
Birds are dropping dead off Australia's coast, and it's all our fault

Birds are dropping dead off Australia's coast, and it's all our fault

Confronting new images reveal the cost of Australia's obsession with plastic, with appalled scientists recovering hundreds of fragments from the stomachs of birds.

  • by Nicole Hasham
Someone is making a banned chemical that destroys the ozone layer, scientists suspect
Global warming

Someone is making a banned chemical that destroys the ozone layer, scientists suspect

Emissions of CFC-11 are on the rise, suggesting someone may be secretly manufacturing the pollutant in violation of an international accord.

  • by Chris Mooney
When hospitals are making people sick: Health sector's role in saving the planet

When hospitals are making people sick: Health sector's role in saving the planet

If you knew how many people were admitted to hospital as a result of your car’s emissions, would you act?

  • by Kate Aubusson
Toxic chemicals found in central Queensland ports

Toxic chemicals found in central Queensland ports

Toxic chemicals from firefighting foam have been found at the Queensland ports of Gladstone and Bundaberg, with fears it has contaminated groundwater.

  • by Laura Polson & Sonia Kohlbacher
Probe after Gorgon releases millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas

Probe after Gorgon releases millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas

The environmental watchdog said 80 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions had to be reinjected underground - but 18 months have passed and still no reinjection.

  • by Emma Young
'Appalling': Government won't budge on polluted land buyout
Malcolm Turnbull

'Appalling': Government won't budge on polluted land buyout

Government won't buy out owners of the polluted land around military bases in spite of "fairly consistent evidence" linking them to a slew of health effects.

  • by Carrie Fellner
Wanted: someone who can fix the Taj Mahal

Wanted: someone who can fix the Taj Mahal

Foreigners, Australians among them, are eyeing up an opportunity to help save the Taj Mahal from pollution after India's Supreme Court ordered a search abroad for experts to stem the damage to the building.

  • by Amrit Dhillon