Mormonism stands or falls on the life of its founder

This cult likes to portray itself as Christian, but the Book of Mormon and the teachings of Joseph Smith and subsequent leaders are not supported by scripture at best and in direct contradiction at worst.

Founder Smith's history portrays a man of dubious character who promoted a fanciful tale of golden plates containing an unprovable story of an ancient civilization.

Mormonism is held together by strong family values and a diligent work ethic. But their Book of Mormon and other foundational literature is riddled with historical inconsistences and theological contradictions.

Soul winners need to brief themselves on the deception of this false "Christianity" to better rescue those bound with this sugar-coated spiritual poison

See list of articles


Mormon Myths Exposed by Their Own Literature

  • False Religions
  • Mormon Teachings
  • Mormon History

6 commonly believed myths about Mormons.

Mormonism Trying to Look More Christian

  • Evangelism
  • Mormon Teachings
  • Joseph Smith
  • Mormon PR

Since Joseph Smith founded Mormonism, many changes have been made to make it look more Christian.

Mormonism--How Did It Begin?

  • False Religions
  • Mormon History

Mormonism stands or falls on the testimony of Joseph Smith, a New England farm boy.


Book of Mormon

Professor Threatened for Exposing Contradictions in the Book of Mormon
Thomas Murphy, head of the anthropology department at Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, Washington has been threatened with excommunication from the Mormon church for questioning the historical accuracy of the Book of Mormon.

Mormon President Pushes Book of Mormon Fiction
Gordon B. Hinckley, 96-year-old president of the Mormons, told the biannual meeting of the Latter Day Saints that the Book of Mormon contains a valid account of Christ`s dealings with the American Indians.

There Is Nothing More Pagan: Mormon Teaching
You will never learn Mormon doctrine from their Articles of Faith.

Book of Mormon Written Through a 'Peep Stone' in a Hat
Evidence is continuing to surface that Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, had built quite a reputation as a local magician...

Joseph Smith

Book of Mormon Written Through a 'Peep Stone' in a Hat
Evidence is continuing to surface that Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, had built quite a reputation as a local magician...

Mormonism Trying to Look More Christian
Since Joseph Smith founded Mormonism, many changes have been made to make it look more Christian.

Mormon History

Mormonism--How Did It Begin?
Mormonism stands or falls on the testimony of Joseph Smith, a New England farm boy.

Mormon Leadership Admits 'Mistakes'
Mormon President Uchtdorf admits some teachings "could cause people to question."

Mormons Gaining Respect but History Still Weird
In April this year, the Illinois legislature passed a resolution apologizing to the Mormons for the 1844 "murder" of Joseph Smith and expulsion of the Mormons from the state.

Book of Mormon Written Through a 'Peep Stone' in a Hat
Evidence is continuing to surface that Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, had built quite a reputation as a local magician...

Mormon Myths Exposed by Their Own Literature
6 commonly believed myths about Mormons.

Two Verses That Could Have Changed My Life
"It is possible I never would have become a Mormon if only I had known Galatians 1:8-9."

Mormon PR

Mormonism Starts PR Campaign to Dress Up Its Image
Mormons consider themselves Christians. Yet the fact is they are victims of a false religion which is most evident in their teachings about Jesus.

Mormonism Trying to Look More Christian
Since Joseph Smith founded Mormonism, many changes have been made to make it look more Christian.

Mormons Maneuvering to Appear More Christian
As Salt Lake City gears up for next year's Winter Olympics, the Mormon leadership is taking another step to appear more "Christian."

Mormon Teachings

Mormon Myths Exposed by Their Own Literature
6 commonly believed myths about Mormons.

Mormons Gaining Respect but History Still Weird
In April this year, the Illinois legislature passed a resolution apologizing to the Mormons for the 1844 "murder" of Joseph Smith and expulsion of the Mormons from the state.

Mormonism's Strange Secret Doctrines
Mormonism teaches many things that are so strange they don't talk about them outside their churches. Here are some of their "secrets."

Would You Trust Satan's Brother?
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:13)

Mormons Maneuvering to Appear More Christian
As Salt Lake City gears up for next year's Winter Olympics, the Mormon leadership is taking another step to appear more "Christian."

Witness to Mormons

There Is a Way to Witness to Mormons
The following suggestions, written after years of experience by John L. Smith, are adapted from his book, "Witnessing Effectively to Mormons".

Mormonism's Strange Secret Doctrines
Mormonism teaches many things that are so strange they don't talk about them outside their churches. Here are some of their "secrets."

Mormon Church Helps Pass the Olympic Torch
Mormon leaders claim that they made no effort to influence the decision to bring the Winter Olympics to Salt Lake City.