Slaves of the Watchtower Society

It seems Satan has no lack of ideas for counterfeits of the Church of Christ. The Watchtower Society is just another one. The central objective is to get you away from pure trust in Jesus. The Devil doesn’t care what he gets you into, as long it isn't a born-again fellowship.

This false religion provides a sense of belonging to an important cause and then keeps you so busy working for the Watchtower that you don’t have time to critically examine the unbiblical teaching and structure.

Daniel Rodriguez, author of Winning The Witnesses put his finger on the central evil of the Watchtower: it takes away the person's trust in Jesus and replaces it with trust in the Watchtower organization. Soul winners found that this was the place to challenge those caught in the Watchtower. JWs must admit that Watchtower material is not divinely inspired like the Bible. Thus, their unbiblical teachings must be questioned. If a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses can be guided to this truth, he is well on his way out of the bondage.

See list of articles


Who Are The Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • JW Teaching
  • History of JWs

How the Watchtower Society uses mind control to keep tight reign on their members.

Failed Prophecies Cast Doubt on All Watchtower Interpretations of Scripture

  • False Religions
  • Cults
  • Watchtower
  • Failed Prophecy

Thomas Heinze, in his book, Answers to My Jehovah's Witness Friends, says that Jehovah's Witnesses are vulnerable in two areas.

Rescuing a Loved One from the Watchtower

  • Witnessing
  • Witness to JWs

Here are some steps you can take to assist your loved one to exit the Watchtower.

ALL ARTICLES ON Jehovahs Witness

Failed Prophecy

Failed Prophecies Cast Doubt on All Watchtower Interpretations of Scripture
Thomas Heinze, in his book, Answers to My Jehovah's Witness Friends, says that Jehovah's Witnesses are vulnerable in two areas.

False Prophecy and Mistaken Interpretation of Scripture
The Watchtower Society has made numerous prophecies which failed to come to pass.

Prime Opportunity to Help Jehovah's Witnesses
Failed prophecies is one way to shatter Jehovah's Witnesses' confidence in the Watchtower.

History of JWs

Jehovah's Witnesses -- Where Did They Come From?
The group known as Jehovah's Witnesses began in 1872 under the teaching of Charles Taze Russell.

Who Are The Jehovah's Witnesses?
How the Watchtower Society uses mind control to keep tight reign on their members.

JW Bible

NIV Interdenominational Masterpiece - Even For Jehovah's Witnesses
"But does it all really matter," one might ask, "if I can support what I believe with the NIV?"

Is the NIV preparing the way for 'Another Jesus?'
Every false religion cooked up by Satan downgrades Jesus one way or another. So, what do the new Bible versions (including the Jehovah's Witness Bible) do with Jesus?

Jesus ... is He God's Son or God's servant?
Some Bibles (including the Jehovah's Witness Bible) say he is one, some say the other. These are not the same! Which is right?

JW Teaching

Don't Worry About Hell - Jehovah's Witnesses - What Do They Believe?
They offer a cunning mixture of Scripture verses and "almost" Christian doctrines.

Why Jehovah's Witness Prophecy Is Important
How can we tell if the doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses are true?

How does the Jehovah's Witness view of salvation compare with that of the Bible?

'Most True JWs Are Dead or Very Old': Author
Evangelist Daniel Rodriguez has been witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses for over 22 years.


Failed JW Prophecies - Good Witnessing Points
The failed prophecies of the Watchtower Society are valuable witnessing points when dealing with Jehovah`s Witnesses.

Failed Prophecies Cast Doubt on All Watchtower Interpretations of Scripture
Thomas Heinze, in his book, Answers to My Jehovah's Witness Friends, says that Jehovah's Witnesses are vulnerable in two areas.

Jehovah's Witnesses -- Where Did They Come From?
The group known as Jehovah's Witnesses began in 1872 under the teaching of Charles Taze Russell.

New Tract a Shot at the Watchtower
This new tract for Jehovah's Witnesses shows clearly that the Watchtower Society does not claim to be inspired, and that the Scriptures prove Jesus is Jehovah.

Witness to JWs

Failed JW Prophecies - Good Witnessing Points
The failed prophecies of the Watchtower Society are valuable witnessing points when dealing with Jehovah`s Witnesses.

How To Rescue Your Loved One From The Watchtower
Steps you can take to assist your loved one out of the Watchtower

Prime Opportunity to Help Jehovah's Witnesses
Failed prophecies is one way to shatter Jehovah's Witnesses' confidence in the Watchtower.

When They Come to Your Door: Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses
To learn how to approach these people, BATTLECRY interviewed Paul Blizard, a former Jehovah's Witness.

New Tract a Shot at the Watchtower
This new tract for Jehovah's Witnesses shows clearly that the Watchtower Society does not claim to be inspired, and that the Scriptures prove Jesus is Jehovah.