From 'Rock Soup' to 'Superhumans'

The theory of evolution is an attack on both God and the Bible. No God is needed if all life "evolved" from rock soup over billions of years. Man is just a highly complex mutant that accidently appeared in a hostile universe. This takes all accountability away installing the "survival of the fittest" as the standard of all behavior. No moral law, no 10 Commandments, just wandering chemical organisms trying to figure why we are here.

If evolution is true, then that ancient mythological fairybook, the Bible, is nothing more than one of many other attempts by man to explain himself and his world. Evolutionists now dream of a utopia where man's "mutations" can be accelerated by biotechnology eliminating disease, aging and poverty, creating "superhumans."

Today, every person on the planet must choose in his own mind whether there is a God or not. Oddly enough, most come up with some kind of deity, real or imagined, if they don’t know about the God of the Bible. The Theory of Evolution is only a phenomenon of the educated class in the western world. And it has only been around for a couple hundred years.

Can the Theory of Evolution be anything else but the "strong delusion" detailed in 2 Thessalonians 2:11?

The articles and other resources in the following sections of this page will help you in your discussions with those deceived by evolution.

See list of articles


Scientists Admit: Evolution Not Supported By Facts!

  • Science

Here are the statements of several scientific leaders as found in The Quote Book, published by Creation Science Foundation Ltd.

How Old is the Moon?

  • Science

200 new craters since 2009 show the moon is not as old as we`ve been told.

World Renown Scientist's Computer Proves Noah's Flood

  • Creation
  • Noahs Ark
  • Science

A new computer in the supercomputing department of the National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos, New Mexico is being used by a world renown scientist to present evidence that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, just as the Bible says.




Evolution's 'Proofs' Rapidly Vanishing
What do peppered moths, ancient horses and the Piltdown man have in common? They are all pillars of evidence of evolution that have crumbled.

Little Bugs That Evolutionists Would Like to Forget!
Here, excerpted from The Collapse of Evolution by Dr. Scott M. Huse, is one of the many humorous examples in nature that make evolutionists look silly.

Time is Evolutionist's God, Says Author
"The general theory of evolution is based on several faulty assumptions," says Dr. Kent Hovind, author and creator of the Creation Seminar Video Series.

The Pope Denies Genesis by Endorsing Evolution
Calling evolution "more than a hypothesis," Pope John Paul II gave his official support to the idea of evolution while speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in late October.

Really — How Old IS That Fossil?
Evolutionists speak with great confidence when they toss around dates related to age of earth and fossils.

World Renown Scientist's Computer Proves Noah's Flood
A new computer in the supercomputing department of the National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos, New Mexico is being used by a world renown scientist to present evidence that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, just as the Bible says.

Fossilized Mosquito Drilling Holes in Theory of Evolution
To Bible believers, the answer is obvious. But some scientists choose to just scratch their heads, hoping 'science' will eventually come up with an explanation.

Up in Arms Over -Arm Evolution
If people's arms evolved from ape's arms, why are they shorter and weaker? Isn't evolution supposed to bring "improvement?"

Fossils Prove Pre-Flood Earth Was Ideal Environment
Creation scientists are amassing evidence that life was much different before Noah's flood.

Billions of Years?
Can billions of years do what is otherwise impossible?


Author Claims Some Dinosaurs Live Today!
In March, 1962, five teenage boys rode a small boat to a partially submerged shipwreck off the coast of Pensacola, Florida.

Really — How Old IS That Fossil?
Evolutionists speak with great confidence when they toss around dates related to age of earth and fossils.

Global Warming

Global Warming: But Not as They Say
Satan's goal is to limit the spread of the Gospel.

Satan's Bogus Salvation Plan
His suggestion? Man can get along just fine doing things his own way.

Science Discovers Faith, But in What?
The public's trust in "science" is increasingly frayed.

Opportunistic Vatican On The Move Again
Pope Francis wants the world's political and religious leaders to join together against climate change. A platform to work toward global political and religious unity.

Noahs Ark

Fossils Prove Pre-Flood Earth Was Ideal Environment
Creation scientists are amassing evidence that life was much different before Noah's flood.

World Renown Scientist's Computer Proves Noah's Flood
A new computer in the supercomputing department of the National Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos, New Mexico is being used by a world renown scientist to present evidence that the earth is less than 10,000 years old, just as the Bible says.


Scientists Admit: Evolution Not Supported By Facts!
Here are the statements of several scientific leaders as found in The Quote Book, published by Creation Science Foundation Ltd.

World-Famous Chemist Says Peers Hide From Explaining Evolution
Professor James M. Tour polled many of his peers in Physics and Chemistry departments about evolution. He found out what many professors won’t admit publically.

In the End, the Bible is Always Right
How could life come from a simple cell, when there is no such thing as a SIMPLE cell?

Evolution's Big Lie Looking More Absurd
When Neil Armstrong guided the lunar lander down toward the surface of the moon in 1970 he had many concerns.

Green River Fossil Foolishness
Evolutionists use the Green River fossilized lake beds as an argument against a young earth. I was recently in Wyoming and turned off to see for myself...

More Basic Questions Evolutionists Can't Answer
Evolutionists: try these important problems on for size.

New Evidence for Human Evolution?
"Strongest evidence yet, that humans are still evolving..."

Simple Cells? Not Any Longer!
Advances in science have taught us that "simple" cells are not simple at all. They are much too complex to be the result of evolution.

Weakness of 'Scientific' dating method exposed
Over a 20 year career, Shinichi Fujimura made one amazing archaeology discovery after another.

Sex, Evolution's Nightmare!
The existence of the sexes is impossible with evolution.

Young Earth

Spacecraft Finds More Evidence Debunking Evolution
The Cassini spacecraft that arrived in orbit around Saturn last year has made several discoveries that honest evolutionists will find disturbing.

Evolution is Religion, not Science says Dr. Hovind
Do evolutionists "know" the earth is billions of years old or do they "believe" that it is?

Green River Fossil Foolishness
Evolutionists use the Green River fossilized lake beds as an argument against a young earth. I was recently in Wyoming and turned off to see for myself...

Time is Evolutionist's God, Says Author
"The general theory of evolution is based on several faulty assumptions," says Dr. Kent Hovind, author and creator of the Creation Seminar Video Series.

More Evidence of Creation
Evidence that the earth-sun system was designed by God far outweighs any possibility that it all just happened to come together by mere chance.

Fossils Prove Pre-Flood Earth Was Ideal Environment
Creation scientists are amassing evidence that life was much different before Noah's flood.