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HathiTrust User Support charge

Through its contact emails and public interfaces, HathiTrust routinely receives end-user questions and feedback related to its content and services. These include inquiries relating to

  • Cataloging problems
  • Collection development
  • Content Quality
  • Deposit of new content
  • Re-use of content and linking
  • Partnership
  • Copyright and access
  • Bibliographic and full-text search
  • Shibboleth and login 
  • Access to datasets
  • Feature requests and problem reports

In order to efficiently and effectively serve the needs of users, and ensure the highest level of function of HathiTrust services, HathiTrust has charged a multi-institution user support team.

HathiTrust User Support:

  • Responds to and ensures ultimate resolution of user inquiries that are received through HathiTrust web interfaces and the HathiTrust contact address. This work is accomplished through the use of a common issue-tracking system.
  • Responds to users directly and mediates resolution of problems and issues with contacts at partner institutions where necessary. Initial responses to inquiries are sent within one business day of receipt and resolved as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Works closely with other working groups and committees to direct feedback on particular HathiTrust activities, interfaces, and work products (e.g., interfaces, webinars, press releases, etc.) to the appropriate channels.


Includes a chair and staff from a variety of partner institutions with expertise in reference, technical services, copyright, collections, and other primary areas of user feedback. Most of work of the group will be conducted by email with conference calls scheduled as needed. Members must be professional, representing HathiTrust appropriately to users. Members must be willing and able to respond quickly, and at times immediately, to user inquiries and messages from other working group members. Members must also be diligent about pursuing issues to a conclusion, realizing that some issues may take several weeks or even months to resolve.

Bibliographic Corrections Group Members:

  • Maria Aghazarian (Swarthmore College)
  • Robin Desmeules (McGill University)
  • Rebecca Culbertson (University of California, San Diego)
  • Leigh Billings (University of Michigan)
  • Kathryn Donahue (Colby College)
  • Elizabeth Miraglia (University of California, San Diego)
  • Colleen Fedewa (Case Western Reserve University)
  • David Frank (University of Pittsburgh)

General Support Group Members:

  • M. Constance Fleischer (University of Chicago)
  • Jenn Siegel (Brandeis University)
  • Fred Rascoe (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Lynda Tolly (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Gillian Keleher (University of California, Santa Cruz)
  • Frank Gravier (University of California, Santa Cruz)
  • Chad Pearson (Texas A&M University)
  • Lynne Serviss (McMaster University)
  • Maggie Halterman-Dess (University of Iowa)
  • Heather Weltin (HathiTrust)

Digital Objects Quality Corrections Group Members:

  • Kat Hagedorn (University of Michigan)
  • Bethany Davis (University of Iowa)
  • Keila Zayas-Ruiz (Florida State University)
  • Mira Basara (Cornell University)
  • Emily Holmes (Columbia University)
  • Natalie Fulkerson (HathiTrust)
  • Sean Moodie (The Ohio State University)
  • Timothy Provenzano (Arizona State University)
  • Dhy Edwardsberry (Harvard University)
  • Lynn Bostwick (Texas State University)

Chair: Angelina Zaytsev (HathiTrust)


Reports to the Executive Director, who in turn coordinates with the HathiTrust Board of Governors.


Members are appointed for a minimum 1-year term, with the option to continue.