
HathiTrust Staff

For general support inquiries related to access, quality problems, deposit of content, website functionality, outages, operations, services, membership, etc., please email This allows us to track inquiries and provide responses more effectively.

Mike FurloughMike Furlough , Executive Director
As the Chief Executive Officer of HathiTrust, Mike is responsible for its operations and programs, ensuring effective development and execution of infrastructure and services. Working with the Program Steering Committee, he identifies, explores, and recommends strategic directions to the Board and oversees the development of new program initiatives and their realization through the HathiTrust staff. He bears responsibility for communication with and engagement of the membership and represents the organization in relevant national/international contexts.

Email Mike

Heather ChristensonHeather Christenson , Program Officer, Federal Documents and Collections
Heather manages the HathiTrust Federal Documents Program, building partnerships to drive the expansion of the federal documents collection and services that support the discovery, access, and preservation of these materials.

Email Heather

Kristina EdenKristina Eden , Copyright Review Program Manager
Kristina directs the work of copyright reviewers from a number of library partners across the country in identifying public domain books and making them accessible in HathiTrust.

Email Kristina

Sandra McIntyreSandra McIntyre , Director of Services and Operations
Sandra manages the development and growth of HathiTrust's core portfolio of collection services, including preservation, discovery, access, and user and member support. She supervises HathiTrust staff in those areas and serves as the primary liaison with managers at the University of Michigan, California Digital Library, and HathiTrust Research Center who are responsible for HathiTrust's cyberinfrastructure and web services. She sets priorities for technical and service development and oversees the development of policies, processes, and specifications.

Email Sandra

Melissa StewartMelissa Stewart , Assistant to the Executive Director
In addition to providing administrative support to the Executive Director and HathiTrust team, Melissa manages the process of on-boarding new member institutions, processing approvals for privileged access for staff and print disabled services, and coordinating communications.

Email Melissa

Angelina ZaytsevAngelina Zaytsev , Collection Services Librarian
Angelina serves as the Chair of the User Support Working Group, which is the primary feedback mechanism for HathiTrust, and oversees 20+ volunteers from partner libraries as they handle and triage user communications. In addition, she works with partner libraries to coordinate the deposit of their materials in HathiTrust and the submission of other vital data, and in coordination with other team members who contribute to HathiTrust operations, she improves existing services, processes and workflows.

Email Angelina