From DC Direct Action News

On the 19th of November, the alt-right. neo-Nazi National Policy Institute met in the Ronald Reagan Building. As they tried to hold a press conference, a crowd estimated by one speaker at over 1,000 anti-fascists laid siege to the event, marching around the building, pursuing any Nazi they spotted.

One of NPI’s own reporters was seen on video saying she was “covering the battle,” then she got sprayed point-blank in the hair with spray paint. Another Nazi with her received a head injury and ended up in the hospital after assaulting a protester only to be taken down by many more antifa. Two people were detained by police but at least one was confirmed released at the scene, no clear reports of any actual arrests at this time.

The Nazis tried to move people in through doors as far away from protesters as possible, only to trigger both marches and running charges of protesters to catch up. Doors were quickly locked as activists swarmed in, at one point they came within seconds of being able to gain control of a door and storm the Ronald Reagan Building.

Throughout the protest, Donald Trump was mentioned in the same breath as the rest of the alt-right and NPI. At least twice protesters marched over to Trump Hotel but stayed in the streets, ready to march back on the double if scouts spotted any NPI activity at a Ronald Reagan Building door. One often heard chant was “No Donald Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA.”

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