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Cream cheese cookie rings are made with soft cream cheese and decorated with chunks of pistachios and freeze-dried raspberries.

Get the recipe:

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White Desert © Holger Nimtz
Egypt | Analog Photography | 1997

Follow me on instagram:
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Warm cherry strudel stuffed with cranberries and almonds is a classic dessert and tastes delicious with whipped cream and ice cream!

Get the recipe:

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This poto is part of this blog on my website: Flowers in my house

CAMERA: Canon EOS 80D/650D
LENS: Canon EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II


#photography #flowers #floral #Spring #freesia #colorful #colors
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According to the site's banner announcement, "As a result of a server migration project, any photos, videos, and audio files you uploaded more than three years ago, may no longer be available on or from MySpace." Some estimate nearly 50 million songs from 2003 to 2015 have been lost. According to MySpace users on Reddit, all pre-2015 music stopped working about a year ago.
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It can be wise to secure your Android phone with antivirus software, but which ones can you count on? You can rule out most of them, apparently. AV-Comparatives has tested 250 antivirus apps for Google's platform, and only 80 of them (just under one third) passed the site's basic standards -- that is, they detected more than 30 percent of malicious apps from 2018 and had zero false positives.
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This video will show you how to flip the layout of an android phone from ltr to rtl

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I am very sad to hear +Uwe Duwe passed away. He was one of my inspirations with his wonderful self portraits, his bokehlicios still lifes, his #ohrwurmmondays and his generous and humorous nature. You will be missed!
(And in a way I still hope this is a big misunderstanding and he will show up with a selfie, holding a smoking a cigarette between his fingers, just shaking his head.)

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Rain at Last

This was a from a while back when had some significant rain. Finally, after 3 months without any rain, the heavens have finally opened and it's turning green here again. Sadly, just a few kilometres from here and it's still bone dry, the drought isn't giving up yet.

April 2nd will be the last day of G+, I'll be here 'till the end, but if you want to find me elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by +Peter Quinton


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Macquarie Rivulet artist impression

Once Upon a Time
alone in the cold
I feel time stalking
So I pour faster
and say to you

Be my dead love above in starry cold,
dimming as pale light crowds our home.
Raise your sights to my eyes once more.
Hold my breath against a cold night chill.
Feel, from the edge, the shadows shiver,
the ice cracks spread and my heart shatter. "

I hear you say, “You pour too fast; slow down. "

In reply you hear me whisper thin,
“I sing of Artemis, the cold-hearted archer.
I am Mistress of unplanned deaths and wild rainbows,
of commensal cats and lunar cycles. "

More images:

Celebrate: Thank you. To celebrate what we all achieved on G+, i am publishing the 50 most viewed posts in this collection (with 450m views) until shutdown. This is an unreprocessed impression of this fall (7th most viewed).

#CelebrateCountdown (please feel free to use this hashtag to celebrate your own favorite posts)

This platform has been great for photographers and writers. Waterfalls from this Collection were used in a couple of novels, including Twilight of the Gods (P Quinton & CR Bravo, Amazon). This drawing by CR Bravo (copyright 2017) was based on a waterfall a little upstream from Rainbow Falls on Macquarie Rivulet.


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This Quantum Sense Allows Birds to Navigate Earth’s Magnetic Field.

"Migratory birds have made their thousand-mile flights for millennia, but we are just now learning to map their mesmerizing journeys.”

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People can sense Earth’s magnetic field, brain waves suggest.

"With this first compelling evidence that humans are subconsciously processing magnetic signals. It’s kind of intriguing to think that we have a sense of which we’re not consciously aware."

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At the lake © Holger Nimtz
Müggelsee | Germany | 2019

Follow me on instagram:
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Fitzroy Falls, Morton National Park

Detail of lower plunge, from the West Rim trek. The upper plunge was shrouded in mist. Heavy rain left a slight brown stain in some parts of the fall.

More images:

The upper plunge almost looks like a long exposure shot (it is not), probably a combination of the high flow, the speed of the water near the base and misting. The contrast in internal water flow detail in comparison with the second plunge detail is noticeable.

Image: When i originally processed this scene i processed as a HDR. I thought that the lower parts of the image may have benefitted from slight dehazing, but i have left as is to emphasise the drift of the mist. This time i have processed a single image and slightly dehazed it.

Celebrate: Thank you. To celebrate what we all achieved on G+, i am publishing the 50 most viewed posts in this collection (with 450m views) until shutdown. This is an unreprocessed image of this fall (8th most viewed).

#CelebrateCountdown (please feel free to use this hashtag to celebrate your own favorite posts)
This platform has been great for photographers and writers. For more Australian photography, please check out my friend +Chris Sutton. Or check the b&w of
+madelene jeffery , the Scottish rambles of +shonie Hutter or the adventures of +Monique Helfrich.

If you have enjoyed your experience here on G+, please consider joining Chris Sutton and a number of other fine photographers on a new (shortly to be co-operative) social media site Chris is building to replace our beloved G+. Check it out at:


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Abbaye aux Hommes - Caen, Normandy

April 2nd will be the last day of G+, I'll be here 'till the end, but if you want to find me elsewhere you can get in touch via my website or follow me on Instagram.

If you're looking for somewhere new, our new lifeboat is afloat:

#CelebrateCountdown a hashtag started by +Peter Quinton

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A Rainbow over Chilliwack Lake with Mount Redoubt in the background. Photographed from the beach at Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.

More photos here:

For #mountainmonday (+Mountain Monday) by +Michael Russell

Sadly, G+ is almost gone. After it leaves you can find me here:

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Reality and Perception: The Philosophy of The Matrix.

"Simulation is the imitation of the operation of the real world, process, or system over time. The growth of simulacra - copies indistinguishable from reality - drifts us into this new reality."

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This poto is part of a new blog on my website: Flowers in my house

CAMERA: Canon EOS 80D/650D
LENS: Canon EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II


#photography #flowers #floral #Spring #Eustoma
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Something is Pushing the Milky Way Through the Universe at 1.2 million mph

You can’t feel it, but our planet is orbiting the Sun at speeds of roughly 100,000 km/h (62,000 mph), and something is making our Milky Way galaxy move through the Universe at more than 2 million km/h (1.2 million mph).

Read here:

The research has been published in Nature Astronomy.

Clips, images credit: Yehuda Hoffman, et. al. ESA/HUBBLE, NASA Goddard space flight center & ESO

Music credit: YouTube Audio Library
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