Wikipedia:Free English newspaper sources

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This is a list of text-searchable, free to access (no-pay, non-subscription/-membership/-login) online English newspaper sources. As a rule, entries on this list access many thousands or millions of newspaper pages; they are intended to provide a significant resource to aid in building Wikipedia articles, in which citations to reliable sources is the lifeblood of proper content and at the core of all of Wikipedia's content policies and guidelines, such as notability, verifiability, neutral point of view, and no original research. Websites that provide only limited free material, thus cutting off the bulk of a much larger database, such as The New York Times, are not included.


Accessing Google News Archive[edit]

Google News Archive has been broken since 2013.

This has crippled a major resource Wikipedia editors relied on. It is possible instead to go to a regular Google (web) search interface and place in the text, together with your search terms,, but this is vastly less powerful than the former direct interface: it has far less content than formerly, and there is no way to target a search between dates. Note that the instructions at this Google support page to target dates will not work unless you do a general web search (without the delimiter in your search described above), which will include the newspaper results between specific dates, but also everything else.

See also[edit]