Anti-Fascist Kurdish Solidarity Demo 6/3/16
Tommy Robinson supporter hides from anti-fascists while sieg heiling
Racist Tommy Robinson fans in Trafalgar Square - June 9th 2018

Join Labour Against Racism And Fascism and others for a vigil tonight in solidarity with New Zealand and the victims of the senseless fascist attack in Christchurch.


शुक्र, १५ मार्च
कारणे ५४६ लोक

We stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters in New Zealand and across the world today. Once again, the far-right have targeted innocent people in a horrific attack, with gunmen opening fire at 2 separate Mosques during Friday prayers, killing 49 and injuring a further 20.

Already, the usual suspects in the UK far-right are clamoring to distance themselves from the attack, but make no mistake, people like Tommy Robinson and Gerard Batten, who consistently demonise Muslims, bear some of the blame for attacks like this. We must unite and drive these people off the streets and deny them platforms!

Four suspects - three men and a woman - have been arrested after the shooting during Friday prayers