Fantastic speech by MFJs Rosemary at tonight’s Hackney North Labour meeting. Talking about her experience as a Nigerian lesbian Asylum seeker and Anti-Detention activist. Join Rosemary and the many other bold ex-detainee leaders of MFJ at Yarl’s Wood on 1st December. #ShutDownYarlsWood #EndDetention #SetHerFree #HungerForFreedom SHUT THEM ALL DOWWNNN!!!
On 1 Dec Surround #YarlsWood and Shut Down ALL Detention Centres
Karen Doyle from MFJ speaking about the legal strategy behind our campaign to #WidenWindrush at today's #WindrushConference bringing people together to discuss legal and political strategies in the fight for #WindrushJustice if you want to hear more about the #WidenWindrush campaign and our fight to win #AmnestyforALL come to our public meeting this Tuesday in Brixton (7 Aug, 6.30pm, Karibou Education Centre)