From the Jewdas Haggadah (partially stolen from the 'Fucking Haggadah') In a traditional seder, the shank bone/roasted beetroot represents the sacrifice Jews used to make at the temple in Jerusalem, and our mourning for the temple being destroyed. 100% Fuck that. For our purposes, the sacrificed beetroot represents us giving the finger to idolatry. From Kelly Clarkson to Billy, history shows that when people worship idols, shit hits the fucking fan. It’s on us to prevent the human suffering that follows when shitheads worship THINGS and DICTATORS and MONEY Everybody point at the Beetroot on the Seder plate and shout ‘FUCK CAPITALISM’ (except the person who was supposed to bring the beetroot didn't show up so we swore at a jar of pickles) Chag Sameach! Love Jewdas xxxx
Last night was epic, thanks to everyone who came. Head down to cable street now for the March
Thank you for your suggestions. Announcements on Aleinu for Ramallah coming in the new year.