१७ लोकांनी शिफारस केली
Great people, amazing food, awesome gigs and affordable booze. Love it!

The Cowley is appealing for loanstock investment to help us repair and improve the Club. We will be open to new investors until July 1st 2019.

Loanstock allows you to invest in the Club for a five year period. Investors can choose an interest rate of between 0%-3%. It is ethical and environmentally-friendly.

Head to https://cowley.club/about/support-and-loanstock/ to download an application form!


Please share our loanstock appeal widely among friends and family and other networks. Every little helps.

आणखी पहा
Support and Loans Donations and Standing Orders Donations are always welcome. Many of the things we do at The Cowley Club don’t make much money and we wouldn’t want them to, that’s not the point of the place. If we get donations it means we have more flexibility to do the stuff we want rather ...

The Spring is almost here so let's celebrate. Let's explore what Brighton grassroots campaigns and groups have bee up to recently , let's chat, get together , find out how to get involved or just support the amazing work these groups are putting into social change and buy some of their hand made and home made treasures.

Our Fair is a good opportunity to get some gifts and birthday presents etc for those you love and at the same time helping the local groups with their ongoin...g efforts.

Instead of giving lots of money to corporations in exchange for polluting, disposable rubbish made in sweatshops, you can give a bit of cash to support local campaign groups in exchange for unique home made goodies like jams, cakes, chutneys, books, artwork, t-shirts, handmade craft items, seasonal produce and much much more!

It's a great chance to chat to others over a cuppa and find something nice to give away (or keep for yourself!)

Saturday 13th April
Cowley Club, 12 London Road.

The Cafe will also be open serving up tea, coffee, hot chocolate and tasty vegan treats.

And there will be as usual as well the card signing for political prisoners.

Our winter for back in December was a great success and hoping the Spring edition will be equally as much fun and a great day for the community. Last year we had stalls from:
Brighton Anarchist Black Cross
Brighton Kurdistan Solidarity
Brighton Antifascists
Brighton Hunt Saboteurs
Brighton Migrant Solidarity
Brighton Solfed
Marea Granate Brighton
Hummingbird Project
NFA Residents Association - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1847370702214470/

And hopefully we will have more groups present this time round

Spread the word!

आणखी पहा
शनि, १३ एप्रि १२:०० PM UTC+01 वाजता
Crisis Benoit at The Cowley Club 9/3/19