
If you're in the Wycombe Labour party did you know that there is a solid socialist, anti-fascist candidate running to be nominated as Labour's representative in the next General Election?

Dr Sonia Adesara.

You have to be at the hustings at 1:30pm, Sunday at Bucks New Uni to vote for her.


More info soon.

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Wycombe Antifa hat ein Foto geteilt.

2000 fascists gathering for a demo is absolutely unacceptable. We've dealt with this shit before and we can do it again. They're planning to come to London on 24th June. We need a big response, probably the biggest we've had in a long time.

Read the post from Manchester antifascists to find out what happened.

Bild könnte enthalten: 3 Personen, Personen, die lachen, Personen, die stehen
Manchester 0161 Antifascists

Originally billed as ' Gays Against Sharia' and aiming to cynically exploit the horrific murders in Orlando last year, then changed last minute to ' Unite Hate' with a soft, multicultural speaker line up and three cranks and a dog attending meant that today's invasion by an estimated 2000 drawn from the EDL, its previous more extreme splits, various footy firms and seemingly conned family sorts was a surprise not even the most informed intel predicted.

Given there were already two counter demonstrations in a city now patrolled by armed police it was decided that antifascists would be best employed in a number of discreet roles and protecting protesters. We deliberately did not have a visible presence as this was not a time for waving banners.

CS gas and weapons were deployed by roaming fascist gangs and great bravery was displayed by those who stood against them.

One thing is for certain, Manchester will not be divided, whether by racist right wing fascists or salafi fascists, and we call upon all antifascists to organise and resist any planned returns.

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