The far-right threat is getting more dangerous. We need to act.

14 06 2018

originally posted on While Rome Burns

So… Saturday.

10,000 far-right racists take over Whitehall and Trafalgar Square yelling anti-Muslim hate, pulling Nazi salutes and screaming the name of Tommy Robinson. They assault journalists, attempt to attack anti-fascists and try to break through the gates of Downing Street. They take over and trash a sightseeing bus, forcing driver and passengers to abandon it. They force back the cops, chucking bottles, traffic cones and street barriers, and then roam uncontrolled, chanting racist slogans from the EDL days. They are addressed by a series of celebrity Islamophobes. Speaker after speaker openly incites hatred against Muslims to the delight of the cheering crowds.

The opposition was minimal. A small counter demo of about 200-300 people down the other end of Whitehall. Those who joined it deserve all credit for being there. They were under fairly serious threat of being attacked by breakaway mobs from the main demo.

This was the largest far-right demo in the UK since the Second World War. More than triple the size of any EDL demo that ever happened. Twice as big as the “Day for Freedom” only a month ago.

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Bashing’s back: Do something about it.

11 06 2018
By Berkshire Antifascists

It’s a really tense time for Muslims. In June last year, during Taraveh prayers (part of Ramadhan), there was a fatal attack against Muslims praying at Finsbury Park mosque. This weekend in Leeds, a mosque and Gurdwara were subject to an arson attack after a Free Tommy march. The incidents are too many to name, but the fear in the community is real. While Muslims look at the final stretch before Eid, we need to be actively supporting them and confronting a fascism that bought up to 10,000 people out in London this Saturday gone.

Keep on reading!

Two events this weekend to oppose Generation Identity conference – Sat and Sun

10 04 2018

This weekend – the 14th/15th April, extreme-right white nationalist youth movement Generation Identity are planning to hold their Europe-wide conference in London. They exist across Europe, are well-organised and well funded, have links with the alt-right white nationalists in the USA and now they want to set up here.

There are two mobilisations to oppose them.

Saturday – Be ready to travel anywhere in London and follow @opposeGI on twitter for info on locations on the day.

more info:

Sunday – GI spin-off group 120dB are planning to speak at Speakers Corner. We will hold our own free speech event to oppose them. 10.30am Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.

Facebook event and more info

Stop the fascist Generation Identity conference – London Saturday April 14th

10 04 2018

Call out to all decent human beings! Oppose the Generation Identity conference!

Make no mistake, this conference is a meeting of like minded people from across the continent, seeking to work together to organise and execute the ethnic cleansing of Europe. We cannot – we will not – let this happen. We’ll see you on Saturday the 14th. Follow @OpposeGI on twitter for updates and locations on the day.


Grooming Gangs: Focus on protecting children, not Far Right agendas.

26 03 2018

by Berkshire Anti-Fascists

The Left, like some sort of nebulous ghost, is usually blamed for many things. One big accusation from the Right at the moment, is that the Left doesn’t care about child abuse. This is being done vocally on the back of the horrendous Telford child abuse scandal, and has been used to politically weaponise similar cases in Rotherham, Oxford and more.

Plainly, this is untrue from a Leftist perspective – groups like Sisters Uncut are working incredibly hard to pressure our government into supporting women and families, which is key to the safety of children. If you look at organisations like Southall Black Sisters, you can see feminist groups working to support families and women for years. What they must mean then, is that Anti-Fascists have been fighting fascists who are capitalising on child abuse scandals by turning them into racial or religious issues.

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Anti-Fascist Resistance conference, March 10th, London

25 01 2018

Anti-Fascist Resistance 2018

speakers // discussion // self-defence training // workshops // and more!

Sat March 10th // London

We’ve all seen an international rise of the far-right, and we need to do something about it.

In the face of environmental problems, economic crisis and war, fascists and the far-right have benefited. Whether it’s Trump in America, Le Pen in France or Modi in India, it’s the same thing; pushing national identity, racism, misogyny and authoritarianism.

In the UK, grassroots anti-fascists have defeated the EDL and its offshoots, humiliated National Action, and chased fascists off the streets from London to Liverpool. But this isn’t an easy fight, and one which is becoming harder and more complicated.

Join us for talks and workshops from anti-fascists and anti-racist organisations, highlighting the work that we do, the problems that we face, and what we can do together to fight fascism. Expect everything from German anti-fascists giving a history of their movement, to talks on the growing red gym scene.

Save the date! – venue  and more details to be announced nearer the time.

Come along, meet like-minded people, and let’s smash fascism together in 2018.

Facebook event

Download flyer to print

Questions, enquiries, offers of help etc to:

Action across the country this weekend Nov 25/26

21 11 2017

There are anti-fascist events happening across the country this weekend.

Stop the NEI in Durham, Saturday 25th

In Durham the horrible neo-Nazi North East Infidels are set to march through the city on Saturday 25th attempting to stir up hatred against refugees. There have been multiple calls to oppose them.

StopNEI have made a mobilisation video (above) and a call-out for 1pm in Durham city centre. To get involved email:

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