Do or Die

Do or Die Issue 7

Some photos, illustrations and other images from the paper edition are not yet included on the website.

The Iditorial

These Islands

Direct Action Six Years Down the Road (p. 1)
From the past to the future of the anti-roads movement.
Lights, Cameras... Activism! (p. 5)
The stormy relationship between direct action and video media.
In Tusks We Trust (p. 9)
From Sussex to Scotland, wild boars are doing it for themselves!
No Escape from Patriarchy (p. 10)
Male dominance on direct action camps.
No-One Ever is to Blame (p. 14)
On environmentalists' need to scapegoat government and industry.
Pressmennan (p. 18)
Defending the ancient oakwoods of Scotland.
No Opencast! (p. 23)
A brief history, plus reports and thoughts on the recent action in Derbyshire.
Animal Antics (p. 33)
Road-wreckin' rabbits and pissed-off primates say "Take that, humans!"
Personality Politics (p. 35)
Revolt is contained by overexposure... direct action as spectacle?
Treehouses of the World (p. 38)
We should never have come down from the trees!
Farmaggedon! (p. 40)
Industrial Agriculture - why it has to go and what could follow its demise.
Carry on Camping (p. 54)
A round up of UK direct action camps from the last year.
The Oil Industry (p. 59)
Thrills, spills and then kills - Followed by...
Putting a Spanner in the Oil Industry's Works (p. 66)
Hints on how to fuck up the oil mega-machine.
World Wide Fraud (p. 76)
WWF pandering to the will of industry - and responsible for genocide.
Quarry Fighting in the South West (p. 79)

Other Islands...

Viva Sasé: Tierra y Libertad (p. 85)
Reports from the squatted village in Spain.
Occupy, Resist, Produce (p. 88)
Brasil's landless peasants' movement - an inside view from a roving EF!er.
Green Fort versus Mean Port (p. 97)
Resistance to harbour development in Holland.
Tíocfáidh Ár La (p. 100)
Pixies Reclaim Ireland - direct action re-greening the 'Emerald Isle'.
Hot Dam! (p. 109)
Victory for the people opposing the Maheshwar dam in India.
Behind the Balaclavas (p. 110)
First hand impressions of the Zapatista communities.
Direct Action Down Under (p. 118)
Reports from eco-direct actions and campaigns in Australia.
Thanksgiving is for Turkeys (p. 122)
Amerikkka Celebrates Genocide - and Native Americans continue to resist.
Global Round-up (p. 125)
News from Sri Lanka, France, the Phillipines and Thailand.Paranoia... noia... noia... BOO!
In the Dungeons of Fortress Europe (p. 129)
Thought Police imprison Green Anarchists in UK.
Europol (p. 132)
Radikal (p. 134)
The repression of Radikal magazine in Germany.
Italian Anarchists (p. 134)
Italian anarchists framed.
CS Gas: How to combat the effects (p. 135)

Odds and Sods...

Prisoners of War (p. 136)
UK and overseas prisoners listings and contacts for International Prisoner Support Organisations.

Book Reviews

Gathering Force, published by the Big Issue(p. 139)
Anarchy After Leftism, by Bob Black (p. 145)
Concrete Jungle, edited by Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman (p. 147)

Recommended Reading (p. 149)
Monkeywrenching the media monoculture with small reviews and contact details for over 65 weird and wonderful publications.
Lettuce to the Cabbage (p. 158)
'Go on punk, make my day'... letters from our long-suffering readers.
Contacts (p. 163)
Ways into the ecological resistance networks: two pages of UK and international contacts.

Do or Die DTP/web team: