New Age Steppers – Action Battlefield
Statik / On-U Sound 1981


This is something special and different. Another On-U Sound product
from the Adrian Sherwood school. Singer Ari and her crew bring this
reggae like experimental dub sound with a lot of emotion and devotion.
You love it or you hate it, I absolutely belong to the first group.
What do you think..?

Ja mensen, dit is eens iets totaal anders. Nog zo’n On-U Sound produkt
van de Adrian Sherwood stal. Zangeres Ari en haar ploeg brengen deze
reggae gebaseerde experimentele dub sound met veel emotie en overgave.
Je vindt het geweldig of je vindt het niets, ik behoor absoluut tot de eerste van
de twee groepen. Wat denk jij ervan ..?

0tracks ;

01 – My whole world
02 – Observe life
03 – Got to get away
04 – My love
05 – Problems
06 – Nuclear zulu
07 – Guiding star


Singers & Players – War of Words
99 Records 1981



Early eighties we were completely captured by the sound
created by Adrian Sherwood and his On-U sound. The LP
we have here is on 99 Records however but related to On-U.
A bunch of Jamaican artists working in England. 99 Records
was New York Based but if I’m correct the recordings were
made in the UK. Anyway, wonderful music, enjoy listening.
Incredible amd impressive Style Scott drumming..

In de vroege jaren tachtig waren we volledig gegrepen door
de sound van Adrian Sherwood en zijn On-U Sound label. Deze
plaat hoort daar eigenlijk ook bij maar kwam uit op 99 Records,
een New York zuster label. Een zwik getalenteerde Jamaicanen
die in Engeland actief waren werkte samen met Mr. Sherwood
aan deze indrukwekkende serie platen, luister en huiver.
Zwaar indrukwekkende drum capriolen van Style Scott..

tracks ;

01 – Devious woman
02 – Quanté jubila
03 – Sit and wonder
04 – Fit to survive
05 – Reaching the bad man
06 – World of dispensation
07 – 91 vibration


Mark Stewart + Maffia
Learning to Cope with Cowardice
Plexus / On-U Sound 1983



Tegenwoordig schrikken we niet zo snel meer, toen dit uitkwam,
in 1983 echter, waren we wel ietwat overdonderd. Tamelijk expi-
rimentele sound van Mark Stewart and Maffia. Nog zo’n Adrian
Sherwood produktie waar de stukken vanaf springen. Het is nu
ondertussen pure cult geworden, vet goed geluid, luister zelf.
De laatste track is juist weer aktueel geworden,
dank je Trump..

Nowadays we don’t get shocked that easy anymore, when this
came out in 1983 however, it was rather overwhelming. Quite
experimental sound by Mark Stewart and Maffia. Another Adrian
Sherwood production, violently good stuff. It became a pure
cult record in the mean time, awesome good sound, listen.
The final track just became relevant again, thanx Trump..

tracks ;

01 – learning to cope with cowardice
02 – Liberty city
03 – Blessed are those who struggle
04 – None dare call it conspiracy
05 – Don’t you ever lay down your arms
06 – The paranoia of power
07 – To have the vision
08 – Jerusalem


Raymond Naptali – Trouble Possee
CSA Records 1982



Ik heb al eens twee van deze nummers gebruikt op m’n Reggae Monster
Originals compilaties. Uiteindelijk was het tijd de hele plaat uit 1982 eens
te plaatsen. Voor een artiest van zijn formaat is hij altijd tamelijk onbekend
gebleven. Tien toffe tracks op geel gekleurd vinyl van CSA Records die zeker
enkele omwentelingen waard zijn. geproduceerd door Fatman..

My old Reggae Monster Originals compilations already contained two of
these tracks. Eventually I think it was about time to post the whole album.
For an artist of his quality he never became really famous. Ten decent
songs on yellow vinyl from CSA Records certainly worth a couple of spins.
produced by Fatman..

tracks ;

01 – Automatic boom
02 – Gimme gimme sensemillia
03 – Loving feeling
04 – Don’t cry
05 – Born and grow ina dis
06 – Tek yu hand offa me
07 – Yu too su-su-su-su
08 – Me no copy
09 – It’s you I’m talking to
10 – Trouble possee


the Animals – Animalisms
Decca 1966



Toen ik vanmorgen opstond zag de wereld er heel anders uit.
Misschien een mooi moment om ook eens heel andere muziek
te luisteren. Europees weer, Europese sound erbij. Eric Burdon
en de Animals met een plaat uit 1966, ja echt alweer 51 jaar oud
maar nog steeds prima te beluisteren is deze Animalisms, check..

When I woke up this morning the world looked competely different.
Maybe a good moment to post and listen some completely different
music for a change. European weather, European sound to go with it.
Eric Burdon and the Animals with an album from 1966. Yes it is 51 yrs.
old but still very nice to listen to. Check out these Animalisms now..

tracks ;

01 – One monkey don’t stop no show
02 – Maudie
03 – Outcast
04 – Sweet little sixteen
05 – You’re on my mind
06 – Clapping
07 – Gin house blues
08 – Squeeze her-tease her
09 – What am I living for
10 – I put a spell on you
11 – That’s all I am to you
12 – She’ll return it


The Mothmen – Pay Attention !
On-U Sound lp2, 1981

the Mothmen, front

Pay Attention !

Quite some time ago, when I still made ‘Ramdog’s Rough Site’,
I posted this album. Thought I already moved it to the GG but I
guess I didn’t. This is the second lp on the great On-U Sound label
and I have always liked it a lot. Typical 80’s UK sound, experimental
stuff, reggae, punk and popmusic merged into this brandnew sound..


1 Afghan farmer driving cattle/Animal animaux
2 Not moving
3 Factory/Teapoint/Factory
4 Please let go
5 Tardis
6 Mothman


Dub Syndicate – Tunes from the Missing Channel
On-U Sound 1985

Dub Syndicate, front


This is an ode to the late and great Style Scott.
“Something nice is gonna happen to your ears..”, that’s the text
on one of the samples used by Adrian Sherwood, the producer
of this wonderful On-U Sound label. Drummer Style Scott, famous
for his work with Roots Radics, Bunny Wailer, Prince Far-I,
Israel Vibration, Dub Syndicate, and Gregory Isaacs among others
was found dead at his home on october 9th. May he rest in peace.
Early eighties he joined Adrian Sherwood to play on his On-U Sound
label and stayed for many years. This is an album on which we can
hear his incredible skills as a reggae drummer, one of the early
On-U Sound lp’s we used to play a whole lot back in the days.
Circumstances around his death are unknown at
present but gunshots or explosions were heard
from his house in Manchester Parish…
Beware, this is heavy dub music.


1 Ravi shankar pt.1
2 The show is coming
3 Must be dreaming
4 Over board
5 Forever more
6 Geoffrey boycott
7 Wellie
8 Jolly
9 Out and about


African Head Charge -Environmental Studies,On-U Sound 1982

African Head Charge, front

In between dem spicy flavours,
one feels the need to neutralize.
Let the African Head Charge reset
and empty your spongey brain.
After doctor Sherwood’s rhythmic
mental flushing we’ll have both feet
firmly on the ground, ready to absorb
any obscure slice of vinyl again.


1 Crocodile hand luggage
2 Dinosaur’s lament
3 Beriberi
4 Snakeskin tracksuit
5 High protein snack
6 In a trap
7 Breeding space
8 Primitive
9 Latin temperament


New Age Steppers – Foundation Steppers,
On-U Sound LP21, 1982

New Age Steppers, front

I have always been a sucker for the fatback dubsound of
dubwizzard Adrian Sherwood’s On-U Sound productions.
When this stuff was released early eighties, no slice of
vinyl escaped our attention. Skips were very tight on
this one, I hope they fell in place.
Special thanks to Scotty
and Roots Radics.


1 Some love
2 Memories
3 5 dog race
4 Misplaced love
5 Dreamers
6 Stabilizer
7 Stormy weather
8 Vice of my enemies
9 Mandarin


Culture – Vital Selection,Virgin 1981

Culture, front

This band delivered a steady reggae sound from the mid seventies
throughout the eighties. Joseph Hill was the group’s leader and songwriter,
he died in the saddle, being on a European tour. He got ill very suddenly
and died the next morning on august 19, 2006, only 57 years old.
This is an album from 1981 on ‘virgin’ records, I am posting this one
especially for the people who were in the park with me last saturday.
We had us a sunny afternoon with irie rub-a-dub, rocksteady reggae
and other global grooves. Behold poor Jah people, stop the fussing and
fighting, work on natty and never get weary,
smoke up the international herb.


1 Behold
2 Poor Jah people
3 Stop the fussing and fighting
4 Work on natty
5 Never get weary
6 Citizen as a peaceful dub
7 Iron sharpening iron
8 The international herb
9 Too long in slavery
10 The shepherd
11 Holy mount Zion


Lion Youth – Love comes and goes,Virgo 1981

Lion Youth, front, cd size

United Kingdom, 1981, after releasing his hitsingle ‘Rat a cut bottle’,
Lion Youth came with his debut LP, ‘Love comes and goes’. It contains
the follow up single and dancefloor raver ‘Chant ina dance’. From the first
tones, this album rocks you off your socks, so throw aside the chairs and
table, turn up the volume and dance across the room, sweeeeet reggae…


1 Love comes and goes
2 I want a girl
3 What would you do ?
4 Señorita
5 Easy skanking
6 Frustration
7 Natty bring the cochi
8 Chant ina dance
9 Its ashame
10 Decelia


Ruts DC – Rhythm Collision, Bohemian Records 1982

To have us a little variety, I thought some dub wouldn’t
hurt. Early 80’s, when we were listening to loads of reggae,
this LP came out and dublovers as we were, it scored enormously.
I am still thrilled to hear it after all those years.
Engineered by Mad Professor, Dub along groovers.


1 Whatever we do
2 Militant
3 Push yourself-Make it work
4 Rhythm collision
5 Accusation
6 Pleasures of the dance
7 Weak heart dub
8 Love and fire


Various Artists – Propaganda, A & M Records 1979

Propaganda, front, cd size

It was 1979, in between Punk and New Wave when this collector came out.
When I was going through my records this morning and saw this LP,
I said to myself, good moment for ‘Propaganda’, the Olympics
in China started yesterday and there are still some ‘Hot Items’
to be discussed, the Tibettan matter for instance.
Give Tibet back to the Tibettans !
And how do you like this cover ?


1 Granati Brothers – Go crazy
2 Joe Jackson – Throw it away
3 Joe Jackson – Come on
4 The Police – Landlord
5 The Police – Next to you
6 The Reds – Joey
7 Bobby Henry – Head case
8 Joe Jackson – Don’t ask me
9 Squeeze – Slap & tickle
10 David Kubinec – Another lone ranger
11 Shrink – Valid or void


Rebel Sunday, Six 12″ Singles

This Sunday there’s something in the air. I woke up today and
things started to go wrong immediately. Neighbours children
were screeming like crazy, stormy clouds packing together ove
my hometown. Then the first two LP’s I tried to rip, played me
parts, like nothing wanted. I even started to dislike the music I
had planned. Pfffffiew, holy… Okay, have coffee, walk the dog,
do something else and change the plan. That’s how it came to me,
…Rebel Sunday, 6 late 70’s and early 80’s 12″ Singles.

Hope you like’em !

The first 3 tracks are from Malcolm McLaren’s 1983 single, of which
the A-side, first two tracks, was recorded in South Africa’s Kyazulu
Land. Side B was recorded in New York and Tenessee with the
World’s Famous Supreme Team Show.

Track 4 & 5 are from Frank Zappa’s 1980 single, I don’t wanna
get drafted. Spinned this one a lot on party’s, anti war song.

Tracks 6 & 7; The The – Perfect,

I remember very well when this single came out in 1983, it’s warm
sounding organ and Matt Johnsons voice combine ‘Perfect’.

tracks 8, 9 and 10, John Cale – Animal Justice ” Hi, my name’s
Arthur and I quitt, CHICKEN SHIT..” We played this one a hell
of a lot, John Cale single from 1977, old personal favourite !

tracks 11 & 12, Dept.S – I want I wasn’t quite myself this
morning but not as depressed as the guys on this 12″ single. “Suicide
suicide, there’s  only one way out” A bit too much maybe, but
great song by Dept.S, This one’s from 1981, check it.

..and finally here’s Mark Stewart & Mafia, a weird On-U Sound
12″ single. Very original soundscaping by Adrian Sherwood, the DUB
Master. The year on this one must be around ’82


1 Malcolm McLaren – Soweto
2 Malcolm McLaren – Zulu’s on a timebomb
3 Malcolm McLaren – D’ya like scratchin’
4 Frank Zappa – I don’t wanna get drafted
5 Frank Zappa – Ancient armaments
6 The The – Perfect
7 The The – The nature of virtue, version 2
8 John Cale – Chicken shit
9 John Cale – Memphis
10 John Cale – Hedda Gabbler
11 Dept.S – I want
12 Dept.S – Monte Carlo or bust
13 Dept.S – Put all the crosses in the right boxes
14 Mark Stewart & Mafia – Jerusalem, High ideals + Crazy dreams
15 Mark Stewart & Mafia – Liberty City
