

..just a passionate music collector who likes to share his treasure with the world.
Crazy about, architecture, printed paper, a good smoke of charas, birds, tropical food,
funny dances, dogs, Belgian beer and such..
Professional enlightment specialist.

mail: moos @ (without the spaces)

33 thoughts on “Moos

  1. Hey man!! its a amazing website! A very big THX to you from France.

    Thank you again for you work.



  3. y o u are fabolous and i do love what you are doing here. you gave me so many good moments, full of joy, dance and spirit. words cant describe the pleasure .
    all the best.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Trying to gain a knowledge of Latin music and it’s history. What brought me here was “Ramito, el Cantor de la Montaña Parrandeando, Ansonia 1981”, now that history is a plus for me. Thanks alot.

  5. Hey, Moos. My body Sanjay introduced me to your wonderful place. Man, I also love music and dig little, but the work you’ve done is just amazing in all aspects.
    Thank you very much! It really gives power and desire to do.
    All the very best to you!

  6. Moos you are the KING! I never thought I’d ever hear any of Les Grands Succes des Editions Veve, let alone 8 of the 9, and a whole lot more. You have some truly MAGIC music here.

    A request: Can you please look for an Empire Bakuba LP, as rare as hen’s teeth (You can’t even Google it), from maybe around 1980 on Editions l’Oreille Internationale. It contains what I think is Pepe Kalle’s best ever song, and that’s saying something. I had it on cassette, but can’ find it. It does exist: You have a Zaiko LP on the same label.

    We are forever in your gratitude. Thanks so much Moos!

  7. Your site is great. If anyone thought he or she would never re-live his or her yester years through music, GG is the site to be and never miss.

  8. Moos – Perhaps you alreday know, Papa Wemba has died. I absolutely loved that guy, just about my favourite music.

  9. Awesome site. Do you happen to have “Maa Jo” – By King Sunny Ade? If you do, how can I get my hands on the file?

  10. Moos, I have been a follower for many years. My juju music collection is fantastic all thanks to you. Great Job, Great Spirit, Excellent Homo Sapien

  11. Dear Moos,

    I was 22 when I first heard African Music it was 1981 I was in Kisangani, Zaire. I came back to London 2 years later with my eyes and ears opened. Ever since then I have had a life long love of Congolese music. At that time African music was largely unknown in London.

    I never imagined in my wildest dreams that i would find an archive like yours of such awesome quality. You have my highest esteem, what you are doing in preserving this priceless music is what life is about. On a personal level I coudn’t imagine a closer heart than yours to mine.

    Thank you, everlasting thank you,

    Tim (Hackney, London)

  12. Hello again, my friend.

    We’ve chatted in the past: last year, you helped me identify an Opambuo highlife. I’m trying to leave this message on your email, but I get an error message saying your box is full.

    Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I’ve got a blog going, lately. Its maybe more for musicians and even those who read music? But its always got a lot of music and video examples to hear and watch. Everything is in the (“Latin”) Mozambique style, maybe a bit narrow but if it’s something you like…?

    Also be aware that sometimes I go many months without time to post! I’ve tried to make up for it, with a lot of posts lately. If you think the blog could be improved in any way, I’d welcome your suggestions, too!

    ***I hope you enjoy it***

    And thanks again for what you are doing at the Groove.


  13. I tried just now to send you an email to your address above but it failed and siad the mailbox is full. RSVP it’s important.

  14. excelente sitio muchas gracias por el aporte. me encantaría si subieras éxitos de joaquin bedoya y agustin bedoya musica parrandera gracias y saludos

  15. Dear Moos

    My name is Oleg, I am a graphic designer and music lover from St. Petersburg, Russia
    I’ve been admiring your blog GLOBAL GROOVE for many many years!
    I made a test page of your blog GLOBAL GROOVE in Vkontakte
    Vkontakte (In-Connection) — a very popular social media in Russia, Ukraina, Belarus, Estonia etc. It’s like Facebook, but with almost no limits…)
    Vkontakte allows to make posts with texts, photos, videos, playlists and music tracks
    If you allow me to make reposts from GLOBAL GROOVE in this Vkontakte’s public page I will be happy to do this job for popularization your site and all the music that you give to people

    And thank you for the Music!

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