Tag-Archiv für 'fire-and-flames'

0161 Festival Manchester Preparations

Mood and anticipation are rising in the Fire and Flames headquarter: Not even three weeks left until the The Miners Community Centre Moston in Manchester opens its doors for the tremendous 0161 Festival. Again the Mancurian comrades put together an outstand line up with legends like The Prowlers, The Oppressed, Inner Terrestrials, What We Feel, Hors Contrôle, Attila the Stockbroker and many more. And of course we`re looking forward to meet our good friends of Les Trois Huit, Enraged Minority, Defenders Of The Universe, One Step Ahead and Action Sédition. So we gonna stack up the car to the ceiling and hope that our junk heap-vehicle survives the trip by land and sea so that we can provide you with a fine selection of revolutionary clothing and music.

One Step Ahead bombing your Drecknest soon

>> CHECK < <

Enduring shop problems …

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of you may already have recognised it: We‘ve still got some serious technical problems with our online shop. Although it’s still possible to order without difficulty, we are not able to update our shop at the moment, which obviously is the reason why there’s unfortunatly no new stuff since weeks. On the other hand we are not able to take out sold out articles what actually means that we‘re are not able to deliver your complete orders once in a while.

So we kindly (!) ask you for patience and some understanding if there are problems with your orders and of course thank you for unflinching ordering. The FF technology section is working very hard to bring you back a proper shop as usual very soon – better than ever!

Fanx & cheers, FF Collective

Rosa & Karl Weekender

Some of us will hang out with a stand at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz 2016 in Berlin this saturday and hope to meet a lot of you comrades in the antifascist block at the annual Luxemburg-Liebknecht demonstration on sunday (10am / U Frankfurter Tor / Friedrichshain).

Remember Rosa & Karl: Struggle in solidarity – antifascist, antiracist, internationalist, anticapitalist!

www.antifa-nordost.org | www.radikale-linke.net

„Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.“

Today another year goes by and it probably has been the most turbulent since years: Starting quite promising with the victory of Kobanê and the greek rebellion against the European austerity regime, as well as with a massive riot also in the heart of the capitalist beast in Frankfurt, and later: the temporary fall of the European borders and spontaneous acts of solidarity in many places, we now – only a few months later – have to make up the balance that things just got worse everywhere: Burning refugee accommodations all over Germany every day, racist mass mobilisations and shift to the right in swaths of Europe, the gradually mutilation of the right of asylum, the training of World War III in Syria, state terror against the progressive and Kurdish movements in Turkey, antifascist comrades in prison and the realisation that our promise, that capitalism, racism and patriarchy are ruining the living together of mankind is probably more true and more up-to-date than we‘ve hoped. It’s obvious that 2016 will be a hard year for everyone who believes in solidarity, equality, freedom and justice as the fundament of human social order. We‘ll have to struggle hard to defend our ideas and achievements.

On the other hand we – spoken as Fire and Flames Collective – also in 2015 again met and worked together with so many great friends and comrades from everwhere who‘ve shown us the beautiful face of this world. It’s everyone of you who still makes us believe that there must be a better way by living it every day. Thanks to everyone who’s part of and supports this wonderful network of comrades we used to call Antifascist Counterculture Worlwide sometime during the year, from Moscow to Marseille, from Prague to Montreal, from Babelsberg to Paris, from Limbach to Copenhagen, from Kiel to Manchester, from Grenoble to Hamburg, in between and beyond… We are honoured to be part of it – you are our strength and you know who you are.

So we hope you‘ll have a great New Years Eve, whether you are keeping up the fight somewhere, just having a drink with your friends or you don‘t give a fuck about that date anyway. And we‘re looking forward to join our Kiel crowd at Alte Meierei tonight for a last order in 2015.

See you next year: On the barricades, in the bars, on the terraces, in the libraries, at the meetings, at the gigs of this planet – let’s fight for a revolutionary 2016!

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