Archiv der Kategorie 'Antifa'

Will they ever learn … !?

Saturday, April 23rd 2016:
Return to wonderful Neumünster – Antifa do it one more time!


Antifascist Counterculture against reactionary „Deutschrock“

Welly well, this ugly nationalist pop-rock band „Frei.Wild“ from Italy is going to play our hometown kiel next saturday. To show that the reactionary music business is not fuckin‘ welcome here there will be different actions against that bullshit event at Sparkassenarena in the middle of the city. First you‘ve got the possibility to join the manifestation of or local antifascist alliance at noon (12am, Europaplatz), later several youth organisations want to cause an antifascist traffic jam to offend stupid „Frei.Wild“-Fans (6.30pm, Exerzierplatz) and to conclude the day everyone will meet at the „No stage for nationalism“-festival at our beloved Alte Meierei (7pm, Hornheimer Weg 2) afterwards to rock against the greyzone together with a bunch of antifascist punk and hardcore bands from the area. Fire and Flames says: Full support!!

Let’s go – to Bad Oldesloe !

Fight Fortress Europe and its fans !


Davide „Dax“ Cesare was killed by fascist in Rom 13 years ago.
No One Forgotten – Nothing Forgiven!

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