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1 point · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

A few nights ago. Had a weird anxiety attack where I don't know what I want to do with my life. I am 21, run a family job and make some money off my hobby, but I kinda am stuck there and it all dawned on me a while back. It was weird, because I woke up as if nothing happened and moved on with life.

17 points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

Not only do I feel like Botw was made with love from people my age who deify OoT, but also even older gamers who grew up with the absolute first game. Nintendo knew that the Zelda format had become just that, formulaic. So they went back to its roots where they drop you in the world, give you a sword and say "Hey, go figure this shit out".

Except in botw they don't even give you a sword, they give you a magic iPad and a stick, show you the last boss and say "deal with it". That's why even though I have my criticisms, I still think it's not only the best Zelda game, but one of the best games ever made.

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2 points · 2 days ago

Did you watch GMTK's video on BoTW? It nails every point on the focus on exploration that BoTW offers and compares it to the very first Zelda game.

A really good watch

2 points · 4 days ago

Is it aviable in south america?

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2 points · 4 days ago

No love for us :c

2 points · 4 days ago

México next. Store support as well.

Really, why do they keep charging us in dollars, when every single gaming company uses pesos?

9 points · 5 days ago

I'm still dying to play Future on either a backwards compatibility update on the One or an HD port.

I know the soundtrack better than the game.

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12 points · 5 days ago


What is it?

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21 points · 8 days ago

I would recommend playing it yourself, but in case you wanna see it, here have a video with the ending of Chapter 1. Spoilers obviously

I almost want to play the game now after seeing that ending to see what it's about.

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3 points · 8 days ago

If you wanna hop in: Deltarune is playable by itself, but I strongly recommend playing Undertale first to have knowledge of some characters, references and throwbacks.

Both games take place in different "timelines", but playing Undertale first (10hrs) will make your Deltarune run (2hrs) far more enjoyable.

18 points · 8 days ago

Take it where? What part of the world says "take" instead of "drink"?

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7 points · 8 days ago

Not op, but at least in spanish, "tomar" means both take and drink.

"Tomar cafe" = Drink coffee or take (hold, pick up) coffee

Moderator of r/NintendoSwitch, speaking officially1 point · 10 days ago

Hey there, /u/yukizoey!

Heyo. That "dot" is a light sensor that the Nintendo Switch uses when the "Auto adjust Brightness" feature is turned on.

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