News and Events

by unweb December 21, 2011
Latest news and events on the site.

Women in Digital Rights Movements

by EM News last modified March 12, 2019

This women's month, EngageMedia celebrates the role of women in fighting for digital rights.

Women in Digital Rights Movements - Read More…

Yogyakarta's documentary festival explores the experience of disability using VR

by EM News last modified March 11, 2019

Last December, EngageMedia was invited to attend "The Feelings of Reality”, an event organised by the Documentary Film Forum (FFD) in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta's documentary festival explores the experience of disability using VR - Read More…

Camp COCONET returns in 2019!

Camp COCONET returns in 2019!

by EM News last modified November 13, 2018

With the success of the first COCONET in serving as an effective platform for movement-building for the digital rights community in the region, we are now working towards launching COCONET 2!

Camp COCONET returns in 2019! - Read More…

Why Film Festivals Matter

Why Film Festivals Matter

by Rezwan last modified November 14, 2018

For over a decade, Freedom Film Festival has remained as the only independent human rights film festival in Malaysia. It has been a platform in showcasing issues and ideas that cannot be mass-communicated due to local laws and cultural taboos.

Why Film Festivals Matter - Read More…

Growing Ecological Perspective in Movements with WALHI Jatim

Growing Ecological Perspective in Movements with WALHI Jatim

by Pitra Hutomo last modified February 18, 2019

In July 2018, EngageMedia had the opportunity to join one of the movement’s initiative involving the residents of coastal village in Banyuwangi, a regency located at the easternmost tip of Java.

Growing Ecological Perspective in Movements with WALHI Jatim - Read More…

Singaporean Artist And Activist Seelan Palay Convicted for Art Performance

Singaporean Artist And Activist Seelan Palay Convicted for Art Performance

by Rezwan last modified October 16, 2018

Artist and activist Seelan Palay was convicted by a Singapore court for taking part in a public performance.

Singaporean Artist And Activist Seelan Palay Convicted for Art Performance - Read More…

 Freedom Film Festival 2018: Mending the Gaps

Freedom Film Festival 2018: Mending the Gaps

by V4C last modified October 10, 2018

The Video4Change Network partner Freedom Film Network (FFN) is a not-for-profit body established to support and develop social documentary filmmaking within the context of freedom of expression and values contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Malaysia.

Freedom Film Festival 2018: Mending the Gaps - Read More…

Videographers Tell Stories of Struggle of the Indigenous Communities in Mindanao

Videographers Tell Stories of Struggle of the Indigenous Communities in Mindanao

by King Catoy last modified September 19, 2018

King Catoy, Video for Change Lead of EngageMedia writes a blog about Kilab Multimedia and The Breakaway Media, two alternative media groups based in Davao City, Mindanao.

Videographers Tell Stories of Struggle of the Indigenous Communities in Mindanao - Read More…

Interview With Voice Grantees

Interview With Voice Grantees

by Rezwan last modified August 30, 2018

EngageMedia interviewed representatives from 15 Indonesian organisations (Voice Grantees) during the first annual Linking & Learning (L&L) event on 15-19 April 2018 in Bali.

Interview With Voice Grantees - Read More…

East Asia civil society strengthens fight against Disinformation

by EM News last modified March 13, 2019

More and more civil society and advocates in East Asia are expressing their concerns on the rise of information manipulation to influence public views and incite hatred & fear.

East Asia civil society strengthens fight against Disinformation - Read More…

Filmmaker Jason Soo and other #Freedomflotilla activists stopped by Israeli Forces

Filmmaker Jason Soo and other #Freedomflotilla activists stopped by Israeli Forces

by Rezwan last modified August 13, 2018

Israeli Navy intercepted an activist boat sailing under a Norwegian flag carrying medical aids towards Gaza.

Filmmaker Jason Soo and other #Freedomflotilla activists stopped by Israeli Forces - Read More…

2018 - A Year for Human Rights Defenders

2018 - A Year for Human Rights Defenders

by Rezwan last modified July 16, 2018

2018 marks the 20-year anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

2018 - A Year for Human Rights Defenders - Read More…

Digital novel tells stories of Indonesian Chinese during the 1998 riots in Indonesia

Digital novel tells stories of Indonesian Chinese during the 1998 riots in Indonesia

by Rezwan last modified June 20, 2018

A digital illustrated novel tells the stories of Indonesian Chinese who were attacked during the riots that toppled the Indonesian government in 1998.

Digital novel tells stories of Indonesian Chinese during the 1998 riots in Indonesia - Read More…

Success as Inclusion: Thoughts from the First Voice Indonesia Linking and Learning Event

Success as Inclusion: Thoughts from the First Voice Indonesia Linking and Learning Event

by EM News last modified July 30, 2018

Voice Indonesia completed its first annual Linking & Learning (L&L) event last 15-19 April 2018 in Bali.

Success as Inclusion: Thoughts from the First Voice Indonesia Linking and Learning Event - Read More…

EngageMedia At Good Pitch India

by king Catoy last modified May 14, 2018

King Catoy, our Video For Change Coordinator, recently attended the Good Pitch India 2018 summit held in Mumbai, India. He shares his experiences.

EngageMedia At Good Pitch India - Read More…

The Philippine Drug War: A Primer

The Philippine Drug War: A Primer

by EMnews last modified April 03, 2018

The Philippine "War Against Drugs" lead by president Rodrigo Duterte since 2016 has led to the deaths of over 12,000 Filipinos till March 2018. Human rights organisations claim that the Philippine police have systematically targeted mostly poor and defenceless people across the country while planting “evidence”, recruiting paid killers and fabricating official incident reports.

The Philippine Drug War: A Primer - Read More…

Featured Filmmaker: Hathairat Phaholtap (Wist)

Featured Filmmaker: Hathairat Phaholtap (Wist)

by EM News last modified June 06, 2018

Hathairat Phaholtap is a TV journalist and a documentary film maker from Thailand who is promoting and defending human rights by presenting the truth to people.

Featured Filmmaker: Hathairat Phaholtap (Wist) - Read More…

#PressForProgress: Celebrating International Women's Day

#PressForProgress: Celebrating International Women's Day

by Rezwan last modified April 02, 2018

To celebrate the International Women's Day 2018, EngageMedia is presenting three documentaries from Southeast Asia tackling issues that many women are facing in this region especially focusing on gender parity.

#PressForProgress: Celebrating International Women's Day - Read More…

Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque

Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque

by EM News last modified March 08, 2018

Cha Roque is a literary writer, filmmaker, and LGBT advocate from the Philippines.

Featured Filmmaker: Cha Roque - Read More…

Video4Change Network: What The Members Say

by Rezwan last modified February 12, 2018

Members of the Video4Change (V4C) Network share what the Network is about, where they find common ground, and what are its future plans.

Video4Change Network: What The Members Say - Read More…