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For a militant, fighting New Year
- 2019 Jan 01

Greetings to all for 2019 - a year of expanding class struggle and political advances for the revolutionary working class.


Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

Trump security chiefs sniff out the South Pacific as new Ambassador arrives  
(Contributed)          18 March 2019

The sending of two senior United States security personnel to the South Pacific and elsewhere has shown how the Trump administration is determined to push Cold War diplomatic agendas on Australia's doorstep. The brief visit to the region was accompanied by other significant developments.

more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 18

School strike for Climate - Australia  

On Friday 15 March, hundreds of schools across Australia came to a halt as more than 130,000 school students and many family supporters and teachers turned out at lively rallies, demanding decisive action to protect the environment from the ravages of climate change. More than 50 rallies took place in ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 18

The evil of fascism  

Nick G.         16 March 2019

Whether it is a white supremacist or a religious extremist, the use of terrorist violence against randomly selected innocent targets is a crime.
We apply the word “fascist” to such terrorist activity whether it comes from ISIS or from racists.


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 16

Stop Chinese capital’s new coal-fired plants in Australia!  

Finn G.          12 March 2019

Australia’s long history of putting the wants of corporations ahead of the needs and desires of its citizens and national sovereignty is continuing with plans to build two new coal-fired plants in the N.S.W Hunter Valley.


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 12

COPE 2019 – US military prepares its Australian and Japanese “allies”  
(Contributed)          12 MArch 2019
A recent US-led military exercise in the Asia-Pacific region, together with some related defence matters, has revealed a great deal about regional military planning.
Wave after wave of US-led military planning is continually sweeping the region.

more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 12

The Hidden Bosses of Contract Workers - Another Reason to Change the Rules and the System  

Ned K.        10 March 2019

Recently while having lunch in a food court, I was talking to two cleaners. They told me about what happened to a couple of other cleaners they work with who were on another shift.


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 10

a concrete floor / a cell door / and John Pat  

Lindy Nolan     10 March 2019

This article continues a series that began by investigating ruptures in a carefully fostered pro-corporate united front among First Nations Peoples, including Marcia Langton.




more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 10

Bougainville Referendum: A crisis looming for US in the South Pacific?  
(Contributed)       8 March, 2019
The Bougainville referendum for independence from Papua New Guinea will now take place on 17 October, not earlier in June as previously planned.
Behind the scenes, however, two important factors have to be considered.

more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 08

Women fight to end exploitation, inequality, violence and imperialist war  

Alice M.

The 2019 International Working Women’s Day throws a powerful spotlight on working women’s lives and struggles in a period of global resistance to the increasing burdens and exploitation of capitalism and US imperialist interventions, invasions and coups. International Working Women’s Day is taking place in an historic era ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 07

Indonesia, data collection and drones: US uses Australian puppets  

(Contributed)         6 March 2019

A recent statement from the Indonesian government about maritime incursions into their sovereignty has revealed US-led intelligence activities operating from secretive facilities in Australia. 
The problem has far-reaching implications for relations with Indonesia, a country with close proximity to Australia’s northern shores.


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 05

Indigenous Australians lead water protest  

Nick G.         5 March 2019

Last Sunday, hundreds of people gathered in Walgett to mourn the death of the Namoi River.
It was one of a series of protests held that day under the auspices of the Northern Aboriginal Land Council (NALC).  Hundreds more gathered in Menindee, Wilcannia, Bourke, ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 05

Reserve Army of Labour  

Humphrey McQueen          5 March 2019

Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen recently explored the topic of the Reserve Army of Labour on his 3CR radio show.  The following is the full transcript.




more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 05

Silicosis the “new” Asbestosis  

Shane S.         4 March 2019

A recent Queensland report from the ABC has again highlighted the growing danger of industrial disease, in this case, Silicosis.
“An audit of Queensland's manufacturing stone industry has revealed 98 workers have contracted the potentially deadly lung disease silicosis — 15 ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 04

US strengthens military grip: The Australian International Airshow, Avalon 2019  

(Contributed)        3 March 2019

Speaking at the Avalon International Air Show at Geelong yesterday, the head of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Air Marshal Leo Davies has predicted a "significant investment" in space for the RAAF over the next twenty years.
Although he distanced this spend from Trump’s ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Mar 03

If the Women Want, the World Stands Still!  

(From the International Bulletin of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party Turkey/Kurdistan February 2019)  25 February 2019

With the initiative of a women's strike in Argentina and Poland, the call for an international women's strike on 8 of March has spread in more and more countries since 2017 (1).
With the women's ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 25

“Serve the People" – Learning from Ted Hill  

Ned K.        24 February 2019

Many Vanguard readers are probably aware that Ted Hill was a leader of the Communist Party of Australia in the 1940s and 1950s and initial Chairperson of the CPA -ML when it formed in the early 1960s. Vanguard readers are probably familiar ...


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 24

Vanuatu, US imperialism and the “Defence of Australia” Doctrine  

(Contributed)       24 February 2019

Recent high-level diplomatic meetings between Australia and Vanuatu have received little publicity in mainstream media outlets, only a scant acknowledgement they took place and the outcome was partially successful.
It is not difficult to establish why this was the case:


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 24

Dare to struggle, dare to win  

Celia S.        20 February 2019

Australian workers! We can be heartened! There are movements and workers on strike around the world that are making great strides to challenge capitalism.  We aren’t hearing much about it, but it is happening.
First we have the teachers in Los Angeles.


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 20

“Ramping” - a Third World problem in a First World setting  

Nick G.         20 February 2019

In Australia we seem to have First World ambulance services and hospital facilities, yet Third World conditions where the two meet.
Yesterday, an old lady in her nineties developed bed sores as a result of being “ramped” for eight hours.


more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 20

Operation Yellowhammer and Psy-ops  
(Contributed)        19 February 2019
Recent media coverage of Operation Yellowhammer in the UK has revealed the use of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) as part of emergency provision for conflict over Brexit.
Psy-ops have a long and interesting history. In recent times United States-led military planners have ...

more...- Posted on 2019 Feb 19

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