Translations of Original 77171 in Gravatar

Prio Locale Original string Translation
ar Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: ملايين صور أفاتار تستخدم أكثر من 8.6 بليون مرة يوميآ. <strong>إنضم</strong> لبعض المواقع الأخرى التى تستخدم Gravatar: Details
Arabic (ar)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

ملايين صور أفاتار تستخدم أكثر من 8.6 بليون مرة يوميآ. <strong>إنضم</strong> لبعض المواقع الأخرى التى تستخدم Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-02-28 19:47:07 GMT
Translated by:
Sharif Wahba (sharifwahba)
Approved by:
Louay (louyx)
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ar Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: ملايين صور أفاتار تستخدم أكثر من 8.6 بليون مرة يوميآ. <strong>إنضم</strong> لبعض المواقع الأخرى التى تستخدم Gravatar: اهلا Details
Arabic (ar)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

ملايين صور أفاتار تستخدم أكثر من 8.6 بليون مرة يوميآ. <strong>إنضم</strong> لبعض المواقع الأخرى التى تستخدم Gravatar: اهلا

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Date added:
2018-04-30 04:50:35 GMT
Translated by:
Noon Abdullah (noonabdullah20)
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ar Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: الملايين من الرمزية والتي تقدم لها الخدمات الصور عبر 8.6 مليار مرات في اليوم الواحد.<strong>انضم</strong>بعض من غيرها من المواقع التي تستخدم غرفتر : اجل Details
Arabic (ar)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

الملايين من الرمزية والتي تقدم لها الخدمات الصور عبر 8.6 مليار مرات في اليوم الواحد.<strong>انضم</strong>بعض من غيرها من المواقع التي تستخدم غرفتر : اجل

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Date added:
2018-04-30 04:52:01 GMT
Translated by:
Noon Abdullah (noonabdullah20)
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az Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milyonlarla avatar təsviri gün ərzində 8.6 milyard dəfə servis edilir. <strong>Qeydiyyatdan</strong> keç və hansı saytların Gravatardan istifadə etdiyinə nəzər sal: Details
Azerbaijani (az)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milyonlarla avatar təsviri gün ərzində 8.6 milyard dəfə servis edilir. <strong>Qeydiyyatdan</strong> keç və hansı saytların Gravatardan istifadə etdiyinə nəzər sal:

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Date added:
2013-12-21 04:54:47 GMT
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bg Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Милиони изображения, използвани дневно над 8.6 милиарда пъти. <strong>Присъединете се</strong> към страници, използващи Gravatar: Details
Bulgarian (bg)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Милиони изображения, използвани дневно над 8.6 милиарда пъти. <strong>Присъединете се</strong> към страници, използващи Gravatar:

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Date added:
2015-09-09 09:06:38 GMT
Translated by:
Anonymous (orlintel)
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bn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Bengali (bn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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bs Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milioni avatarskih slika se dnevno poslužuju preko 8,6 milijardi puta. <strong>Pridruži se</strong> nekoj od drugih stranica koje koriste Gravatar: Details
Bosnian (bs)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milioni avatarskih slika se dnevno poslužuju preko 8,6 milijardi puta. <strong>Pridruži se</strong> nekoj od drugih stranica koje koriste Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-02-20 12:32:22 GMT
Translated by:
Branimir M. (mlakic)
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ca Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Cada dia s'ofereixen més de 8'6 bilions de vegades imatges dels milions d'avatars disponibles. <strong>Uniu-vos</strong> a alguns dels molts llocs web que utilitzen Gravatar: Details
Catalan (ca)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Cada dia s'ofereixen més de 8'6 bilions de vegades imatges dels milions d'avatars disponibles. <strong>Uniu-vos</strong> a alguns dels molts llocs web que utilitzen Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-08-20 16:06:09 GMT
Translated by:
JoanColl (jcoll2)
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cs Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Czech (cs)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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cy Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Mae miliynnau o ddelweddau Gravatar yn cael eu gweini dros 8.6 biliwn o weithiau bob dydd. <strong>Ymunwch</strong> â rhai o'r gwefannau eraill sy'n defnyddio Gravatar: Details
Welsh (cy)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Mae miliynnau o ddelweddau Gravatar yn cael eu gweini dros 8.6 biliwn o weithiau bob dydd. <strong>Ymunwch</strong> â rhai o'r gwefannau eraill sy'n defnyddio Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-01-13 11:46:12 GMT
Translated by:
Rhoslyn Prys (gwgan)
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cy Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Mae miliynau o ddelweddau Gravatar yn cael eu gweini dros 8.6 biliwn o weithiau bob dydd. <strong>Ymunwch</strong> â rhai o'r gwefannau eraill sy'n defnyddio Gravatar: Details
Welsh (cy)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Mae miliynau o ddelweddau Gravatar yn cael eu gweini dros 8.6 biliwn o weithiau bob dydd. <strong>Ymunwch</strong> â rhai o'r gwefannau eraill sy'n defnyddio Gravatar:

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Date added:
2017-08-26 11:15:39 GMT
Translated by:
Rhoslyn Prys (gwgan)
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da Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Danish (da)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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de Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millionen von Avataren werden täglich mehr als 8,6 Milliarden mal angezeigt. <strong>Tritt </strong> einigen der anderen Webseiten bei, die Gravatar benutzen: Details
German (de)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millionen von Avataren werden täglich mehr als 8,6 Milliarden mal angezeigt. <strong>Tritt </strong> einigen der anderen Webseiten bei, die Gravatar benutzen:

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Date added:
2014-02-10 17:23:21 GMT
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el Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Εκατομμύρια φωτογραφίες προφίλ εξυπηρετούνται και εμφανίζονται 8.6 δισεκατομμύρια φορές κάθε μέρα. <strong>Γίνε και εσύ</strong> μέλος του Gravatar όπως τα παρακάτω sites: Details
Greek (el)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Εκατομμύρια φωτογραφίες προφίλ εξυπηρετούνται και εμφανίζονται 8.6 δισεκατομμύρια φορές κάθε μέρα. <strong>Γίνε και εσύ</strong> μέλος του Gravatar όπως τα παρακάτω sites:

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Date added:
2015-01-17 16:41:17 GMT
Translated by:
Titanas (titanas)
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el-po Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Greek (Polytonic) (el-po)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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eo Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milionoj da avataraj bildoj estas provizataj pli ol 8.6 miiiard-foje tage. <strong>Aliĝu</strong> iujn de aliaj retejoj, kiuj uzas Gravatron: Details
Esperanto (eo)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milionoj da avataraj bildoj estas provizataj pli ol 8.6 miiiard-foje tage. <strong>Aliĝu</strong> iujn de aliaj retejoj, kiuj uzas Gravatron:

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Date added:
2016-10-11 20:44:05 GMT
Translated by:
KuboF Hromoslav (kubof)
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eo Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milionoj da avataraj bildoj estas provizataj pli ol 8,6 miliard-foje tage. <strong>Aliĝu</strong> al la retejoj, kiuj uzas Gravatar-on: Details
Esperanto (eo)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milionoj da avataraj bildoj estas provizataj pli ol 8,6 miliard-foje tage. <strong>Aliĝu</strong> al la retejoj, kiuj uzas Gravatar-on:

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Date added:
2017-07-20 15:30:55 GMT
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es Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millones de imágenes se usan como avatares más de 8 mil millones de veces al día. <strong>Únete</strong> a algunos de los sitios que usan Gravatar: Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millones de imágenes se usan como avatares más de 8 mil millones de veces al día. <strong>Únete</strong> a algunos de los sitios que usan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-07-15 14:24:34 GMT
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Approved by:
Rafa Poveda (bi0xid)
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es Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Warning: Translation should not end on newline.
Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2019-02-12 07:49:32 GMT
Translated by:
Angeluzz910. (angeluzz910)
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es Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2019-02-12 07:58:35 GMT
Translated by:
Angeluzz910. (angeluzz910)
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es Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millones de imágenes se usan como avatares más de 8 mil millones de veces al día. <strong>Únete</strong> algunos de los sitios que usan Gravatar: Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millones de imágenes se usan como avatares más de 8 mil millones de veces al día. <strong>Únete</strong> algunos de los sitios que usan Gravatar:

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fa Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: میلیون‌ها تصویر آواتار بیش ۸٫۶ بیلیون بار در روز میزبانی می‌شوند. به برخی دیگر از وب‌گاه‌هایی که از گراواتار استفاده می‌کنند <strong>بپیوندید</strong>: Details
Persian (fa)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

میلیون‌ها تصویر آواتار بیش ۸٫۶ بیلیون بار در روز میزبانی می‌شوند. به برخی دیگر از وب‌گاه‌هایی که از گراواتار استفاده می‌کنند <strong>بپیوندید</strong>:

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Date added:
2013-12-19 07:21:35 GMT
Translated by:
Al (irdb)
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fi Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Finnish (fi)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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fr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Des millions d'images d'avatars sont servis plus de 8,6 milliards de fois par jour <strong>Rejoignez</strong> d'autres sites qui utilisent Gravatar&nbsp;: Details
French (France) (fr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Des millions d'images d'avatars sont servis plus de 8,6 milliards de fois par jour <strong>Rejoignez</strong> d'autres sites qui utilisent Gravatar&nbsp;:

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Date added:
2014-11-21 09:07:13 GMT
Translated by:
Jeremy Herve (jeherve)
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fr-ca Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Des millions d'images avatar sont transférées plus de 8,6 milliards de fois par jour. <strong>Faites comme</strong> des millions de propriétaires de sites et utilisez Gravatar: Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Des millions d'images avatar sont transférées plus de 8,6 milliards de fois par jour. <strong>Faites comme</strong> des millions de propriétaires de sites et utilisez Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-04-23 01:00:05 GMT
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ga Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Soláthraítear na milliúin íomhá abhatáir os cionn 8.6 billiún uair sa ló. <strong>Gabh i leith uait</strong> agus féach cuid de na suíomhanna eile a bhaineas leas as Gravatar: Details
Irish (ga)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Soláthraítear na milliúin íomhá abhatáir os cionn 8.6 billiún uair sa ló. <strong>Gabh i leith uait</strong> agus féach cuid de na suíomhanna eile a bhaineas leas as Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-01-17 14:07:48 GMT
Translated by:
Brian (brianrourkeboll)
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gl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millóns de imaxes de avatares son servidas máis de 8600 millóns de veces cada día. <strong>Únete</strong> a algún dos outros sitios que usan Gravatar: Details
Galician (gl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millóns de imaxes de avatares son servidas máis de 8600 millóns de veces cada día. <strong>Únete</strong> a algún dos outros sitios que usan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-05-27 10:45:23 GMT
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he Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: מיליוני אוואטרים מוגשים מעל 8.6 מיליארד פעמים ביום <strong>הצטרף</strong> לכמה מהאתרים האחרים שמשתמשים בגראווטר: Details
Hebrew (he)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

מיליוני אוואטרים מוגשים מעל 8.6 מיליארד פעמים ביום <strong>הצטרף</strong> לכמה מהאתרים האחרים שמשתמשים בגראווטר:

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Date added:
2017-02-10 15:01:36 GMT
Translated by:
avma (avma1)
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hi Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Hindi (hi)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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hr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milijuni avatarskih slika se dnevno poslužuju preko 8,6 milijardi puta. <strong>Pridruži se</strong> nekoj od drugih stranica koje koriste Gravatar: Details
Croatian (hr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milijuni avatarskih slika se dnevno poslužuju preko 8,6 milijardi puta. <strong>Pridruži se</strong> nekoj od drugih stranica koje koriste Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-02-20 12:35:29 GMT
Translated by:
Branimir M. (mlakic)
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hu Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Több millió avatar lekérést szolgálunk ki több mint 8.6 milliárd alkalommal naponta. <strong>Csatlakozzunk</strong> a legnagyobb oldalakhoz, amelyek használják a gravatart: Details
Hungarian (hu)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Több millió avatar lekérést szolgálunk ki több mint 8.6 milliárd alkalommal naponta. <strong>Csatlakozzunk</strong> a legnagyobb oldalakhoz, amelyek használják a gravatart:

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Date added:
2014-02-28 14:37:14 GMT
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Warning: Missing tags from translation.

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Date added:
2019-04-30 22:03:26 GMT
Translated by:
Oppa Gaming (oppag275)
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Warning: Missing tags from translation.

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Date added:
2019-05-16 05:01:49 GMT
Translated by:
Sugikk (sugikk026)
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Jutaan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Jutaan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-01-24 10:18:53 GMT
Translated by:
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Jutaan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Jutaan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-04-06 16:10:22 GMT
Translated by:
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Jutaan gambar avatar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Jutaan gambar avatar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-08-07 04:20:04 GMT
Translated by:
SouLast (soul378)
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: AJutawan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

AJutawan avatar gambar sedang melayani lebih dari 8,6 miliar kali per hari. <strong> Gabung </strong> beberapa situs lain yang menggunakan Gravatar:

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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2017-03-16 19:28:18 GMT
Translated by:
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id Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Jutaan avatar gambar yang disajikan lebih 8,6 miliar kali per hari.<strong>Ikut</strong>beberapa lainnya situs yang menggunakan Gravatar : Details
Indonesian (id)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Jutaan avatar gambar yang disajikan lebih 8,6 miliar kali per hari.<strong>Ikut</strong>beberapa lainnya situs yang menggunakan Gravatar :

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Date added:
2017-09-08 16:02:38 GMT
Translated by:
rafi04 (muhammad907)
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is Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Icelandic (is)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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it Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milioni di avatar immagini vengono serviti oltre 8,6 miliardi di volte al giorno.<strong>Aderire</strong>alcuni degli altri siti che usano Gravatar: Details
Italian (it)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milioni di avatar immagini vengono serviti oltre 8,6 miliardi di volte al giorno.<strong>Aderire</strong>alcuni degli altri siti che usano Gravatar:

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Date added:
2017-03-13 15:58:11 GMT
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ja Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 何千万個ものアバター画像が毎日何十億回も表示されています。Gravatar を活用しているサイトにあなたも<strong>加わってみませんか</strong>。 Details
Japanese (ja)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

何千万個ものアバター画像が毎日何十億回も表示されています。Gravatar を活用しているサイトにあなたも<strong>加わってみませんか</strong>

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Date added:
2013-12-09 23:34:25 GMT
Translated by:
Naoko Takano (naokomc)
More links:
ka Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: მილიონობით avatar გამოსახულებები მიმდინარეობს მსახურობდა მეტი 8.6 მილიარდი ჯერ დღეში. <strong>რეგ</strong> ზოგიერთი სხვა საიტები, რომ გამოიყენოს Gravatar: Details
Georgian (ka)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

მილიონობით avatar გამოსახულებები მიმდინარეობს მსახურობდა მეტი 8.6 მილიარდი ჯერ დღეში. <strong>რეგ</strong> ზოგიერთი სხვა საიტები, რომ გამოიყენოს Gravatar:

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Date added:
2015-03-19 09:34:00 GMT
Translated by:
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km Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>gravata</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Khmer (km)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>gravata</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-09-15 12:27:36 GMT
Translated by:
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km Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:iOS Details
Khmer (km)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Warning: Translation should not end on newline.
Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:iOS

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kn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Kannada (kn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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ko Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Gravatar에 있는 수백만장의 사진이 하루에도 86억번씩 돌아다닙니다. 다음과 같은 사이트들이 Gravatar를 이용합니다: Details
Korean (ko)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Gravatar에 있는 수백만장의 사진이 하루에도 86억번씩 돌아다닙니다. 다음과 같은 사이트들이 Gravatar를 이용합니다:

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Date added:
2014-08-03 15:52:01 GMT
Translated by:
Undefined (artofdysphoria)
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lt Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Lithuanian (lt)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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ms Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Berjuta-juta imej avatar disampaikan lebih daripada 8.6 bilion kali sehari. <strong>Sertai</strong> beberapa tapak yang menggunakan Gravatar: Details
Malay (ms)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Berjuta-juta imej avatar disampaikan lebih daripada 8.6 bilion kali sehari. <strong>Sertai</strong> beberapa tapak yang menggunakan Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-01-20 01:38:51 GMT
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mya Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Burmese (mya)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2015-02-07 09:30:18 GMT
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nb Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millioner av avatarbilder blir distribuert over 8.6 milliarder ganger, per dag. <strong>Registrer deg</strong> på noen av sidene som benytter Gravatar: Details
Norwegian (Bokmål) (nb)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millioner av avatarbilder blir distribuert over 8.6 milliarder ganger, per dag. <strong>Registrer deg</strong> på noen av sidene som benytter Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-02-27 17:48:51 GMT
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Approved by:
Knut Sparhell (knutsp)
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nl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Miljoenen avatars worden 8.6 miljard keer per dag gedeeld. <strong>Doe mee</strong> met andere sites die Gravatars gebruiken: Details
Dutch (nl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Miljoenen avatars worden 8.6 miljard keer per dag gedeeld. <strong>Doe mee</strong> met andere sites die Gravatars gebruiken:

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nn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Norwegian (Nynorsk) (nn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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oci Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: De milions d'imatges d'avatars son servits mai de 8,6 miliards de còps per jorn <strong>Rejonhètz</strong> d'autres sites qu'utilizan Gravatar&nbsp;: Details
Occitan (oci)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

De milions d'imatges d'avatars son servits mai de 8,6 miliards de còps per jorn <strong>Rejonhètz</strong> d'autres sites qu'utilizan Gravatar&nbsp;:

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Date added:
2016-05-30 15:50:24 GMT
Translated by:
Cedric31 (cedric31)
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pl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Przeszło 8,6 miliarda razy dziennie wyświetlamy miliony awatarów. <strong>Dołącz</strong> do stron, które już używają Gravatara: Details
Polish (pl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Przeszło 8,6 miliarda razy dziennie wyświetlamy miliony awatarów. <strong>Dołącz</strong> do stron, które już używają Gravatara:

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Date added:
2016-04-21 18:28:54 GMT
Translated by:
Aldona Pikul (aldonapikul)
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pt Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milhões de imagens de avatares são servidas mais de 8,6 mil milhões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> aos outros sites que usam o Gravatar. Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milhões de imagens de avatares são servidas mais de 8,6 mil milhões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> aos outros sites que usam o Gravatar.

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Date added:
2015-05-04 22:37:42 GMT
Translated by:
Zé (vanillalounge)
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pt Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milhões de imagens de avatares estão a ser servidas mais de 8,6 biliões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> a alguns dos outros sites que utilizam o Gravatar: Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milhões de imagens de avatares estão a ser servidas mais de 8,6 biliões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> a alguns dos outros sites que utilizam o Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-06-04 14:38:52 GMT
Translated by:
Manuela Silva (manuelarsilva)
More links:
pt-br Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milhões de imagens de avatares estão sendo servidas mais de 8.6 bilhões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> a alguns dos outros sites que usam Gravatar: Details
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-br)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milhões de imagens de avatares estão sendo servidas mais de 8.6 bilhões de vezes por dia. <strong>Junte-se</strong> a alguns dos outros sites que usam Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-02-16 23:34:00 GMT
Translated by:
Diana (dianakcury)
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ro Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milioane de imagini avatar sunt servite de peste 8,6 miliarde de ori pe zi. <strong>Alătură-te</strong> altor situri care utilizează Gravatar: Details
Romanian (ro)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milioane de imagini avatar sunt servite de peste 8,6 miliarde de ori pe zi. <strong>Alătură-te</strong> altor situri care utilizează Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-12-19 11:39:23 GMT
Translated by:
Dan Caragea (dancarageact62)
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ru Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Миллионы аватаров показываются более 8,6 млрд. раз в день. <strong>Присоединитесь</strong> к сайтам, использующим Gravatar: Details
Russian (ru)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Миллионы аватаров показываются более 8,6 млрд. раз в день. <strong>Присоединитесь</strong> к сайтам, использующим Gravatar:

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Date added:
2018-09-06 10:43:54 GMT
Translated by:
Atrax (atrax)
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sk Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milióny používateľských obrázkov sú poskytované viac ako 8.6 miliárd krát denne. <strong>Pozrite sa</strong> na niektoré stránky, ktoré používajú Gravatar: Details
Slovak (sk)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milióny používateľských obrázkov sú poskytované viac ako 8.6 miliárd krát denne. <strong>Pozrite sa</strong> na niektoré stránky, ktoré používajú Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-05-12 15:56:54 GMT
Translated by:
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skr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: ہر روز اٹھ ارب سٹھ کروڑ کنوں ودھ واری لکھاں اوتار ݙکھائے ویندن۔ ٻیاں سائٹاں جہڑیان گراواتار ورتندیاں ہن انہاں وچوں کجھ نال <strong>شریک تھیوو</strong>: Details
Saraiki (skr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

ہر روز اٹھ ارب سٹھ کروڑ کنوں ودھ واری لکھاں اوتار ݙکھائے ویندن۔ ٻیاں سائٹاں جہڑیان گراواتار ورتندیاں ہن انہاں وچوں کجھ نال <strong>شریک تھیوو</strong>:

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Date added:
2019-05-10 11:27:18 GMT
Translated by:
Parvez Qadir (sraiki)
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sl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Na milijone avatar podob je predano preko 8.6 bilijonkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim drugim spletnim stranem, katere uporabljajo Gravatar: Details
Slovenian (sl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Na milijone avatar podob je predano preko 8.6 bilijonkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim drugim spletnim stranem, katere uporabljajo Gravatar:

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Date added:
2015-09-30 11:26:50 GMT
Translated by:
PozitivEdi (pozitivedi)
More links:
sl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Na milijone avatar podob se uporabi preko 8.6 milijardkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim spletnim stranem, ki uporabljajo Gravatar: Details
Slovenian (sl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Na milijone avatar podob se uporabi preko 8.6 milijardkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim spletnim stranem, ki uporabljajo Gravatar:

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Date added:
2015-12-15 23:25:10 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
sl Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Na milijone avatar podob je predano preko 8.6 bilijonkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim drugim spletnim stranem, ki uporabljajo Gravatar: Details
Slovenian (sl)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Na milijone avatar podob je predano preko 8.6 bilijonkrat na dan. <strong> Pridružite</strong> se še ostalim drugim spletnim stranem, ki uporabljajo Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-10-20 19:28:50 GMT
Translated by:
Filip Š (filips123)
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snd Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Sindhi (snd)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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so Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Malaayiin sawirro oo avatar ah ayaa la adeegsadaa 8.6 bilyan oo jeer maalintiiba. <strong>Ku biir</strong> bogagga kale ee isticmaala Gravatar: Details
Somali (so)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Malaayiin sawirro oo avatar ah ayaa la adeegsadaa 8.6 bilyan oo jeer maalintiiba. <strong>Ku biir</strong> bogagga kale ee isticmaala Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-05-07 05:33:38 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
so Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Malaayiin sawirro teesare ah ayaa la adeegsadaa 8.6 bilyan oo jeer maalintiiba. <strong>Ku biir</strong> bogagga kale ee isticmaala Gravatar: Details
Somali (so)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Malaayiin sawirro teesare ah ayaa la adeegsadaa 8.6 bilyan oo jeer maalintiiba. <strong>Ku biir</strong> bogagga kale ee isticmaala Gravatar:

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Date added:
2014-05-07 06:03:19 GMT
Translated by:
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sq Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Miliona figura avatarësh shërbehen përditë, mbi 8.6 miliardë në ditë. <strong>Shihni</strong> disa nga sajtet e tjera që përdorin Gravatar-in: Details
Albanian (sq)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Miliona figura avatarësh shërbehen përditë, mbi 8.6 miliardë në ditë. <strong>Shihni</strong> disa nga sajtet e tjera që përdorin Gravatar-in:

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Date added:
2016-01-26 17:46:15 GMT
More links:
sr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Милиони аватарских слика се дневно сервирају преко 8.6 билиона пута. <strong>Придружите се</strong> неком од других сајтова који користе Граватар: Details
Serbian (sr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Милиони аватарских слика се дневно сервирају преко 8.6 билиона пута. <strong>Придружите се</strong> неком од других сајтова који користе Граватар:

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Date added:
2017-12-14 18:56:27 GMT
Translated by:
Zbog zato. (zbogzato)
More links:
sv Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Miljontals profilbilder serveras över 8,6 miljarder gånger per dag. <strong>Gå med</strong> i några av de andra webbplatserna som använder Gravatar: Details
Swedish (sv)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Miljontals profilbilder serveras över 8,6 miljarder gånger per dag. <strong>Gå med</strong> i några av de andra webbplatserna som använder Gravatar:

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Date added:
2018-10-28 14:30:05 GMT
Translated by:
Fredrik (elfredrik)
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ta Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Tamil (ta)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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te Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Telugu (te)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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th Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Thai (th)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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Date added:
2016-09-26 06:59:24 GMT
Translated by:
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tr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Milyonlarca avatar görseli günde 8.6 milyardan fazla kez servis ediliyor. Sen de avatar kullanan websiteler arasına <strong>katıl</strong>: Details
Turkish (tr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Milyonlarca avatar görseli günde 8.6 milyardan fazla kez servis ediliyor. Sen de avatar kullanan websiteler arasına <strong>katıl</strong>:

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Date added:
2017-03-16 14:56:45 GMT
Translated by:
Emre Erkan (izzetemreerkan)
More links:
tr Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: <strong>katıl</strong>: Details
Turkish (tr)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Warning: Lengths of source and translation differ too much.

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Date added:
2019-01-01 15:38:15 GMT
Translated by:
Ahmet Yamaç (ahmetyamac8688)
More links:
uk Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Мільйони аватарок обслуговуються більше 8,6 млрд. разів за день. <strong>Приєднайся</strong> до інших сайтів, які використовують Gravatar Details
Ukrainian (uk)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Мільйони аватарок обслуговуються більше 8,6 млрд. разів за день. <strong>Приєднайся</strong> до інших сайтів, які використовують Gravatar

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Date added:
2014-01-30 08:59:55 GMT
Translated by:
dnister.lark (dnisterlark)
More links:
ur Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: لاکھوں اوتار کی تصاویر ایک دن میں 8.6 ارب دفعہ دکھائی جا رہی ہیں۔ <strong>شامل ہو جائیں</strong> چند ان سائٹس کے ساتھ جو Gravatar استعمال کرتی ہیں: Details
Urdu (ur)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

لاکھوں اوتار کی تصاویر ایک دن میں 8.6 ارب دفعہ دکھائی جا رہی ہیں۔ <strong>شامل ہو جائیں</strong> چند ان سائٹس کے ساتھ جو Gravatar استعمال کرتی ہیں:

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vi Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Có hàng triệu hình đại diện được dùng trên 8.6 tỉ lần mỗi ngày. <strong>Tham gia</strong> dùng Gravatar cùng những trang web khác ngay bây giờ! Details
Vietnamese (vi)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Có hàng triệu hình đại diện được dùng trên 8.6 tỉ lần mỗi ngày. <strong>Tham gia</strong> dùng Gravatar cùng những trang web khác ngay bây giờ!

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Date added:
2013-12-12 13:48:11 GMT
Translated by:
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站:

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Date added:
2013-12-25 04:54:48 GMT
Translated by:
TonyDong (dongyi324)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站:

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Date added:
2015-03-15 22:22:01 GMT
Translated by:
Unholyadam (jbdada123)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站:

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Date added:
2015-08-29 07:51:42 GMT
Translated by:
丁俊尧 (ding1997jy)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2015-08-29 07:52:20 GMT
Translated by:
丁俊尧 (ding1997jy)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2015-08-29 07:52:37 GMT
Translated by:
丁俊尧 (ding1997jy)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天有数以百万计的头像服务超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>使用Gravatar服务的其他网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天有数以百万计的头像服务超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>使用Gravatar服务的其他网站:

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Date added:
2016-03-02 04:14:04 GMT
Translated by:
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-01-12 08:27:39 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站:

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Date added:
2017-01-12 08:29:21 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过8亿6千万次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过8亿6千万次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-01-12 08:29:43 GMT
Translated by:
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过8亿6千万次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以百万计的头像被使用超过8亿6千万次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-02-26 13:04:51 GMT
Translated by:
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-07-23 18:10:41 GMT
Translated by:
ZBTJ (zbtj)
More links:
zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过8.6亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-07-23 18:11:58 GMT
Translated by:
ZBTJ (zbtj)
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像每天都被使用超过860十亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站:

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Date added:
2017-09-01 02:56:33 GMT
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天都有数以万计的头像被使用超过86亿次。 <strong>请加入</strong>其他使用的Gravatar网站:

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Date added:
2017-09-01 02:58:09 GMT
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 数以万计的头像图片每天都被请求超过86亿次。 <strong>来试一试</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站吧: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

数以万计的头像图片每天都被请求超过86亿次。 <strong>来试一试</strong>其他使用Gravatar的网站吧:

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Date added:
2018-02-14 07:43:38 GMT
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zh-cn Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 每天为数百万的头像提供超过8.6亿次的访问服务。 <strong>加入</strong>其它使用Gravatar服务的网站: Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

每天为数百万的头像提供超过8.6亿次的访问服务。 <strong>加入</strong>其它使用Gravatar服务的网站:

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Date added:
2018-04-12 08:39:20 GMT
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zh-tw Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 數以萬計的Gravatar每天都被使用超過860十億次。 <strong>請加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的網站: Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

數以萬計的Gravatar每天都被使用超過860十億次。 <strong>請加入</strong>其他使用Gravatar的網站:

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Date added:
2014-02-02 16:27:47 GMT
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zh-tw Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar: 數百萬的個人頭像每天服務超過 86 億次。 <strong>加入</strong>其他使用 Gravatar的 網站: Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

Millions of avatar images are being served over 8.6 billion times per day. <strong>Join</strong> some of the other sites that use Gravatar:

數百萬的個人頭像每天服務超過 86 億次。 <strong>加入</strong>其他使用 Gravatar的 網站:

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Date added:
2019-01-23 15:00:16 GMT
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with warnings