Translations of Original 58026 in Gravatar

Prio Locale Original string Translation
ar Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> إنشاء غرافاتارز على موقعك هو سهل؛ أنت لست بحاجة حتى إلى حساب <a href="%s">الإضافات متوفرة</a> لأجل التحكم ببرنامج التدوين ونظام إدارة المحتوى، و <a href="%s">دروسنا</a> ستجعلك تشغّل غرافاتارز مثل لمح البصر<a class="more_link" href="%s">مثال عن الإضافة والرمز البرمجي</a> Details
Arabic (ar)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

إنشاء غرافاتارز على موقعك هو سهل؛ أنت لست بحاجة حتى إلى حساب <a href="%s">الإضافات متوفرة</a> لأجل التحكم ببرنامج التدوين ونظام إدارة المحتوى، و <a href="%s">دروسنا</a> ستجعلك تشغّل غرافاتارز مثل لمح البصر<a class="more_link" href="%s">مثال عن الإضافة والرمز البرمجي</a>

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Date added:
2013-01-21 13:29:01 GMT
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az Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Saytınızda Gravatarın qurulması çox sadədir, hətta bundan ötrü qeydiyyatdan keçməyə ehtiyac belə yoxdur! Aparıcı bloq platformaları və CMS-lər üçün <a href="%s">Mövcud plaqinlər</a> vasitəsi ilə Gravatarınızı rahatlıqla qura bilərsiniz. <a href="%s">Bizim dərs vəsaitləri</a> sizə Gravatarları qısa vaxt ərzində işlək vəziyyətə gətirməyinizə yardımçı olacaqdır. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Plaqin nümunələri və kodları &rarr;</a> Details
Azerbaijani (az)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Saytınızda Gravatarın qurulması çox sadədir, hətta bundan ötrü qeydiyyatdan keçməyə ehtiyac belə yoxdur! Aparıcı bloq platformaları və CMS-lər üçün <a href="%s">Mövcud plaqinlər</a> vasitəsi ilə Gravatarınızı rahatlıqla qura bilərsiniz. <a href="%s">Bizim dərs vəsaitləri</a> sizə Gravatarları qısa vaxt ərzində işlək vəziyyətə gətirməyinizə yardımçı olacaqdır. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Plaqin nümunələri və kodları &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-12-21 05:12:33 GMT
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bg Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Ползването на изображения Gravatar по страниците ви е лесно, дори не е нужен акаунт! <a href="%s">Добавки (Plug-in)</a> за водещи журнални програми и системи за управление на съдържание и <a href="%s">ръководства</a>, помагащи за нула време да се справите с Gravatar. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Примерни добавки и кодове &rarr;</a> Details
Bulgarian (bg)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Ползването на изображения Gravatar по страниците ви е лесно, дори не е нужен акаунт! <a href="%s">Добавки (Plug-in)</a> за водещи журнални програми и системи за управление на съдържание и <a href="%s">ръководства</a>, помагащи за нула време да се справите с Gravatar. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Примерни добавки и кодове &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-09-01 11:17:02 GMT
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Anonymous (orlintel)
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ca Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Configurar Gravatars al vostre lloc web és ben fàcil; fins i tot no us fa falta cap compte! <a href="%s">Disposeu de connectors</a> per als blogs més utilitzats i per als sistemes de gestió de contingut més coneguts, a més <a href="%s">els nostres tutorials</a> us permetran utilitzar en molt poc temps els Gravatars.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemples de connectors i codi &rarr;</a> Details
Catalan (ca)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Configurar Gravatars al vostre lloc web és ben fàcil; fins i tot no us fa falta cap compte! <a href="%s">Disposeu de connectors</a> per als blogs més utilitzats i per als sistemes de gestió de contingut més coneguts, a més <a href="%s">els nostres tutorials</a> us permetran utilitzar en molt poc temps els Gravatars.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemples de connectors i codi &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-08-20 15:58:42 GMT
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JoanColl (jcoll2)
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de Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Gravatare auf deiner Website einzurichten ist leicht. Du benötigst nicht einmal ein Konto! Für die führenden Blog- und Content-Management-Systeme sind <a href="%s">Plugins verfügbar</a> und durch <a href="%s">unsere Anleitungen</a> wirst du Gravatare im Handumdrehen zum Laufen bekommen. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Beispiel-Plugins und Code &rarr;</a> Details
German (de)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Gravatare auf deiner Website einzurichten ist leicht. Du benötigst nicht einmal ein Konto! Für die führenden Blog- und Content-Management-Systeme sind <a href="%s">Plugins verfügbar</a> und durch <a href="%s">unsere Anleitungen</a> wirst du Gravatare im Handumdrehen zum Laufen bekommen. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Beispiel-Plugins und Code &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-12-18 05:09:02 GMT
Translated by:
Martin K. (iqatrophie)
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el Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης των Gravatars είναι εύκολη. Δεν χρειάζεστε καν λογαριασμό. <a href="%s">Υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα plugins</a> για τις κυριότερες πλατφόρμες blogging και CMS. Με την βοήθεια των <a href="%s">οδηγών εγκατάστασης</a> θα είστε έτοιμη σε χρόνο μηδέν. Δείτε επίσης τα <a class="more_link" href="%s">διαθέσιμα plugins και παραδείγματα κώδικα &rarr;</a> Details
Greek (el)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης των Gravatars είναι εύκολη. Δεν χρειάζεστε καν λογαριασμό. <a href="%s">Υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα plugins</a> για τις κυριότερες πλατφόρμες blogging και CMS. Με την βοήθεια των <a href="%s">οδηγών εγκατάστασης</a> θα είστε έτοιμη σε χρόνο μηδέν. Δείτε επίσης τα <a class="more_link" href="%s">διαθέσιμα plugins και παραδείγματα κώδικα &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-01-17 16:44:40 GMT
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Titanas (titanas)
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el Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης των Gravatars είναι εύκολη. Δεν χρειάζεστε καν λογαριασμό. <a href="%s">Υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα plugins</a> για τις κυριότερες πλατφόρμες blogging και CMS. Με τη βοήθεια των <a href="%s">οδηγών εγκατάστασης</a> θα είστε έτοιμοι σε χρόνο μηδέν. Δείτε επίσης τα <a class="more_link" href="%s">διαθέσιμα plugins και παραδείγματα κώδικα &rarr;</a> Details
Greek (el)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης των Gravatars είναι εύκολη. Δεν χρειάζεστε καν λογαριασμό. <a href="%s">Υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα plugins</a> για τις κυριότερες πλατφόρμες blogging και CMS. Με τη βοήθεια των <a href="%s">οδηγών εγκατάστασης</a> θα είστε έτοιμοι σε χρόνο μηδέν. Δείτε επίσης τα <a class="more_link" href="%s">διαθέσιμα plugins και παραδείγματα κώδικα &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2017-09-12 22:14:22 GMT
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el-po Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Ἡ δημιουργία Γκράβαταρ στὸν ἱστότοπό σας εἶναι εὔκολη· δὲν χρειάζεσθε κἄν λογαριασμό! <a href="%s">Ὑπάρχουν πρόσθετα</a> γιὰ τὰ κυριώτερα συστήματα διαχειρίσεως λογισμικοῦ καὶ περιεχομένου ἱστολογίων, ἐνῶ τὰ <a href="%s">μαθήματά μας</a> θὰ σᾶς βοηθήσουν νὰ τρέξετε Γκράβαταρ σὲ χρόνο μηδέν. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Παραδείγματα προσθέτων καὶ κώδικα &rarr;</a> Details
Greek (Polytonic) (el-po)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Ἡ δημιουργία Γκράβαταρ στὸν ἱστότοπό σας εἶναι εὔκολη· δὲν χρειάζεσθε κἄν λογαριασμό! <a href="%s">Ὑπάρχουν πρόσθετα</a> γιὰ τὰ κυριώτερα συστήματα διαχειρίσεως λογισμικοῦ καὶ περιεχομένου ἱστολογίων, ἐνῶ τὰ <a href="%s">μαθήματά μας</a> θὰ σᾶς βοηθήσουν νὰ τρέξετε Γκράβαταρ σὲ χρόνο μηδέν. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Παραδείγματα προσθέτων καὶ κώδικα &rarr;</a>

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es Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> La configuración de Gravatars en su sitio es fácil; ¡ni siquiera necesitas una cuenta! Existen <a href="%s">plugins</a> para los principales sistemas para blog y gestores de contenido, <a href="%s">nuestros tutoriales</a> te ayudarán a tener Gravatars en muy poco tiempo. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Plugins y Código de Ejemplo &rarr;</a> Details
Spanish (Spain) (es)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

La configuración de Gravatars en su sitio es fácil; ¡ni siquiera necesitas una cuenta! Existen <a href="%s">plugins</a> para los principales sistemas para blog y gestores de contenido, <a href="%s">nuestros tutoriales</a> te ayudarán a tener Gravatars en muy poco tiempo. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Plugins y Código de Ejemplo &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-04-09 07:23:15 GMT
Translated by:
Jose Conti (darkeorc)
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fa Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> برپا کردن گراواتارها در وب‌گاهتان بسیار ساده است؛ حتی نیازی نیست حساب داشته باشید! <a href="%s">افزونه‌هایی موجودند</a> که نرم‌افزار وب‌نویسی و مدیریت محتوا را راهنمایی می‌کنند و <a href="%s">آموزش‌های ما</a> به شما کمک می‌کنند در کوتاه‌ترین زمان گراواتارها را به راه اندازید.<a class="more_link" href="%s">نمونه‌ای از افزونه‌ها و کد &rarr;</a> Details
Persian (fa)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

برپا کردن گراواتارها در وب‌گاهتان بسیار ساده است؛ حتی نیازی نیست حساب داشته باشید! <a href="%s">افزونه‌هایی موجودند</a> که نرم‌افزار وب‌نویسی و مدیریت محتوا را راهنمایی می‌کنند و <a href="%s">آموزش‌های ما</a> به شما کمک می‌کنند در کوتاه‌ترین زمان گراواتارها را به راه اندازید.<a class="more_link" href="%s">نمونه‌ای از افزونه‌ها و کد &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-04-01 04:51:03 GMT
Translated by:
Al (irdb)
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fi Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Gravatarien lisääminen sivullesi on helppoa; et tarvitse edes tiliä! <a href="%s">Lisäosat ovat saatavilla</a> johtaville blogiohjelmistoille ja sisällönhallitsemissysteemeille, sekä <a href="%s">meidän harjoituksiemme</a> avulla pääset käyttämään Gravatareja hetkessä. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Esimerkkilisäosia ja -koodia &rarr;</a> Details
Finnish (fi)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Gravatarien lisääminen sivullesi on helppoa; et tarvitse edes tiliä! <a href="%s">Lisäosat ovat saatavilla</a> johtaville blogiohjelmistoille ja sisällönhallitsemissysteemeille, sekä <a href="%s">meidän harjoituksiemme</a> avulla pääset käyttämään Gravatareja hetkessä. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Esimerkkilisäosia ja -koodia &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-07-09 17:35:43 GMT
Translated by:
Jaketin (raegorp)
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fi Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Details
Finnish (fi)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-09-27 20:15:34 GMT
Translated by:
Raimo (raimohonkaniemi)
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fr Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Utiliser Gravatar sur votre site est simple, il n'est même pas besoin de créer un compte! Des <a href="%s">extensions</a> sont disponibles pour l'intégration du logiciel et la gestion du contenu, et nos <a href="%s">tutoriels</a> vous aideront à configurer Gravatar très rapidement. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemple d'extensions et codes &rarr;</a> Details
French (France) (fr)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Utiliser Gravatar sur votre site est simple, il n'est même pas besoin de créer un compte! Des <a href="%s">extensions</a> sont disponibles pour l'intégration du logiciel et la gestion du contenu, et nos <a href="%s">tutoriels</a> vous aideront à configurer Gravatar très rapidement. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemple d'extensions et codes &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2018-04-28 10:29:40 GMT
Translated by:
Cécile (cecileatrainon)
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fr-ca Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Utiliser des Gravatars sur votre site, c’est simple. Vous n’avez même pas besoin de créer de compte! Vous avez accès à des <a href="%s">extensions</a> pour des logiciels de bloguage et de gestion de contenu réputés, et grâce à nos <a href="%s">tutoriels</a>, vous pourrez configurer Gravatar très rapidement. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemples d’extensions et de codes &rarr;</a> Details
French (Canada) (fr-ca)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Utiliser des Gravatars sur votre site, c’est simple. Vous n’avez même pas besoin de créer de compte! Vous avez accès à des <a href="%s">extensions</a> pour des logiciels de bloguage et de gestion de contenu réputés, et grâce à nos <a href="%s">tutoriels</a>, vous pourrez configurer Gravatar très rapidement. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemples d’extensions et de codes &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-04-23 01:00:06 GMT
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ga Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Is furasta Gravatar a shocrú ar do shuíomh—ní theastaíonn cuntas féin uait! <a href="%s">Tá breiseáin le fáil</a> i gcomhair na mbogearraí agus na CMSanna is coitianta, agus is gearr go mbeidh tú ag imeacht leat ag Gravataradóireacht leis <a href="%s">na treoracha seo againne</a>. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Samplaí de Bhreiseáin agus de Chód &rarr;</a> Details
Irish (ga)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Is furasta Gravatar a shocrú ar do shuíomh—ní theastaíonn cuntas féin uait! <a href="%s">Tá breiseáin le fáil</a> i gcomhair na mbogearraí agus na CMSanna is coitianta, agus is gearr go mbeidh tú ag imeacht leat ag Gravataradóireacht leis <a href="%s">na treoracha seo againne</a>. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Samplaí de Bhreiseáin agus de Chód &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-01-17 14:17:30 GMT
Translated by:
Brian (brianrourkeboll)
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gl Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Empregar Gravatars no teu sitio é sinxelo; non precisas unha conta! <a href="%s">Os plugins están dispoñibles</a> para o principal software de blog e de xestión de contidos, e os <a href="%s">nosos tutoriais</a> axudaranche a poñer en marcha os Gravatars en pouco tempo.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplo de Plugins e C&oacute;digo &rarr;</a> Details
Galician (gl)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Empregar Gravatars no teu sitio é sinxelo; non precisas unha conta! <a href="%s">Os plugins están dispoñibles</a> para o principal software de blog e de xestión de contidos, e os <a href="%s">nosos tutoriais</a> axudaranche a poñer en marcha os Gravatars en pouco tempo.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplo de Plugins e C&oacute;digo &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-07-04 01:28:51 GMT
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he Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> הוספת גראווטרים לאתר שלך זה פשוט; אין אפילו צורך למשתמש! <a href="%s">יש פלאגינים שזמינים</a>למערכות ותוכנות מובילות של ארגון מידע ובלוגים <a href="%s">המדריכים שלנו</a> והאתר שלך יריץ גראווטרים בזמן קשר.<a class="more_link" href="%s">דוגמא לפלאגינים וקוד &rarr;</a> Details
Hebrew (he)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

הוספת גראווטרים לאתר שלך זה פשוט; אין אפילו צורך למשתמש! <a href="%s">יש פלאגינים שזמינים</a>למערכות ותוכנות מובילות של ארגון מידע ובלוגים <a href="%s">המדריכים שלנו</a> והאתר שלך יריץ גראווטרים בזמן קשר.<a class="more_link" href="%s">דוגמא לפלאגינים וקוד &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2019-04-15 15:52:40 GMT
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hi Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> आपकी साइट पर ग्रवटार स्थापित करना सरल है; यहाँ तक की किसी खाते की भी जरूरत नहीं है! प्रमुख ब्लॉग सॉफ्टवेरों और कंटेंट मेनेजमेंट सिस्टमों के लिए <a href="%s">प्लग-इन उपलब्ध है</a>, और बिना समय खराब किये ग्रवटार चलाने के लिए <a href="%s">हमारे ट्युटोरियल</a> तो है ही. <a class="more_link" href="%s">उदाहरण के लिए प्लग-इन व कोड &rarr;</a> Details
Hindi (hi)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

आपकी साइट पर ग्रवटार स्थापित करना सरल है; यहाँ तक की किसी खाते की भी जरूरत नहीं है! प्रमुख ब्लॉग सॉफ्टवेरों और कंटेंट मेनेजमेंट सिस्टमों के लिए <a href="%s">प्लग-इन उपलब्ध है</a>, और बिना समय खराब किये ग्रवटार चलाने के लिए <a href="%s">हमारे ट्युटोरियल</a> तो है ही. <a class="more_link" href="%s">उदाहरण के लिए प्लग-इन व कोड &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-03-10 13:54:36 GMT
Translated by:
Vijaya Madhavi (vijayamadhavi)
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hr Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Dodavanje gravatara na tvoju stranicu je jednostavno; nije ti čak potreban ni račun! <a href="%s">Dostupni su priključci</a> za vodeće blog-softvere i sisteme za upravljanje sadržajem, a <a href="%s">naši vodiči</a> će ti pomoći da počneš koristiti gravatare jako brzo.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Primjeri priključaka i koda &rarr;</a> Details
Croatian (hr)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Dodavanje gravatara na tvoju stranicu je jednostavno; nije ti čak potreban ni račun! <a href="%s">Dostupni su priključci</a> za vodeće blog-softvere i sisteme za upravljanje sadržajem, a <a href="%s">naši vodiči</a> će ti pomoći da počneš koristiti gravatare jako brzo.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Primjeri priključaka i koda &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-02-20 12:41:29 GMT
Translated by:
Branimir M. (mlakic)
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hu Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> A Gravatar beállítása különböző webhelyeken nagyon egyszerű. Rendkívül sok <a href="%s">bővítmény</a> és <a href="%s">segédlet</a> áll rendelkezésre különböző tartalomkezelő rendszerekhez. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Példa bővítmények és kódok &rarr;</a> Details
Hungarian (hu)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

A Gravatar beállítása különböző webhelyeken nagyon egyszerű. Rendkívül sok <a href="%s">bővítmény</a> és <a href="%s">segédlet</a> áll rendelkezésre különböző tartalomkezelő rendszerekhez. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Példa bővítmények és kódok &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-02-28 14:36:04 GMT
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id Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Mengatur Gravatar di dalam website anda sangat mudah; Anda bahkan tidak memerlukan sebuah akun! <a href="%s">Plugins sudah tersedia</a> untuk blog software dan content management systems, dan <a href="%s">beberapa tutorial</a> yang kami miliki akan membuat anda menjalankan Gravatars dengan cepat. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Contoh Plugins dan Kode &rarr;</a> Details
Indonesian (id)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Mengatur Gravatar di dalam website anda sangat mudah; Anda bahkan tidak memerlukan sebuah akun! <a href="%s">Plugins sudah tersedia</a> untuk blog software dan content management systems, dan <a href="%s">beberapa tutorial</a> yang kami miliki akan membuat anda menjalankan Gravatars dengan cepat. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Contoh Plugins dan Kode &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-01-08 16:13:00 GMT
Translated by:
Titis Kaifa (titiskaifa)
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it Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> È facile usare i Gravatar sul tuo sito; non devi nemmeno avere un account! <a href="%s"> Sono disponibili dei plugin</a> per i principali software di blog e per i sistemi di gestione dei contenuti. Inoltre, con i <a href="%s">nostri tutorial</a> sarai in grado di caricare Gravatar in men che non si dica. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Dei plugin di esempio con codice &rarr;</a> Details
Italian (it)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

È facile usare i Gravatar sul tuo sito; non devi nemmeno avere un account! <a href="%s"> Sono disponibili dei plugin</a> per i principali software di blog e per i sistemi di gestione dei contenuti. Inoltre, con i <a href="%s">nostri tutorial</a> sarai in grado di caricare Gravatar in men che non si dica. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Dei plugin di esempio con codice &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2017-02-23 02:32:53 GMT
Translated by:
ksoo (rubatostuf)
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ja Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Gravatar をサイトに設置するのは簡単です。アカウントがなくても始められます。主要なブログソフトや CMS の<a href="%s">プラグイン</a>があり、<a href="%s">チュートリアル</a>も用意しています。<a class="more_link" href="%s">&rarr; プラグインとコード例</a> Details
Japanese (ja)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Gravatar をサイトに設置するのは簡単です。アカウントがなくても始められます。主要なブログソフトや CMS の<a href="%s">プラグイン</a>があり、<a href="%s">チュートリアル</a>も用意しています。<a class="more_link" href="%s">&rarr; プラグインとコード例</a>

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Date added:
2013-12-09 23:19:13 GMT
Translated by:
Naoko Takano (naokomc)
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ko Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 여러분의 사이트에 Gravatar를 설정하는 것은 간단합니다; 계정은 필요하지 않아요! 잘 알려진 여러 블로그 소프트웨어와 컨텐츠 관리 시스템을 위한 <a href="%s">플러그인</a>이 있으며, <a href="%s">튜토리얼</a>을 보고 따라하시면 손쉽게 Gravatar를 설정하실 수 있습니다.<a class="more_link" href="%s">플러그인과 코드의 예 &rarr;</a> Details
Korean (ko)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

여러분의 사이트에 Gravatar를 설정하는 것은 간단합니다; 계정은 필요하지 않아요! 잘 알려진 여러 블로그 소프트웨어와 컨텐츠 관리 시스템을 위한 <a href="%s">플러그인</a>이 있으며, <a href="%s">튜토리얼</a>을 보고 따라하시면 손쉽게 Gravatar를 설정하실 수 있습니다.<a class="more_link" href="%s">플러그인과 코드의 예 &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2012-12-25 04:13:09 GMT
Translated by:
Undefined (artofdysphoria)
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lt Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Gravatar nustatymas yra paprastas, jums net nereikia paskyros! Tinklaraščio programinei įrangai ir turinio valdymo sistemoms yra <a href="%s">papildinių</a>, <a href="%s">mūsų vadovai</a> padės jums įsivažiuoti su Gravatars <a class="more_link" href="%s">Pavyzdiniai įskiepiai ir kodas &rarr;</a> Details
Lithuanian (lt)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Gravatar nustatymas yra paprastas, jums net nereikia paskyros! Tinklaraščio programinei įrangai ir turinio valdymo sistemoms yra <a href="%s">papildinių</a>, <a href="%s">mūsų vadovai</a> padės jums įsivažiuoti su Gravatars <a class="more_link" href="%s">Pavyzdiniai įskiepiai ir kodas &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-03-12 09:59:01 GMT
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nb Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Å installere Gravatarer på nettstedet ditt er lett; du trenger ikke en gang en konto!<a href="%s">Pluggbare tilleggsprogram er tilgjengelige</a> for ledende bloggeprogramvare og inneholder administrasjonssytemer og<a href="%s"> instruksjonsmanualene våre</a> vil la deg bruke Gravatarer på et&nbsp; øyeblikk.<a class="more_link" href="%s"> Her er et eksempel på pluggbare tilleggsprogram; såkalte plugins og programmeringskode &rarr;</a> Details
Norwegian (Bokmål) (nb)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Å installere Gravatarer på nettstedet ditt er lett; du trenger ikke en gang en konto!<a href="%s">Pluggbare tilleggsprogram er tilgjengelige</a> for ledende bloggeprogramvare og inneholder administrasjonssytemer og<a href="%s"> instruksjonsmanualene våre</a> vil la deg bruke Gravatarer på et&nbsp; øyeblikk.<a class="more_link" href="%s"> Her er et eksempel på pluggbare tilleggsprogram; såkalte plugins og programmeringskode &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-08-31 16:40:26 GMT
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Approved by:
Knut Sparhell (knutsp)
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nl Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Gravatars toevoegen aan je site is supersimpel - je hebt er niet eens een account voor nodig! Er zijn <a href="%s">plugins</a> beschikbaar voor de gangbare blog- en contentmanagementsystemen. Daarnaast kun je met <a href="%s">onze handleidingen</a> in een mum van tijd Gravatars op je site tonen. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Voorbeeldplugins en -code &rarr;</a> Details
Dutch (nl)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Gravatars toevoegen aan je site is supersimpel - je hebt er niet eens een account voor nodig! Er zijn <a href="%s">plugins</a> beschikbaar voor de gangbare blog- en contentmanagementsystemen. Daarnaast kun je met <a href="%s">onze handleidingen</a> in een mum van tijd Gravatars op je site tonen. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Voorbeeldplugins en -code &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-02-28 10:51:18 GMT
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oci Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Utilizar Gravatar sus vòstre site es simple, i a quitament pas besonh de crear un compte ! D'<a href="%s">extensions</a> son disponiblas per l'integracion del logicial e la gestion del contengut, e nòstres <a href="%s">tutorials</a> vos ajudaràn a configurar Gravatar fòrt rapidament. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemple de Plugins e Còdis &rarr;</a> Details
Occitan (oci)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Utilizar Gravatar sus vòstre site es simple, i a quitament pas besonh de crear un compte ! D'<a href="%s">extensions</a> son disponiblas per l'integracion del logicial e la gestion del contengut, e nòstres <a href="%s">tutorials</a> vos ajudaràn a configurar Gravatar fòrt rapidament. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemple de Plugins e Còdis &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-05-30 15:50:24 GMT
Translated by:
Cedric31 (cedric31)
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pl Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Dodanie Gravatarów do twojej strony jest proste: nawet nie potrzebujesz konta! <a href="%s">Przygotowaliśmy wtyczki</a> do najpopularniejszych serwisów blogowych i systemów zarządzania treścią, a z <a href="%s">naszymi poradnikami</a> uruchomisz Gravatary błyskawicznie. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Przykładowe wtyczki i skrypty &rarr;</a> Details
Polish (pl)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Dodanie Gravatarów do twojej strony jest proste: nawet nie potrzebujesz konta! <a href="%s">Przygotowaliśmy wtyczki</a> do najpopularniejszych serwisów blogowych i systemów zarządzania treścią, a z <a href="%s">naszymi poradnikami</a> uruchomisz Gravatary błyskawicznie. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Przykładowe wtyczki i skrypty &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-04-23 07:30:23 GMT
Translated by:
Aldona Pikul (aldonapikul)
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pt Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> É fácil suportar Gravatars no seu site; nem sequer precisa de uma conta! <a href="%s">Estão disponíveis plugins</a> para os principais sistemas de gestão de conteúdos e os <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> ensinam-lhe a suportar Gravatars, num instante.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de código e plugins &rarr;</a> Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

É fácil suportar Gravatars no seu site; nem sequer precisa de uma conta! <a href="%s">Estão disponíveis plugins</a> para os principais sistemas de gestão de conteúdos e os <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> ensinam-lhe a suportar Gravatars, num instante.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de código e plugins &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-05-04 22:37:08 GMT
Translated by:
Zé (vanillalounge)
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pt Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> É fácil configurar os Gravatars no seu site; nem sequer precisa de uma conta! <a href="%s">Os plug-ins estão disponíveis</a> para os principais software de blogue e sistemas de gestão de conteúdos, e os <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> terão os seus Gravatars em execução, num abrir e fechar de olhos.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de Código e Plug-ins &rarr;</a> Details
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

É fácil configurar os Gravatars no seu site; nem sequer precisa de uma conta! <a href="%s">Os plug-ins estão disponíveis</a> para os principais software de blogue e sistemas de gestão de conteúdos, e os <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> terão os seus Gravatars em execução, num abrir e fechar de olhos.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de Código e Plug-ins &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-06-04 14:43:30 GMT
Translated by:
Manuela Silva (manuelarsilva)
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pt-br Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Configurar o Gravatars em seu site é fácil, você não precisa sequer de uma conta! Temos <a href="%s">Plugins</a> disponíveis para a maioria dos softwares de blog e gerenciadores de conteúdo e <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> vão ajudá-lo a implementar o Gravatar rapidamente. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de Plugins e Códigos &rarr;</a> Details
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-br)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Configurar o Gravatars em seu site é fácil, você não precisa sequer de uma conta! Temos <a href="%s">Plugins</a> disponíveis para a maioria dos softwares de blog e gerenciadores de conteúdo e <a href="%s">nossos tutoriais</a> vão ajudá-lo a implementar o Gravatar rapidamente. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplos de Plugins e Códigos &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-09-08 20:25:37 GMT
Translated by:
Felipe Marcos (nostalebr)
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ro Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Inițializarea Gravatarelor pe situl tău este ușoară; nu ai nevoie de un cont! <a href="%s">Sunt disponibile module</a> pentru software de dirijare pe blog și sisteme de management al conținutului și <a href="%s">tutorialele noastre</a> te vor ajuta să rulezi Gravatare în cel mai scurt timp.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplu de module și cod &rarr;</a> Details
Romanian (ro)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Inițializarea Gravatarelor pe situl tău este ușoară; nu ai nevoie de un cont! <a href="%s">Sunt disponibile module</a> pentru software de dirijare pe blog și sisteme de management al conținutului și <a href="%s">tutorialele noastre</a> te vor ajuta să rulezi Gravatare în cel mai scurt timp.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Exemplu de module și cod &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-12-19 11:57:59 GMT
Translated by:
Dan Caragea (dancarageact62)
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ru Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Настроить Gravatar на вашем сайте легко, вам даже не нужно регистрироваться! <a href="%s">Доступны плагины</a> для ведущих платформ блогов и систем управления контентом, а <a href="%s">наши руководства</a> помогут запустить Gravatar в мгновение ока. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Примеры плагинов и кода &rarr;</a> Details
Russian (ru)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Настроить Gravatar на вашем сайте легко, вам даже не нужно регистрироваться! <a href="%s">Доступны плагины</a> для ведущих платформ блогов и систем управления контентом, а <a href="%s">наши руководства</a> помогут запустить Gravatar в мгновение ока. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Примеры плагинов и кода &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-06-11 03:45:21 GMT
Translated by:
zooks (zzooks)
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sk Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Nastavenie Gravatarov pre Vašu stránku je jednoduché; nepotrebujete ani účet! Pre väčšinu najpoužívanejších blogovacích softvérov a redakčných systémov sú <a href="%s">dostupné moduly</a> a <a href="%s">naše návody</a> Vám s rozbehnutím Gravatarov pomôžu. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Ukážkové moduly a zdrojové kódy &rarr;</a> Details
Slovak (sk)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Nastavenie Gravatarov pre Vašu stránku je jednoduché; nepotrebujete ani účet! Pre väčšinu najpoužívanejších blogovacích softvérov a redakčných systémov sú <a href="%s">dostupné moduly</a> a <a href="%s">naše návody</a> Vám s rozbehnutím Gravatarov pomôžu. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Ukážkové moduly a zdrojové kódy &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2012-12-27 19:07:06 GMT
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sl Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Nastavljanje Gravatar na vaši spletni strani je enostavno; sploh ne potrebujete računa! <a href="%s">Na voljo so vtičniki</a> za vodilne blog programske opreme in CMS in <a href="%s">vodiči</a> da boste imeli Gravatars. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Primeri, Vtičniki in Kode &rarr;</a> Details
Slovenian (sl)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Nastavljanje Gravatar na vaši spletni strani je enostavno; sploh ne potrebujete računa! <a href="%s">Na voljo so vtičniki</a> za vodilne blog programske opreme in CMS in <a href="%s">vodiči</a> da boste imeli Gravatars. <a class="more_link" href="%s">Primeri, Vtičniki in Kode &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-10-20 19:36:20 GMT
Translated by:
Filip Š (filips123)
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so Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Plugin-no ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Plugin-no iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a> Details
Somali (so)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Plugin-no ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Plugin-no iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-05-07 05:55:36 GMT
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so Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Plugin-no ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Plugin-no iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a> Details
Somali (so)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Plugin-no ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Plugin-no iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-05-07 05:56:09 GMT
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so Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Kaabayaal ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Kaabayaal iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a> Details
Somali (so)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Waa ay fududdahay inaad boggaaga u sameysid Gravatar-ro; xitaa uma baahnid akoon! <a href="%s">Kaabayaal ayaa jira</a> loogu talo galay barnaamijyada blog-ga iyo hababka maaraynta xogta, <a href="%s">hagayaasheenna</a> waxay kuu suurta gelin inaad gravatar-ro ku sameysid waqti aan badneyn.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Tusaalooyin Kaabayaal iyo Luqad-Barnaamij &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-05-07 06:22:29 GMT
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sq Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Vendosja e gravatarëve në sajtin tuaj është e lehtë; as që keni nevojë për llogari! <a href="%s">Ka gati shtojca</a> për software blogjesh dhe sistemet kryesuese të administrimit të lëndës, dhe <a href="%s">përkujdesore tonat</a> do të bëjnë që t&#8217;i xhironi gravatarët pa humbur kohë.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Shembuj Shtojcash dhe Kodi &rarr;</a> Details
Albanian (sq)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Vendosja e gravatarëve në sajtin tuaj është e lehtë; as që keni nevojë për llogari! <a href="%s">Ka gati shtojca</a> për software blogjesh dhe sistemet kryesuese të administrimit të lëndës, dhe <a href="%s">përkujdesore tonat</a> do të bëjnë që t&#8217;i xhironi gravatarët pa humbur kohë.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Shembuj Shtojcash dhe Kodi &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2016-01-26 17:46:15 GMT
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th Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> การตั้งค่า Gravatars บนไซต์ของคุณเป็นเรื่องง่าย คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องมีบัญชี!<a href="%s">มีปลั๊กอินอยู่</a> สำหรับซอฟต์แวร์บล็อกชั้นนำและระบบจัดการเนื้อหาและ <a href="%s">บทเรียนของเรา</a> จะให้คุณใช้ Gravatars ในเวลาไม่ได้หรือไม่<a class="more_link" href="%s">ตัวอย่างปลั๊กอินและโค้ด & rarr;</a> Details
Thai (th)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

การตั้งค่า Gravatars บนไซต์ของคุณเป็นเรื่องง่าย คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องมีบัญชี!<a href="%s">มีปลั๊กอินอยู่</a> สำหรับซอฟต์แวร์บล็อกชั้นนำและระบบจัดการเนื้อหาและ <a href="%s">บทเรียนของเรา</a> จะให้คุณใช้ Gravatars ในเวลาไม่ได้หรือไม่<a class="more_link" href="%s">ตัวอย่างปลั๊กอินและโค้ด & rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2017-05-01 02:57:52 GMT
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tr Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Sitenizde Gravatarları ayarlamak çok kolay; Hatta hesaba gerek duymadan! Önde gelen blog yazılımı ve içerik yönetim sistemleri için, <a href="%s"> eklentiler mevcuttur </a> ve <a href="%s"> bizim derslerimiz </a> zamanınız olmasada Gravatars ile çalışmanızı sağlayacak. <a class="more_link" href="%s"> Örnek Eklendi ve Kodlar &rarr;</a> Details
Turkish (tr)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Sitenizde Gravatarları ayarlamak çok kolay; Hatta hesaba gerek duymadan! Önde gelen blog yazılımı ve içerik yönetim sistemleri için, <a href="%s"> eklentiler mevcuttur </a> ve <a href="%s"> bizim derslerimiz </a> zamanınız olmasada Gravatars ile çalışmanızı sağlayacak. <a class="more_link" href="%s"> Örnek Eklendi ve Kodlar &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-07-07 13:47:54 GMT
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tr Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Sitenizde Gravatarları ayarlamak çok kolay; Hatta hesaba gerek duymadan! Önde gelen blog yazılımı ve içerik yönetim sistemleri için, <a href="%s"> eklentiler mevcut </a> ve <a href="%s"> bizim derslerimiz </a> zamanınız olmasada Gravatar ile çalışmanızı sağlayacak. <a class="more_link" href="%s"> Örnek Eklentiler ve Kodlar &rarr;</a> Details
Turkish (tr)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Sitenizde Gravatarları ayarlamak çok kolay; Hatta hesaba gerek duymadan! Önde gelen blog yazılımı ve içerik yönetim sistemleri için, <a href="%s"> eklentiler mevcut </a> ve <a href="%s"> bizim derslerimiz </a> zamanınız olmasada Gravatar ile çalışmanızı sağlayacak. <a class="more_link" href="%s"> Örnek Eklentiler ve Kodlar &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-07-08 16:25:22 GMT
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tr Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Details
Turkish (tr)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Warning: Lengths of source and translation differ too much.
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Warning: Missing %s placeholder in translation.

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Date added:
2015-09-05 10:59:26 GMT
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Ozal Dadashov (azecem)
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uk Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Налаштувати Gravatars на вашому сайті дуже легко; вам навіть не потрібен обліковий запис! <a href="%s">Модулі доступні</a> під провідні програми для блоґів та систем управління вмістом, а <a href="%s">наші поради</a> дозволять вам запустити Gravatars у найкоротші&nbsp;терміни.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Приклади модулів та коду &rarr;</a> Details
Ukrainian (uk)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Налаштувати Gravatars на вашому сайті дуже легко; вам навіть не потрібен обліковий запис! <a href="%s">Модулі доступні</a> під провідні програми для блоґів та систем управління вмістом, а <a href="%s">наші поради</a> дозволять вам запустити Gravatars у найкоротші&nbsp;терміни.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Приклади модулів та коду &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2015-07-04 19:00:23 GMT
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ur Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> آپ کی سائٹ پر Gravatars کی انسٹالیشن آسان ہے؛ آپ کو ایک اکاؤنٹ کی ضرورت بھی نہیں ہے! معروف بلاگ سافٹ ویئر اور مواد کے انتظام کے نظام کے لیے <a href="%s">پلگ انز دستیاب ہیں</a>، اور <a href="%s">ہمارے اسباق</a> کم وقت میں Gravatars چلانے میں آپ کی مدد کریں گے۔ &nbsp;<a class="more_link" href="%s">مثال پلگ انز اور کوڈ &rarr;</a> Details
Urdu (ur)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

آپ کی سائٹ پر Gravatars کی انسٹالیشن آسان ہے؛ آپ کو ایک اکاؤنٹ کی ضرورت بھی نہیں ہے! معروف بلاگ سافٹ ویئر اور مواد کے انتظام کے نظام کے لیے <a href="%s">پلگ انز دستیاب ہیں</a>، اور <a href="%s">ہمارے اسباق</a> کم وقت میں Gravatars چلانے میں آپ کی مدد کریں گے۔ &nbsp;<a class="more_link" href="%s">مثال پلگ انز اور کوڈ &rarr;</a>

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vi Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> Cài đặt Gravatar trên website của bạn thật dễ dàng; thậm chí bạn không cần tạo tài khoản! <a href="%s">Có sẵn Plugin Gravatar</a> dành cho những phần mềm tạo blog phổ biến và các phần mềm quản lý nội dung web, và <a href="%s">các hướng dẫn của chúng tôi</a> sẽ giúp bạn cài đặt Gravatar trong-chớp-mắt.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Các ví dụ về plugin và mã nguồn &rarr;</a> Details
Vietnamese (vi)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Cài đặt Gravatar trên website của bạn thật dễ dàng; thậm chí bạn không cần tạo tài khoản! <a href="%s">Có sẵn Plugin Gravatar</a> dành cho những phần mềm tạo blog phổ biến và các phần mềm quản lý nội dung web, và <a href="%s">các hướng dẫn của chúng tôi</a> sẽ giúp bạn cài đặt Gravatar trong-chớp-mắt.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Các ví dụ về plugin và mã nguồn &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-12-12 13:59:35 GMT
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zh-cn Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 在你的站点上使用Gravatar时非常容易的:你甚至不需要创建账户!如果你使用的是博客或其他建站系统,那么你可以<a href="%s">使用插件</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内学会Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">点此查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a> Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

在你的站点上使用Gravatar时非常容易的:你甚至不需要创建账户!如果你使用的是博客或其他建站系统,那么你可以<a href="%s">使用插件</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内学会Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">点此查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2012-12-30 04:04:43 GMT
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zh-cn Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 在你的站点上使用Gravatar非常容易,你甚至不需要创建账户!对于许多博客系统,都<a href="%s">有插件可以使用</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内开始使用Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a> Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

在你的站点上使用Gravatar非常容易,你甚至不需要创建账户!对于许多博客系统,都<a href="%s">有插件可以使用</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内开始使用Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-06-22 18:59:54 GMT
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zh-cn Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 在你的站点上使用Gravatar非常容易,你甚至不需要创建账户!对于许多博客系统和应用程序,都<a href="%s">有插件可以使用</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内开始使用Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a> Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

在你的站点上使用Gravatar非常容易,你甚至不需要创建账户!对于许多博客系统和应用程序,都<a href="%s">有插件可以使用</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内开始使用Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2013-06-22 19:00:15 GMT
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zh-cn Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 在你的站点上使用Gravatar是非常容易的:你甚至不需要创建账户!如果你使用的是博客或其他建站系统,那么你可以<a href="%s">使用插件</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内学会Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">点此查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a> Details
Chinese (China) (zh-cn)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

在你的站点上使用Gravatar是非常容易的:你甚至不需要创建账户!如果你使用的是博客或其他建站系统,那么你可以<a href="%s">使用插件</a>,并且<a href="%s">我们的教程</a>可以帮助你在极短的时间内学会Gravatar。<a class="more_link" href="%s">点此查看插件和代码示例&rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-11-01 13:25:11 GMT
Translated by:
风暴武者 (fengbaowuzhe)
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zh-tw Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a> 在你的網站中使用Gravatar圖片非常簡單,你甚至不需要任何帳號!這裡有<a href="%s">現成的插件</a>提供主流的網誌軟體和內容管理系統,<a href="%s">我們的教學</a>將協助你在極短的時間內把Gravatar圖片功能搞定!<a class="more_link" href="%s">範例插件與程式碼 &rarr;</a> Details
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh-tw)

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

Setting up Gravatars on your site is easy; you don't even need an account! <a href="%s">Plugins are available</a> for leading blog software and content management systems, and <a href="%s">our tutorials</a> will have you running Gravatars in no&nbsp;time.<a class="more_link" href="%s">Example Plugins and Code &rarr;</a>

在你的網站中使用Gravatar圖片非常簡單,你甚至不需要任何帳號!這裡有<a href="%s">現成的插件</a>提供主流的網誌軟體和內容管理系統,<a href="%s">我們的教學</a>將協助你在極短的時間內把Gravatar圖片功能搞定!<a class="more_link" href="%s">範例插件與程式碼 &rarr;</a>

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Date added:
2014-03-15 10:28:13 GMT
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小喵 (a60301)
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